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Request @lestajr

1 hour......ik

But it's worth it😊....have a nice rest of the day

Daglyn Strongwise ♥️ dan repost

Children of God dan repost

ThePsalmist? dan repost

THE knowledge of the effect of Eternal Life on man's spirit is yet in its infancy. Man is in God's class of being. He is a spirit, made in the image and likeness of God. When he fell, his spirit became estranged, separated from God. The human heart has never been satisfied with anything that the world could give. The heart hunger, or the spirit hunger of man, is perhaps the most outstanding feature of man's life. We have learned how to cultivate our bodies and develop them to become athletes. We have learned how to cultivate the intellect; so we have become mental gymnasts. We have found that there is almost no limit to the development of the human mind. But there has never been a teacher or a chair in any university to teach us how to develop our spirits. Your spirit is the real you. It is the part of you that contacts God, the part of you that is recreated and receives Eternal Life.

It is the part of you that should dominate your thinking faculties. It is the part of you that gives personality or color to you. We speak of men with courage. It took me a long time to find that courage is not a product of the thinking faculties, that faith and love are not products of the thinking faculties. Then faith, love, courage, hope, and fear are not the products of your intellect. You cannot reason fear out of your spirit any more than you can reason love into it. The thing that differentiates us from each other is, in reality, our human spirits. Love is not the product of the intellect. You cannot reason love into people. I have tried that. It cannot be done. The Word was given to us by the Holy Spirit.
It was given to us to fit and develop our spirit natures.

"Two Kinds of Life"


ThePsalmist? dan repost

This interesting prayer was given in Kansas, USA, at the opening session of their Senate. It
seems prayer still upsets some people.
When *Minister Joe Wright* was asked to open the new session of the *Kansas Senate*, everyone was expecting the usual generalities,
but this is what they heard:
*"Heavenly Father*, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says: "Woe to those who call evil good", but that is exactly what we have done.
*We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.*
*We have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word and called it Pluralism.*
*We have worshipped other gods and called it multiculturalism.*
*We have endorsed perversion and called it alternative lifestyle.*
*We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery.*
*We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.*
*We have killed our unborn and called it choice.*
*We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable.*
*We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem.*
*We have abused power and called it politics.*
*We have embezzled public funds and called it essential expenses.*
*We have insitutionalised bribery and called it sweets of office.*
*We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition.*
*We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression.*
*We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.*

Search us, Oh GOD, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Amen!"
The response was immediate. A number of legislators walked out during the prayer in protest.
In 6 short weeks, *Central Christian Church*, where *Rev. Wright* is pastor, logged more than *5,000* phone calls with *only 47 of those calls responding negatively.*
The church is now receiving international requests for copies of
this prayer from India, Africa and Korea.
With the LORD'S help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and WHOLEHEARTEDLY become our desire so that we again can be

#try #forward to as #many #people as you can

Proof :

"Prayer delivered in Kansas State legislature by Pastor Joe Wright" - Hilton Griswold reads
Hilton Griswold reads the prayer Pastor Joe Wright prayed in the Kansas State legislature on January 23, 1996.

I Know God(IKG) dan repost
The certain end of the day is night and the undoubted end of the night is day.
No celebration in life lasts forever, celebrate cautiously.
Things will surely come to their normal state after every event no matter how significant and interesting it might be.
*Never be carried away by the overwhelming joys of events.*
You will still live after great events in your life, so act, enjoy and spend reasonably and moderately.
Celebration without caution can easily destroy your peace joy, dignity and even destroy your life as well.
Life will still go on after celebration so do not use all your strength and resources for a single event in your life, do not destroy your dignifying identity and relationship with your God and others.
Remain in the love of God.
*Good morning and have a lovely day*

Children of God dan repost

Adwoa? dan repost

Breathtaking Glory😍 by Dave Branon🖊

1 Chronicles 29:10–13 

Key verse;🔑
Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor.
1 Chronicles 29:11

God is beautiful😍. He's magnificent💫. He's perfect❤️. His beauty is reflected through His creation🌹.

God's residence should portray His splendour✨. He lives in us now✝. Are we exhibiting the beautiful traits of our God?😌

Rohi dan repost

Have godly role models.

‘Imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.’ 
Hebrews 6:12
Here are three lessons from David’s life: 1) God makes the choice. When Samuel the prophet came to David’s house to pick Israel’s next king, David wasn’t considered. But God chose him anyway – just like He chose Deborah to lead the nation in a male-dominated society. Stop trying to figure God out! And stop comparing yourself to others! We’d have rejected many of the people God used – which shows how little we know. 2) God designs the plan. ‘Being confident of this…that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it’ (Philippians 1:6 ). Who designs the plan? Who performs it? Who should your confidence be in? God! His plan for David involved years of dodging Saul’s spears, living in caves as a exile. God trains you through the difficulties you experience so you can handle the assignment He has in mind for you. 3) God sets the schedule. ‘Imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.’ Patience means standing firm under pressure. The prize belongs to the one who’s committed for the long haul. David was anointed king in his teens, but he didn’t take the throne until he was thirty. So be patient. God’s doing a work of preparation in your life so you’ll be ready when your time comes. Yes, waiting is hard. But if you run before the starter fires the gun, you’ll be disqualified from the race. Patience. Just keep your eyes on the prize and don’t give up.

Have a great day🏄🏽


IG: @lords_shepherds

™ChrislilWord? dan repost
People die young others old. Life is unfair sometimes rough other times exciting. Tomorrow is Unknown but our God is always in control. Be humble and serve God💯❤️🙋🏽🔥

Good morning 🇬🇭

💥Happy New Year💥
It’s our prayer that this year will mark the turning points of your lives...that this year will restore what was once broken, find what was once lost and recover what was once damaged.
We pray for pure divines in this year of 2018.
Everything falling into place is our greatest wish for you.
No plan and weapon fashioned by the enemy will pull through.
We pray for total coverage for the next 365 days.
Triumph. Victory. Success.
Start right with the Lord this year.
And he will take you through successfully
Happy New year...God bless🙏🏾🙏🏾

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