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🔠 Focus on the good

🔠 Do what you love.

🔠 Walk outdoors

🔠 Loving yourself today

🔠 To be brave

Themotivator⚡️   📷 Instagram

One of the most useful life skills is the ability to quickly forget all the bad : not to dwell on troubles, not to live with resentment, not to wallow in irritation, not to harbor anger. You should not drag various rubbish into your soul.

▪️ Buddha

Themotivator⚡️   📷 Instagram

👍 Critical thinking techniques

The inability to think critically leads to the fact that a person is unable to determine his or her own taste preferences, political, ideological, etc.

Basic techniques of critical thinking:

➡️ Check the information - to increase your confidence

➡️ Learn alternative points of view - compare different opinions, their pros and cons

➡️ Think logically.

➡️ Train critical thinking - playing chess, solving logic problems

Critical thinking is an important skill that allows you to navigate the information space and draw your own conclusions.

Themotivator⚡️   📷 Instagram

⁉️ How to define a person with high intelligence?

⚡️ Sense of humor: They know when to joke and when to hold back. They know how to joke about other people's mistakes without hurting feelings.

⚡️ Courtesy: Always say thank you, even if the service provided was minor.

⚡️ Do not be ashamed to apologize: If something went wrong, or if they were wrong, emotionally intelligent people are not shy about apologizing.

Themotivator⚡️   📷 Instagram

You can raise up from anything.
You can completely recreate yourself.
Nothing is permanent.
You are not stuck.
You have choices.
You can think new thoughts.
You can learn something new.
You can create new habits.

All that matter is that you decide today and never look back.

Themotivator⚡️   📷 Instagram

Checklist “Bad Habit Tracker”.

The sooner you give up a bad habit, the longer and better your life will be. Print the tracker and mark your results.

Themotivator⚡️   📷 Instagram

If you want to be happy , act like a happy person.

If you want to be rich, act like one.

If you want to live in this world, then live and rejoice, and don’t walk around with a crooked and dissatisfied face because the world is imperfect.

You create the world... in your head.

Themotivator⚡️   📷 Instagram

The most important lesson in my

“Be with someone who likes you. And not with the one you like"

You will tolerate anything from the girl you like. And you know it... You will tolerate what you don't tolerate from other girls.

And there might be a girl right next door who likes you. And she will do anything to keep you.

But you'd rather be with your beauty who's causing you nothing but problems, right?

This is our world...

Many people have a tendency to ignore loyal and dedicated people who need to be treated well

And at the same time, they treat people well who do not bring them anything good.

That is life...

Themotivator⚡️   📷 Instagram

It is very important to learn not to hold anyone

There are good people nearby - rejoice, there is no one nearby - relax, rethink your life.

Themotivator⚡️   📷 Instagram

"Don't be afraid the fail.
Be afraid not to try."


The beginning doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be there.

How often do we put something off in our desire to do it perfectly? Why not just start?

Over time, the necessary skills will be developed, but you can’t learn something without doing something for it. It will never be perfect the first time.

Themotivator⚡️   📷 Instagram

Y+X = confidence

Or "components of your confidence":

Purposefulness . Focus clearly on the cherished goal and act.

Financial independence. Work on strengthening your financial well-being.

Self-sufficiency. Minimizing dependence on others.

Self-organization . In any case, have a clear plan of action.

Strong environment. Your sources of help, support and inspiration.

Personal growth. The ability to overcome emerging fears and internal limitations.

Themotivator⚡️   📷 Instagram

Before you start something, figure out how to finish it.

Themotivator⚡️   📷 Instagram

🗣 Nobody but you...

⏺ will not achieve your goals
⏺ will not protect against all difficulties
⏺ will not always be on your side
⏺ won't fight for you
⏺ will not be with you always

You can always rely on YOURSELF

Themotivator⚡️   📷 Instagram

🗣 Phrases that can help defend personal boundaries

➧ I respect your opinion, but I do not accept it

➧ My "no" always means "no", you don't need to think about anything

➧ Of course, I understand that you did not want to offend, but it was unpleasant

➧ Thanks for the advice, I will take it into account / think about it

➧ This is your and only your personal opinion. I have another one.

Themotivator⚡️   📷 Instagram

It's time to...

• get yourself together.
• fix what can be fixed.
• improve your thoughts.
• read more books.
• indulge in self developments.
• work on your moods.
• get stronger and healthier.
• work on yourself.
• work on your happiness.
• be full of self love.
• improve on your weaknesses.
• be comfortable about growth.
• outgrow yourself.
• be who you were meant to be.

Themotivator⚡️   📷 Instagram

❗️ 5 important reminders:

1. There is no right age to learn anything.
2. There is no right age to start traveling
3. There is no right age to move out or start a family.
4. There is no right age to start working or to leave work.
5. There is no right age to get an education.

Do everything at your own pace and you will be able to do everything💜

Themotivator⚡️   📷 Instagram

❤️ Treating yourself well is :

✅ be able to negotiate with yourself
✅ to be able to rest well
✅ be able to support yourself
✅ to be able to see the good
✅ be able to calm yourself down

To be able to love yourself ♥️

Themotivator⚡️   📷 Instagram

💸 Lessons about money:

✅ Never rely on one source of income.

✅ Develop a money mindset

✅ Avoid debt at all costs

✅ Save part of your income

✅ Don't go broke trying to impress.

✅ Don't stop learning and investing in yourself.

🗣 Either you control your money or the lack of it controls you.

Themotivator⚡️   📷 Instagram

💪 We gain strength when:

✅ we gain new knowledge;
✅ overcome our fears;
✅ try something new;
✅ engage in creativity;
✅ we communicate with nice people;
✅ we communicate with people who support us and believe in us;
✅ we do our body (any physical practices, bath, swimming pool are suitable);
✅ free up physical space (remember how different you feel in a renovated room);
✅ free up emotional space (remember how you feel differently when you managed to forgive and say goodbye to a person);
✅ we say "no" when we want to say "no" and we say "yes" when we want to say "yes";
✅ we begin to do what the heart asks.

Themotivator⚡️   📷 Instagram

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