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🔥The Phoenix Nest: Reborn🔥 dan repost
Escalate your thanksgiving dinner tonight.

This is a threat.

🔥The Phoenix Nest: Reborn🔥 dan repost
Can't wait to post this exact same line again as original content

🔥The Phoenix Nest🔥 dan repost
Escalate your thanksgiving dinner tonight.

This is a threat.

🔥The Phoenix Nest: Reborn🔥 dan repost
If you want yet another example, the recent shooting by some retard foreigner in the Netherlands is exactly the same case.

Government was amply warned and still chose to ignore it and not give one iota of a fuck. They had the opportunity to arrest the guy, label him a RW extremist and appear strong and capable in the eyes of the masses, thereby making them calmer and less inclined to start shit.
They squandered that chance, but now a bunch of people, infected with an IDF-mind virus, go "THEY SHOULDVE KNOWN!!! FALSE FLAG!!!"

Get it out of your thick skulls, our enemies have the potential of great incompetence. Victory has defeated them, seize the day🔥

Synagogue of Satan Pilled 2 /// dan repost
Case in point.

These people are arrogant as all hell, they think their enemies are subhuman cattle that need not be feared.

Learn from this white man, your opressors view you the same way as Israelis view Palestinians and you're leagues ahead of the latter in ability and potential.

So go out there, squad up and grow to be worthy of your European heritage. Train, learn skills of arms. Become a warrior. God bless ⚡️⚡️

𝐙𝖔𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖗𝐖𝖆𝖋𝖋𝖊𝖓 dan repost
Well there it is. Israel did indeed know of the Hamas attack before hand.

Egypt Intelligence Minister phoned Israel to warn them. The warning was ignored. This is of course is in addition to the thousands of other warnings detected by their intelligence services.

This is playing out exactly as it did in 1973

Synagogue of Satan Pilled 2 /// dan repost
I see too far many people obsessing how the Israelis "Should've known" / "saw it coming" when they should be running OODA-loops about the matter with their closest friends.

Our enemies are not omnipotent, they're arrogant and absolutely able to fail.

Do you really think Stalin did not know a German military buildup was occuring? He still didn't see it coming and had a mental breakdown, locking himself in his office for a week sobbing like the little manlet georgian jew he was.

You are obligated to subscribe here aswell.

🔥The Phoenix Nest🔥 dan repost
Join the new, uncesored channel. The time to migrate is now.

🔥The Phoenix Nest: Reborn🔥 dan repost
If it's impossible to win a battle within the current chessboard, change the entire game.


🔥The Phoenix Nest: Reborn🔥 dan repost
Let me share with you all workable solutions I've employed for two years to great success with my friends at arms.

Follow this wisdom and you will build the groundworks for victory. The wisdom comes not from me, cold hard experience has proven her value. Be wise and follow these words, so you can have fundamentals from which to work.


The four MUSTS of your team

1. You MUST have every meeting organized face to face. If you do not do this, your group's resolve will begin to weaken. Physical prescense is the absolute ground necessity. You train together, you learn together. There can be no room for lone individuals. Your battlebudy has your back, so have his.

2. You MUST share a similar worldview and religion.
The value of religiosity speaks for itself, anyone who does not see it's value is a fool and need not be part of your efforts.
The unity of worldview again is crucial. If you do not share political principles with your team, you again shall suffer as a group through disunity and ever increasing and silently growing distrust.

3. You MUST have a clear code of conduct and honour.
Man is a fallen creature, and we all fall in our duties from time to time. When we do, it is of importance that we seek justice for our misdeeds. You must have a method of physically punishing yourself for your failures through extra excercises. Your brothers at arms must be present and witness the imbalance caused by failure now restored through just punishment. Be clear about this with your brothers from the very beginning. Behave with honour and integrity amongst eachother. This is the only way to grow. Do not cower away from your failures, because they will eventually catch up with you, and all your brothers at arms will suffer.

4. You MUST have a code of valour that you and your brothers keep to.
It follows from aforementioned points that this is required. Dedicate yourself to higher goals, ethics and examplary results. Strive for excellence in Bravery & Caution, dilligence & patience, loyalty to your brothers & devotion to your cause. Seize opportunity wherever it arises; be vigilant for the chances heaven gives you, walk not in darkness!

With these core virtues defined and ready, you can begin to establish your group.

You must organize yourselves into communities within about 20 minutes driving of eachother.
You must at least organize into groups of two, for it will greatly improve your options and chances. Without your battlebuddy you are already dead.

Then, as a group you must train twice a week:
first you train the martial arts so you and your buddy will grow strong. Be not afraid of hitting eachother, learn to get hit, learn to receive a punch.

second, you must train the practical skills of teamwork & movement, map reading, map making, navigation, and how to march in good pace through unconventional terrain while carrying your equipment.

Furher, your group must attach the acquisitions of skills to your efforts. You must do this in two layers:
1st, Give every member of the group a skill assignment to delve deeper into (Medical knowledge, survival knowledge, radio knowledge and comms, etc.)
Every so often a member must give a presentation on the subject he's studying. The mark of his mastery will be his ability to explain this subject to his brothers at arms, by this standard, judge yourself when you present a topic!

2. The entire group has a book in common related to theory to study, which will deepen the understanding of the entire group on laws of war, nature of conflicts, rules of violence, political theory, whatever may be relevant. This is crucial, you may NEVER accept stagnation in your knowledge.

Further, every single week the group must analyze the current situation of politics using the OODA-loop. This is both an excercise aswell as a vital tool to adjust the trajectory the team has embarked on in light of developments.

🔥The Phoenix Nest: Reborn🔥 dan repost
The Natural Laws of Obedience and Leadership (The Law of Authority)

(A piece of what I wrote in response to the question of obedience to popes, magistrates and kings.)

If his [Pope Francis] opinion is, by default, to be given the highest regards then his holiness is to be an example of the highest magnitude aswell.

This is a law so natural to mankind; you must be worthy of the authority with which you teach. Nobody would listen if I told them to pray their daily decades if I don't do it myself.

This natural law of authority can be observed as a behaviour in everyone, young or old.

Young men full of vigour do not obey a man or woman in front of a classroom if they cannot keep strict order and discipline; they do not fulfill the requirements of what the boys need in a teacher. But one that can maintain order, exudes calm and collected wisdom and truth they will obey and listen to every word.

So it is that obedience is earned, not given. Obedience to an 'office' is nothing but a tool to make men into subjects and slaves. It is unnatural to the Aryan race.
[History proves this through examples of Alexander the Great, the elected kings of Germanic tribes, Jesus Christ Himself and many other examples.]

Leadership is conquered, obedience is earned.

Because God's power is absolute, we are to give absolutely obedience to Him. But man fails, and so we often transgress His laws that, were we to give perfect obedience to them, our lives could be glorious. For God's wisdom is perfect, like Himself. This all stands to reason.

This is then the naturally emerging struggle of man: to struggle to not give undue authority and obedience to other men, and to struggle and give absolute obedience to God.

🔥The Phoenix Nest: Reborn🔥 dan repost
Do right; hire white

🔥The Phoenix Nest: Reborn🔥 dan repost
Do it right; hire a white

🔥The Phoenix Nest: Reborn🔥 dan repost
To add: simply removing them from the workplace will bring multiple positive benefits such as:

1. Less stress put on white employees, whose solid work ethic will flourish. Uniformity in culture and ethnicity creates a very strong base to work with.

2. Fewer costs for the business resulting in higher wages. Generally, 3 whites do the work of 10 negroes. (That's not arbitrary, it's what I've seen with my own eyes day after day at blue collar jobs)

3. Less racial tensions, fewer losses due to theft, generally more responsible employees leading to a cleaner working environment.

🔥The Phoenix Nest: Reborn🔥 dan repost
Negroes on the workfloor results in the managers squeezing every last inch of productivity out of the whites.

It's a betrayal and economic terror on the working class man.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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