The White Post

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A pro-White channel dedicated to documenting anti-White hatred, various politics, history, culture, traditions, art, aesthetics, music, and more.

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Never stop talking about what they're doing, regardless of what they do to us, never stop talking about the war on Whites, ever.

We have a serious problem with politician's in Europe.

Our governments, media, and all the most powerful institutions in our nations have psychologically damaged generations of White European children. They have forced mass immigration on us and have increased the number of immigrants they bring in every decade and continue to increase those numbers every single year. They teach White children to hate themselves and their ancestors, that their heritage, culture, and traditions hold nothing of any value. Our nations and our people are being destroyed, and they want you to believe White Nationalism, the "Far-Right", is a threat to you and your loved ones. They are lying, and they have been lying to us for decades. Love your own people, unite, and stand together against the forces in this world that seek to bring about our destruction. Our existence is not immoral, it is our right to exist in this world, it is a duty to all people to ensure that their own people continue existing.


4 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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