The Yudings.

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

A cheerful young girls from IZ*ONE who also being happy virus to anyone has a very friendly personality. She was called 안유진!

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Hai, siapa mau main?

dh cakep

Kami tidak akan ribut, kalo leri enggak mancing duluan???

subs dulu oghey

biar gampang

pake @ ya guyss

Drop your username with @ to get “you as (isi sendiri)” from The Yudings.

Anonymous: @nayuna as temen deket
Anonymous: @chaeewon as kakak
Anonymous: @alineakedua as big sister
Anonymous: @jwheon as sister
Anonymous: @Chaeryeohg as your crush, thank you!
Anonymous: @alineapertama as kakak
Anonymous: @jaehdee as classmate
Anonymous: @ahnnyujiin as jajanan anak sd
Anonymous: @Chooiyena as kakak
Anonymous: @yuuwjin as pacar 💜💜💜
Anonymous: @terusuh as titan:D
Anonymous: @YekhShuhua as classmate
Anonymous: @yunathetallest as bestie
Anonymous: @ktaeehyunhg as boyfriend
Anonymous: @itsAnYujin as mama deyuy dha
Anonymous: @digombalin as pacar
Anonymous: @MiladyTheKim as bunda
Anonymous: tyoujin as bestie
Anonymous: @osakaside as kakak
Anonymous: @iyachaewon as pacar

🔒 Board ditutup

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
If no one has told you today:

♡ you are worth it
♡ you can do anything
♡ you are radiant
♡ you are strong
♡ you are beautiful

Not everyday is a good day, live anyway. Not all you love will love you back, love anyway. I know there are bad days, but be strong. I love you.

— All the love, The Yudings.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Do not think of heartbreak as misery, but as a blessing — a sign from fate, a heads up from the world. Be thankful that you found out soon enough and that you can start over again.

I know it hurts, it will hurt, and you will feel like your world is crumbling down around you and your heart is in physical pain but you will get over that, just like you have before. And see, well, you’re still alive. You’re still here. You can still smile. You can feel pain.

That’s good. You’re human.

— All the love, The Yudings ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎♡


IZ*ONE's INSTAGRAM update with Ahn Yujin.

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