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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Restricted. dan repost
Finally, 1st July has come! Happy level up day for our Lee Taeyong and all Lee Taeyong rp-ers.

Especially Theiro, Yugo, Jerrick, Alriz, Ken, Rayhan, Tendra, Jesa, Mahes, Tiwayong, Hugo, Rasha, Bima, Agravan, Pael, Dipta, Aksa, Relino, Hiro, Grastian, Chiory, Althetio.

Wish you all the best and may all your dreams come true today. God bless you & enjoy your special day!

imagination dan repost
Happy Birthday to our leader, Lee Taeyong and also to all of Taeyong rp-ers!

especially for Tian, Arche, Tyvarsōn, Ken, Kale, Pael, Jordan, Aksa, Abiazhar, and Chiory.

Best wishes to all of you! Enjoy ur day and take care of ur muse. Stay healthy and always be happy!!

✩ · 박 ﹆.  dan repost
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hαppꪱᧉ bꪱrthdαy urꪱ bubu ,kᧉᧉp smꪱlꪱng for us okαy ?wᧉ’ll αlwαys support you ,αnd gꪱvᧉ you αll of our lovᧉ !
cᧉlᧉbrαtᧉ your bꪱrthdαy wꪱth hαppꪱnᧉss ,tαᧉyong – ꪱᧉ

special greetings for you,happy birthday to: grastian,aero,ken,chibboyi,chiory,alriz,jesa,jerick,byzrantheo,ansel,rayhan,rasha,agravan,dipta,tendra,bima,julian,yeven,tiwayong,trafalgar,pael,relino,mahes,hiro,hugo,garlen,aksa,jeostine,althetio

Aespa Maknae. dan repost
Finally! Today is a special day for Lee Taeyong, because today is his BIRTHDAY!! Happy Birthday to Lee Taeyong.

And for Lee Taeyong roleplayers especially for Fathur, Aksa, Mahes, Jesa, Julian, Trafalgar, Hugo, Tiwayong, Pael, Bima, Kale, Chibbo, Agravan, Rasha & Althetio!! 🤩

May your day be filled with happines and joy always. Hope you have a wonderful day and that the year is filled with much love, think positively and be strong!! Stay healty. Thank you for living your life in a way that makes every day worth celebrating. Once again, Happy birthday. Enjoy your day!

fucc it up. dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Happy Birthday to our leader, Lee Taeyong
and all Lee Taeyong rp-ers especially me, Yeven, Grastian, Jeostine, Rayhan, Relino, Tendra, Hiro, Alriz, Chiory, Hugo, Chibbo, Alendra, Pael, Julian, Mahes, Dipa, Aksa, Agravan, Rasha, Gio, Bima, Yoshi, Tyvarsōn, Fathur, Agas, Keftara, Arche, Jordan, Sethoirse, Theodore, Tama, Logan, Hizkia, Elio, Thero, Akel, Zevon, Tian, Gama, Yugo, Tian, Tobias, Kale, Trafalgar, Ravel, Treyton, Arka, Christhoper, Aldenaga, Fawaz, Marlow, Baraskal, Mahendra, Juandra, Googgie, Abian.

May you always be happy and God bless you all.
I wish you all always be successful and stay healty. And last but not least, hopefully you can use Lee Taeyong face claim responsibly.

Born to Run. dan repost
Happy Birthday to our beloved leader, Lee Taeyong. Also happy birthday for all Lee Taeyong rp-ers, especially; Alriz, Ragas, Arche and Aksa. Thank you for using Lee Taeyong as your muse. I hope y’all can use and potraying your muse as well, may all of your best wishes be fulfilled, wish you a long life, may God bless you and enjoy your day.

Yay! It's July 1, 2021, and today is NCT's Taeyong Birthday.

𝐻appy 𝐵irthday to 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐠 NCT. I hope his life will be blessed, healthy, full of joy, and successful in the future. Happy birthday too to 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐠 roleplayers especially: Alriz, Tendra, Byzrantheo, Chibbo, Agas, Pael, Arka, Trafalgar, Sethiorse, Jerick, Theodore, Dipta, Mahesa, Arche, Ansel, Aksa, Agravan, Hugo, Jesa, Tiwayong, Rayhan, Fathur, Hizkia, Tian, Agam, Elio, Tama, Hiro, Kale, Ken, Tobias, Bima, Logan, Mahes, Althetio, Kaivan, Relino, Thero, Theodore, Jeostine, Julian, Keftara, Jordan, Grastian, Yeven, and Chiory.

I hope everyone who reads this message will always support 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐠 in the future. 𝐸𝒾𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 with his career, hobbies, and all the good things for Taeyong.

Briena B.

dan repost
Not exactly the 1rd but I will say it first. happy brithday Lee Tae-yong or who's known Taeyong. hopefully everything railed to give a smooth road without obstacles, may God always bless 🥺🤍

and happy brithday especially for Dipa, Gio, Alriz, Aksa, Jerick, Gema, Hugo, Alendra, Kale, Sea, Tyvarson, Hiro, Baraskal, Zevon, Jordan, Tama, Aldenaga, Dipta, Tendra, Fathur, Chiory, Camaro, Bima, Marlow, Christopher, Althetio, Akel, Agravan, Mahes

aku berharap kalian bisa menjaga nama baik Taeyong yaa!

best regards,


pillowtalk. dan repost
Happy level up day Lee Taeyong. I wish you every day to be filled with lots of love, laughter, happiness and the warmth of sunshine. And also happy birthday to everyone who uses Taeyong as their face claim especially Me, Agravan, Aksa, Aldenaga, Alendra, Alriz, Althetio, Ansel, Bima, Chiory, Christopher, Dipa, Dipta, Fawaz, Garlen, Grastian, Hiro, Hugo, Jeostine, Jerick, Jesa, Julian, Kale, Ken, Mahes, Mahesa, Marlow, Pael, Ragas, Rasha, Relino, Tama, Tendra, Tiwayong, Trafalgar, Tyvarsōn, Yeven, and all Taeyong Rp-ers. Enjoy your day!

With love, Rayhan.

1 July 2021, it's Leader Taeyong Day!

26 years ago, a boy who named Lee Taeyong was born and come to the world to give Lee's Family an endless happiness.

And now on July 1st, 2021. He's turning 26!

Happy Birthday to Lee Taeyong & also all of Lee Taeyong Rp - ers out there especially for Agam, Agas, Agravan, Aksa, Aldenaga, Alriz, Altethio, Ansel, Arche, Arka, Baraskal, Bima, Byzrantheo, Chibbo, Chiory, Christopher, Dipa, Dipta, Elio, Fathur, Garlen, Grastian, Hiro, Hugo, Jesa, Jeostine, Jerick, Jordan, Julian, Kaivan, Kale, Keftara, Ken, Mahes, Mahesa, Marlow, Pael, Rayhan, Rasha, Relino, Tama, Tendra, Theodore, Tiwayong, Trafalgar & Yeven.

May all of your dream come true, thank you for being an inspiring person. I hope you happy ever after, given health & wish you have a great great great birthday!

alaric's dan repost
Happy birthday Lee Taeyong and also all Taeyong rp-ers especially Jordan, Bima, Tian, Aksa, Tiwayong, Pael, Jeostine, Hugo, Biaz. May your lucky stars continue to shine and make all of your dreams come true. Enjoy your day with all of the pleasures.

—𝒴evina’s 𝒯erritory dan repost
happy born day, Lee Taeyong! hope you’re life is always full of happiness. thank you for being a kind person. i wish the wishes you want will come true! enjoy all the hugs and love you’re getting today! stay healthy && once again, happy birthday to Lee Taeyong and also all Lee Taeyong rp-ers.
Jerick, Agravan, Jeostine, Rayhan, Tiwayong, Pael, Alriz, Dipta, Bima, Rasha, Hugo, Mahes, Aksa, Hiro, Relino, Trafalgar, Fathur, Tian, Sethoirse, Arche, Elio, Jordan, Arka, Mahesa, Keftara, Agas, Akel, Hizkia, Zevon, Gama, Tian, Tyvarsōn, Agam, Theodore, Tendra, Gio, Gema, Camaro, Ravel, Abiazhar, Sea, Tanaka, Alendra, Yugo, Grastian, Garlen, Chiory, Adeja and Althetio

i wish all the best for all of you and i hope y’all can be a better person in the future. have a great birthday today!! 💗🎂🎂
⠀     。゚゚・。・゚゚。⠀  
  ˚。  。˚

𝕋acenda dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Happy Belated Birthday to Lee Taeyong 🥰🥳
and also Happy Birthday to all Lee Taeyong rp ers, esp:

Gio, Rayhan, Aksa, Chibboyi, Rasha, Chiori, Garlen, Hugo, Mahes, Pael, Tiwayong, Yeven, Julian, Bima, Tendra, Agravan, Dipta, Adeja

May god bless you, hope u still be a good man, i wish all good things for y'all, may happiness always be with u, i hope u always blessed and loved, stay positive, calm, kind, pure heart, wise, and be a loyal person, no more sadness again, best wishes for u all! 🥺🕊🤍

Love, 𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚💗

会 — 𝐊 !¡ dan repost
💭🎥 : Warmer greetings for every single soul who saw this message! Do you know what day is today?

☆. 1 July, the day when Lee Taeyong was born! also for all Lee Taeyong rp–ers esp for :

Andrew, Julian, Bima, Aksa, Theodore, Tian, Tiwayong, Arche, Gama, Trafalgar, Tanaka, Arthur, Tobias, Jordan, Grastian, Althetio, Dipta, Camaro, Chiory, Fathur, Jesa, and Agam!

⠀⠀ Wishing you all the best, have a great birthday. We love you all and of course Lee Taeyong too. Keep using your muse as best you can, okay? I hope you have a wonderful birthday, be happy and also stay healthy!

    "To our precious 𝐋ee 𝐓aeyong"

𝓗appiest 𝓑irthday our beautiful rose! Thank u so much for taking care of the members, giving us such beautiful musics, showing us ur hardworks and love towards us. I am hoping for ur good health and for your safety! Thank you for everything!

And also, 𝓗appy 𝓑irthday for all 𝐋ee 𝐓aeyong rp — ers. especially for me, Rayhan, Ragas, Fathur, and Dipta.

Happy mensive, Daddy Jo♡

  Happy birthday to Jonathan's mundane.
      Lobbe you Daddy !♡

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