Tribe of the Fox

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Northwestern European shamanism

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This wonderfull tree feels like a safe haven. Solid and warm. On this picture you can't actually see how big it is, but is is huge. It was immediately o.k. that I was there, the tree gave me a warm welcome. If you visit our channel, you can also find a video from Martijn about connecting with trees. If you haven't seen it yet, check out and watch. And find some very nice trees to connect with in your own surroundings.

Pacing back and forth the banks of a pond on a nice day......just contemplating Wodan, Loki and what role they play in the balance of our lives and society. Come and join us and lets contemplate together.

The Urban Animist dan repost

The Urban Animist dan repost
Every morning as the sun is Rising, I stand staring at her in her journey into the morning sky.
I thank her for rising once again, and I usually give her fresh goats milk from goats milked not long before.
I'll say "Sunna, as you strengthen through the day, empower me to do the same.
May I be successful in every endeavor today. Allow me to be strong enough to withstand any storm that may be sent my way today.

Then as Sunna Sets every evening I will give her incense. And say, "Good night Sunna, may I see you again on the other horizon soon.
I thank you and I'm so very grateful for the day you have given me.

The small things do the most for ones soul and ones connection to everything.
Dont be afraid to acknowledge the spirits that have such might and power. They are our Biggest allies in this world.

After I buried my new runeset for 9 nights, I entered the 3rd night. What did happen? Sometimes you can get strong messages, completely unexpected. Want to know more? And want to connect on your own way with runes or other magical symbols? Watch our new video. Thanks for your wonderfull support.

The Urban Animist dan repost
Because of my Close attachment to The River that runs through my town, and to the greater Spirits that reside and embody it, The Blue Heron is an Omen for me.
Always a Good Omen.
When I’m thinking I can’t get out of something(situation or thought) or if I’m extremely worried The Blue Heron will literally either Land across from me on the opposite banks of the river, sometimes it’ll land very close to me. And other times it’ll just fly over me.
When one of these happens I know I’m going to be just fine.
The Heron Mother sends her Children to relay messages to me and many others. But most do not hear the message because they don’t know how, or they chose to ignore it.
I don’t. I am always thankful for the signs and messages.
Always be aware of the signs and omens around you at all times. If not, you may miss something important

Somewhere in de woods, in the middle of the Netherlands, we discovered about 2000 burials mounds. A lot of them were already discovered during the '20's ande later. But I was happy to volunteer this project of searching for more of them. And beside the hystorical value, we feel ofcourse the wonderfull spiritual value. So watch and join this visit.

Soon the Tribe of the Fox is going to release three new videos. The first video is planned for tomorrow and is made by Dirkje. It is about visiting burial mounds to make contact with the ancestors. Dirkje filmed it in the beautiful Veluwe area, a place with 1000's of burial mounds, and talks about her experiences. The second video is planned for next monday and is about the runes. Dirkje tells about her experiences with the power of runes. And later next week the Tribe of the Fox will release a video about Wodan en Loki and how they play a role in the balance of our lives. The videos are coming your way🙂!

For today the Tribe of the Fox released a video about how to connect with trees. We speak from experience, instead of theoretical knowledge, about this beautiful animist Northwestern-European practice. Lets connect with our treefriends and share this enjoyable and fun practice with the younger generations🙂. Just like our ancestors did.

Next thursday the Tribe of the Fox will release a video on our YT channel about how to connect with trees. This is a very important skill and not that hard to learn. Connecting with trees can teach you and your kids a lot about nature and about trusting your own intuition. This is a great way to change our way of thinking more towards how our ancestors were thinking before abrahamist thinking was forced upon the Northwestern-European folk. Christian clergy was against European people worshipping trees and the church even made laws against this beautiful practice. Guess what....we are still talking to trees😄😎!

Rivers are a very important part of the landscape we live in. People are drawn to rivers, not just for economic reasons, but also for recreation. Rivers often just have this nice energy radiating from them. Thats because rivers are living, spirited beings. The Urban Animist loves to tell about the Concho River in Texas and make videos about this important animist practice. In the meanwhile The Tribe of the Fox is filming videos in Holland about this topic and our videos about the river 'Nieuwe Maas' are being released in the near future.

This lovely townhall in Holland is now a happy place. People marry there and when the weather is nice people eat and drink on the terraces of the restaurants there. Long forgotten seem the days of witchhunting in the 16th century. Although witchhunting was never as big in Holland as in other North(Western)-European countries there was witchhunting here too. The attic of this townhall was used to imprison women who were suspects of witchcraft. They were tortured and burned alive in front of the townhall. Fortunately these days are long gone! I always think about these women when i see this townhall and value my own freedom. There is nothing better than freedom!

Fairytales contain a lot of knowledge about our Northwestern-European way of thinking that we had before abrahamism took over. One of these great fairytales is 'Frau Holle'. The deity Holle is very important in Northern-German and Dutch paganism. She is a very complex deity that rules the underworld and plays an important role in nature and in our 'wyrd'. By learning more about this fairytale, and understanding it, we can recover our pre-christian way of thinking again and teach this to our children. In the near future the Tribe of the Fox will release 2 videos about this fairytale and its meaning, because its so important. For now, and for the German is a beautiful German familymovie about Holle:

The Tribe of the Fox likes to focus on the beauty of nature and culture. When this becomes a natural mindset it will change you and your energysystem. Likeminded people will gravitate to you aswell as situations that suit you. This is power that YOU own. We call this magick.

Oakwise Becoming dan repost
Crossroads are liminal places. They are places of transformation. Which path will you choose? Will you be dragged on someone else’s path? Will you allow others to stop you from taking yours?

True, crossroads are liminal places. Sometimes it is good not be able to go back again when you made a decision. That's the energy of Loki....get rid of that which is not functional anymore.Thats destruction in a positive way and now there is room to grow again.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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