Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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👤 t.me/ajiguds/2

👥 1 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

"Thank you for being my friend!" he quoth it with a charming smile. "Don't hesitate to tell stories; ok? I'm ready to be your listener or vitamin C." He continued, still with his sweet smile.

His eyes, which bear thousands of stars, wink cutely every time her name is bid. Then the next sight is his smile, which blooms like sunflowers 'i the morrow. This funny figure shall ne'r get tired of greeting thou with a smile. He shall bid simple things like, "how was thy day?" or, "what's the story today?" then say, "thanks for having a good day." A simple topic that can carry many other topics

He shall not get tired of listening to all thy stories and shall also advise thou would he thinks thou are guilty. His heart is soft and bright like the morrow travelling lamp. Haply for some people the affection he grants is too much, yet whatever he doth, he carries out his role as a listener. ㅤㅤ

👤 Lebih dekat, yuk.

Yuk yukkkk. Room chat ku terbuka lebaaaar buat kalian semua! Jadi, jangan malu-malu ya buat ketok, pasti ku bales, walau sedikit lambat, hehe. 🐢

👤 lo asik bang, temenan hayu

Ayo! Datang aja kesini @chaenlezh, atau kalau kamu malu, bisa kesiniii @CalandramayaBot. Ku tunggu, ya, teman baru!

📝 It's a secret! 🫢
Simpan bracketnya ya, karena ini bersifat rahasia.

👤 asik banget

👤 such a cute and humble boy.

👤 Tetap jadi orang yang baik ya dan jangan lupa untuk bahagia dan bersyukur

👤 Be thankful for everything that happens in your life; it’s all an experience.

👤 apapun yang terjadi tetap semangat jalani hari!!

👤 kul bgt banh

👤 take care of yourself

👤 semoga kamu bisa membantu banyak orang dan selalu lindungan Tuhan

👤 haiii haiii semogaa kamuu selalu dikelilingi oleh orang-orang baikkk dann hal-hall yangg baikk jugaa yaa

👤 keep spirit kindest yaa

👤 lo keren, mabar gak bang

👤 Lucu bangettt, mana lg sy suka bnget sm chenle. I like ur vibes. Pengen bngt rengkut jadi adek sya

👤 Omg your so cutee

👤 kalaaa, km wucuu oren oren🫢

👤 Lebih dekat, yuk.

👤 cute

👤 cakepp bangett

👤 Kamu ini lucu, tapi ada aura mengintimidasi nya juga.

👤 cal wucuukk, jangan berubah krna org lain yaa! berubah utk diri kmuu dan jga untuk kebaikan

👤 Ca, i can't smile Maybe i can't smile ever

👤 Kiyowo banget 👍🏻😔

👤 omae very keren desu

👤 elow keren abiezzz xixixie

👤 kamu itu manis, let's date w me tonight?

👤 lo asik bang, temenan hayu

👤 Lo cute asli

👤 hello, lo keren, tetap jadi diri lo sendiri ya, jangan cape buat hidup, ngeluh boleh

👥 27 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

Let's be honest. What did you think about me?
  •   You're a cool person, but kind of intimidating too.
  •   Such a cute boy! Humble and kind. Also social butterfly
  •   It feels like I'm talking to a weirdo and a jamet, but it's okay, you're fun to chat with!
  •   You're so attractive, really caught my attention.
36 ta ovoz

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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