вавилонська бібліотека

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
Toifa: San’at

my library is an archive of longings
вавилонська бібліотекарка @vacant_lights

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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i wonder
what do you love
when no one remembers?

dharma: the swan station dan repost
‘the secret history’, donna tartt


To Myself
Franz Wright

You are riding the bus again
burrowing into the blackness of Interstate 80,
the sole passenger

with an overhead light on.
And I am with you.
I'm the interminable fields you can't see,

the little lights off in the distance
(in one of those rooms we are
living) and I am the rain

and the others all
around you, and the loneliness you love,
and the universe that loves you specifically, maybe,

and the catastrophic dawn,
the nicotine crawling on your skin —
and when you begin

to cough I won't cover my face,
and if you vomit this time I will hold you:
everything's going to be fine

I will whisper.
It won't always be like this.
I am going to buy you a sandwich.

ну він

True that love in withdrawal was the weeping of me
That the sound of the saw must be known by the tree
Must be felled for to fight the cold
I fretted fire but that was long ago

With the roar of the fire, my heart rose to its feet
Like the ashes of ash I saw rise in the heat
Settle soft and as pure as snow
I fell in love with the fire long ago

With each love I cut loose, I was never the same
Watching still living roots be consumed by the flame
I was fixed on your hand of gold
Laying waste to my lovin' long ago

So in awe, there I stood as you licked off the grain
Though I've handled the wood, I still worship the flame
Long as amber of ember glows
All the "would that I'd loved" is long ago

Hozier - Would That I

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