“It’s 2024 and I want to change my life! I’m going to wake up at 5am every day, get my dream physique, read a book a week, run a marathon and become a millionaire-“
Stop right there. That’s the issue. Your ego is making you believe you can achieve waay more than you actually can right now.
Humble yourself. If you could handle all that, you’d already be doing it. You’re a level 1 trying to slay a level 100 dragon. Start with the level 1 chickens. If you slay enough of them, you’ll slowly start to level up.
This is how progress is made. By starting slow. Maybe for you that’s waking up 10 minutes earlier than normal. If you wake up at let’s say 10 AM, then your goal should be to wake up at 9:50 and do five push-ups. That’s it that’s your new morning routine.
But our egos tell us “what good is 5 push ups? I can do way more!”
Humble yourself. Start slow. And the results will show.
“The most beloved deeds to Allah are the consistent ones, even if they are small” -Muhammad PBUH
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