code; GreenLand #BLOUP
PRICE; 8,000
Include; ➜ pinned [no gif]
➜ ava
➜ TnC
➜ payment
➜ catalogue
➜ promo time
➜ temp testimoni
➜ temp qris
➜ 3 sticker border
あ '' rel='nofollow'>FORMAT // PAYMENT
あ no recollour
あ no with gif.
🎳 if u wanna see the details, chek on comsec.
for tele x.
PRICE; 8,000
Include; ➜ pinned [no gif]
➜ ava
➜ TnC
➜ payment
➜ catalogue
➜ promo time
➜ temp testimoni
➜ temp qris
➜ 3 sticker border
あ '' rel='nofollow'>FORMAT // PAYMENT
あ no recollour
あ no with gif.
🎳 if u wanna see the details, chek on comsec.
for tele x.