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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Keep having faith and don’t EVER give up!


This is going on in Phoenix tomorrow!

Sponsored by The Shriners…

The rain has been low also in NY and NJ!

Hochul wants to apply for FEMA!🤪🤪🤪

There it is in a nutshell!

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Another one bites the dust!!!

What’s going on in NY?

State of emergency?

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

5.7k 0 60 10 229

Just a reminder about the Finger Lakes!

They tell you thru their language!

4.9k 0 25 17 105


8k 0 27 12 288

Heidi, this battle is at its peak. Remember Jesus on the cross - He knew what was to come. We have absolutely no idea what He went through physically, mentally and spiritually but He is our example, leader and rock to stand on. He knew that day, He would be in Paradise. We who have accepted His obedience and fulfilled The Father’s design, have The indwelling Holy Spirit. We are powerful and the enemy, Satan, and his army know this. Dear friend, we lift you up.

Father uplift and encourage us all - your children. In Your Son’s precious Name.

5k 0 7 14 286

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Watch the Water
Exposing "hidden secrets" of the Finger Lakes. Join us for info and astonishing photos of the most mysterious wonders of the truth. 💥💥⭐🌊🔥🔥

Special Guest will Include
Ray and Nicole from Peterborough Canada

Special Thanks
GameNotGame for Original Score! Check out his channel and work!

We will open Voice chat Jun 24th @ 8:30 pm EST. PLEASE SHARE.

4.8k 0 39 13 97

This was the beginning of this channel!!!
The Finger Lakes is where it started!

4.6k 0 3 15 115

This is a picture of me after running one of many half marathons and my kids in the other two!

I have always been raised to stand up and be a fighter.

That video of that little girl made me realize a lot about myself after watching that.
I was the girl that was respected by the boys in gym class because I was the only girl that would be undefeated in sprint races in gym class against them. Not one boy could beat me. I was the first one to be picked on football teams.
That determination and fire will never burn out.
However, there comes a time when you have to realize where are we going?
I am at the crossroads of wondering what my next journey is once social media goes away.
We are definitely in this together, and there is no I in team.
After being in New York last week, the push is getting worse on the people living there.
We need to make a stand, and always being on here doesn’t allow us to do it physically in the real world.
It’s time we take our country back.

4.6k 0 12 21 348

Heidi, you were CHOSEN by God for this time! We are so Thankful for all the hard work, long hours you have sacrificed and to bring knowledge to us all❤️We are ALL going to get through these difficult times🙌Much Love and Prayers sweet Heidi❤️🙏❤️

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
This little girl was me and still is!

Her determination and fire will never burn out!

She will be something special for sure!

This is just the beginning for her and for me, the pages keep being written daily to the final chapter of our journey!

5k 0 38 8 271

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
All these distractions are totally taken us away from God, HUMANITY and the real reason why this channel was started!

The children!

Money is NOT the focus!

Last time I looked the word RICH means something totally different that what a lot of people push!

Humanity needs us now!

If we don’t focus on that then we will lose us!

God is telling us!

The focus needs to go back to the simple things!

This can only happen by you all helping collectively with it all!

Does this make sense?

8k 0 64 39 305

I Pray These Words,
Keep You Inspired

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.