Web development Free Course

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Web development Paid Course for Free

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Roadmap for becoming Back-End Developer in 2021

Learn the basics of Internet

1. How does the internet work?
2. What is HTTP & HTTPS?
3. What is Domain Name?
4. What is IP Address?
5. DNS and how it works?
6. What is hosting?
7. What is SMTP?

Basics of front-end languages

2. CSS
3. JavaScript

Learn a back-end language

1. PHP
2. NodeJS
3. Ruby On Rails
4. Python
5. Go
5. C#

Just learn anyone of the above language but make sure you have in-depth understanding of that language.

I will recommend NodeJs or PHP.

Learn Version Control System

1. Basic Git Commands
2. Repo hosting services
I. GitHub
II. Gitlab
III. Bitbucket

Learn about Relational Databases

1. MySQL
2. PostgreSQL
3. MariaDB
5. Oracle

MySQL is the most popular one.

Learn about NoSQL databases

1. MongoDB
2. RethinkDB
3. CouchDB
4. DynamoDB

NoSQL are very popular databases. Many startups are opting for NoSQL databases instead of SQL databases.

Learn About APIs

4. Open API Spec and Swagger
5. Authentication
6. GraphQL

Learn about caching

1. CDN (Cloud Delivery Network)
2. Server-side caching
I. Redis
II. Memcached
3. Client-side caching

Web Servers

1. Nginx
2. Apache
3. Reverse Proxy

Understand web security

1. Hashing Algorithm
I. MD5
II. SHA Family
III. Scrypt
IV. Bcrypt

Learn testing

1. Integration Testing
2. Unit Testing
3. Functional Testing

Containerization / Virtualization

1. Docker
2. Kubernetes
3. rkt

Architectural Patterns

1. Monolithic
2. Microservices
3. Serverless
4. Scaling (Horizontal & Vertical)
5. Load Balancers

🧑‍💻Steps that you can do to become a dev

> Learned HTML, CSS & JS
> Learned Python
>Realized there were no Python jobs near me
>Learned Java
>Made Projects
>Learned SQL
>Learned JS again because I forgot it
>Learned Angular
>Failed Interviews
>Failed More Interviews
>Finally got 1 call

Beginner’s Essential

🔴Free Courses With Certificate 🔴

Website link

There are lot of free courses to learn Programming, Web development, Data Science, Python, Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud, Management, Cyber-security, Business, Graphic Design, English communication, Digital marketing and many more. These are supplemented with free projects, assignments, datasets and quizzes.

You will also get certificate of completion at the end of each course absolutely free 😍😍

Use Referral code GLZVRWM7SAPCS to earn extra 100 GL coins while sign up


7 Top Skills Required To Be A Successful Logo Designer

✏️Sense of Colour
✏️Knowledge of Typefaces
✏️Creative Thinking
✏️Planning & Marketing
✏️Technological Skill

Book : The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Learn kotlin Programming Step by Step

🔗🔗 https://t.me/programming_guide 🔗🔗

​​Python Learning Courses provided by Microsoft 📚

Recently, I found out that Microsoft provides quality online courses related to Python on Microsoft Learn.
Microsoft Learn is a free online platform that provides access to a set of training courses for the acquisition and improvement of digital skills. Each course is designed as a module, each module contains different lessons and exercises. Below are the modules related to Python learning.

. What is Python?
2. Introduction to Python
3. Take your first steps with Python
4. Set up your Python beginner development environment with Visual Studio Code
5. Branch code execution with the if...elif...else statement in Python
6. Manipulate and format string data for display in Python
7. Perform mathematical operations on numeric data in Python
8. Iterate through code blocks by using the while statement
9. Import standard library modules to add features to Python programs
10. Create reusable functionality with functions in Python
11. Manage a sequence of data by using Python lists
12. Write basic Python in Notebooks
13. Count the number of Moon rocks by type using Python
14. Code control statements in Python
15. Introduction to Python for space exploration
16. Install coding tools for Python development
17. Discover the role of Python in space exploration
18. Crack the code and reveal a secret with Python and Visual Studio Code
19. Introduction to object-oriented programming with Python
20. Use Python basics to solve mysteries and find answers
21. Predict meteor showers by using Python and Visual Studio Code
22. Plan a Moon mission by using Python pandas

1. Create machine learning models
2. Explore and analyze data with Python
3. Build an AI web app by using Python and Flask
4. Get started with Django
5. Architect full-stack applications and automate deployments with GitHub


🔴Free Courses With Certificate 🔴

Website link

There are lot of free courses to learn Programming, Web Development, Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud, Management, Cyber-security, Business, Graphic Design, English communication, Digital marketing and many more. These are supplemented with free projects, assignments, datasets and quizzes.

You will also get certificate of completion at the end of each course absolutely free 😍😍

Use Referral code GLZVRWM7SAPCS to earn extra 100 GL coins while sign up


Here is a small gift for you from me 😄

Grab all the Premium courses for free ❤️

Course available on following topics 👇
1. Python Programming
2. Java Programming
3. Web Development
4. Data Science
5. Artificial Intelligence
6. Machine learning
7. C++ Programming
8. And much more

Don’t miss it 💯
Register here 👇


Use Invite Code Tap Code To Copy: EDYODA

🔎 Build 7 Projects using with only HTML and CSS🔎

1) A servey form
2) product Page
3) Portfolio Page
4)Clone UI
5) Login/Sign-up page
6) Company Card
7) Own Blog

7 Ways to Create a Small Business as a Web Developer.

1- Write Articles On Medium
2- Create Theme
3- Create WordPress Plugins
4- Create YouTube Channel
5- Create A SAAS Product
6- Create E-books And Courses
7- Make Money On Open-Source

💻Steps to build a website💻

Part 1
1. Find a client
2. Meet them
3. Make the sale!

Part 2
4. Understand the client's needs
5. Prototype workflow and design
6. Review with the client

Part 3
7. Build the website
8. Review & Test
9. Go Live!

©Printerest Clone
©Twitter Clone
©Instagram Clone
©Twitter Clone
©Giphy Clone
©Youtube Clone
©Netflix Clone

Advanced(3)--- 🔥Google Clone
🔥Github Clone
🔥Facebook Clone

😯 “Free” Static Web Hosting Sites

🤌Github Pages

7 Top Skills Required To Be A Successful Logo Designer

✏️Sense of Colour
✏️Knowledge of Typefaces
✏️Creative Thinking
✏️Planning & Marketing
✏️Technological Skill

Top 7 Chrome Extensions for Web Developers

⚙️ GitHunt
⚙️ WhatFont
⚙️ BrowserStack
⚙️ CSS Viewer
⚙️ HTML Validator
⚙️ Web Developer
⚙️ React Developer Tools

5 Awesome tools for Web Designers

🎨 Color Hunt
🎨 Cool Backgrounds
🎨 99 Designs
🎨 UI gradients
🎨 Gravit Designer

How to practice web development skills

1. Find an internship

You can take up web development internships at small agencies or startups. Such organisations are usually more open to hire interns and provide opportunities to work on actual projects. This will help you understand how web development projects work and will provide you with the opportunity to develop your skills in a professional setting.

2. Take up freelance projects

You can also choose to work on freelance web development projects. This is slightly different from internships in that you will not be a part of an organisation. Instead, you will work alone. However, here also, you get a chance to work on real projects and interact with real clients. In addition to getting the opportunity to improve your skills, you will also be able to make decent money by the side.

3. Work on personal projects

If you think you are not yet in a position to work as an intern or on any freelance projects, you can work on your own projects. This would not be a professional setup, and you would not be interacting with any teammates or clients, but you will get the chance to practise your technical skills and build something from scratch. Such projects can then be used in your portfolio or CV to prove your skills to the hiring managers.

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