
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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WilmsFront is hosted by Editor in Chief of theunshackled.net Tim Wilms. It airs Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7pm Melbourne time. This channel notifies followers of WilmsFront when the show and other productions hosted by Tim go live.

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Mattys Modern Life dan repost
Episode 100 of XYZ live tonight! Nothing special planned, discussing some toonsperger news and other things.

This👇 is what celebrity compassion looks like. P!nk being the class act and honorary Australian she has become does not talk politics about our bushfire disaster but pledges a direct sizable donation to help our firefighters continue to protect life and property.

The Unshackled dan repost
It's been three days of New Year Horrors to begin 2020. Bushfires continued to ravage Australia, India's proposed citizenship law is causing civil unrest and US-Iran relations have further deteriorated. Joining me on the first episode of WilmsFront for the year is Samraat Joshua Grewal. https://www.theunshackled.net/wilmsfront/35

WilmsFront returns for its first show in 2020. Sadly it is a horror start to the year with bushfires raging in East Gippsland and the NSW South Coast. Geopolitical tensions between the United States and Iran, with Iraq in the middle are at a dangerous height. Indian Hindu nationalism is attempting to excise Muslims from citizenship with violence now plunging the world's largest democracy. I will cut through the blame game and hysteria to get to the facts and provided rational analysis on all these topics. Join me and Samraat Joshua Grewal from 7pm Melbourne time on YouTube or dlive.


The Unshackled dan repost
The Uncuckables team broadcast a 2019 New Year’s Eve where we summarised and remembered in 90 minutes the positives and negatives from not just 2019 but the whole 2010s decade, plus want we hope for and can expect in the 2020s. https://www.theunshackled.net/theuncuckables/42

The Unshackled dan repost
Join The Uncuckables Team for a New Year’s Eve special from 9pm to 10.30pm Melbourne time as reflect on the end of the year and decade. The 2020s are shaping up to even more earth changing than the one just passing as we offer our predictions for the decade ahead as well.


WilmsFront is back for its final show for
2019 and the decade. After the Christmas break Australia is back to dealing with a summer of bushfires and youth gang crime. Internationally it seems it’s same but a different season Tune in at the later time of 8pm Melbourne time on YouTube or dlive as I digest the end of year news cycle


WilmsFront will return on Sunday 29th December at 7pm Melbourne time as I take a few extra days to enjoy the Christmas and end of year festivities. There’s still a lot happening to take note of as we close this decade so my next show will certainly not be light on content. See you then and hope you all had a Merry Christmas.


Who needs a boobjob these days when you can just enlarge them with Burger King/Hungary Jack’s latest meat free burger?

The Unshackled dan repost
The Uncuckables Team is taking Boxing Day off so there will be no live show this Thursday evening. We hope followers of the show had a Merry Christmas spent with those close reflecting on the good we have still in our society. The show will be back for a New Year’s Eve special on Tuesday 31st December counting down and reflecting on the end of the year and decade. 2020 is guaranteed to be a year that will significantly shape the next stage of human history.


My only message for today is to wish a Merry Christmas to all my followers, their family, friends and loved ones. Time passes but Christmas Day lunch never changes: Turkey, ham and roast veggies, and Christmas crackers with corny jokes and colorful paper hats.

On the final WilmsFront before Christmas my guest is local Melbourne patriot activist Garry Hume. Garry grew up in Britain so we will be summarising the recent UK election result and the just-passed Brexit agreement. Join us from 7pm Melbourne time on the Tim Wilms dlive channel


The Unshackled dan repost
First, there was Trump Derangement Syndrome, now Australia's left is suffering from ScoMo Derangement Syndrome. The radicals believe protests and petitions trump democratic election results. On the end of week edition of WilmsFront I discuss what I call Political Disorientation Syndrome. https://www.theunshackled.net/wilmsfront/32

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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