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Activism day part 1


⛪️🔥 Binnenkort in Nederland 🇳🇱

📰Gisteren ging ik even het nieuws kijken. Zoals verwacht, kreeg ik gauw beelden te zien van:
- Een standbeeld dat omver werd gehaald.
- Meerdere kerken die werden gevandaliseerd.
- Een oproep tot geweld.

🤬Oftewel, vandalisme en haat tegenover Christenen (lees: voornamelijk Blanke mensen).

✊🏾Alles is natuurlijk gedoogd door de Canadese regering en werd als goed nieuws gerapporteerd door het NOS.

🤔Dit allemaal over 3 massagraven van inheemse kinderen die binnen een maand achter elkaar werden ontdekt.

📖 Lees verder om een meer duidelijk beeld hierbij te vormen:
- Massagraf bij Canadese kostschool past in verleden van verwaarlozing inheemse kinderen (29 mei)
- Canada: Fire destroys two churches in Indigenous reserves (27 juni)
- Opnieuw massagraf gevonden in Canada (30 juni)

White Lives Matter Official dan repost
🙋🏼‍♂Some of us do a lot. Some of us do a little. Some of us do nothing.

Ask yourself, do YOU do the most YOU CAN do?

We have open positions for local admins in many states across the country, and countries around the world. All you have to do to get involved is read
the manual then message @WLMContactBot to anonymously state your credentials.

Then, based on a meritocratic assessment, you might have the opportunity to help your people and get things started in your area.

Do not complain that others don't do enough when you do nothing. Join and make a difference!

⏰10 days until our event on the 10th of July! It's gonna be a WBS.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
📌On July the 10th at 10AM, we, the free men and women of the world will come together again to show support for our brethren. We are not making any phony resistances, we are not censoring what we stand for and we are definitely not scared to live a life free of slavery and subjugation.

We declare war against the anti-White system and anyone trying to supress us. We are united by Blood, Culture, and Spirit and we will never give up on each other. We hold no political alliances and we do not need anyone's 30 pieces of silver. We do not ask for donations and we most certainly do not ask for others to do what falls upon us to do.

We are a loving, peaceful initiative yet we'll never feel demoralized or defeated.

We stand tall, and we invite all pro-Whites to join us on the date. With or without WLM, regardless of your political leanings, you must ACT. Nobody likes cowards. We are descendent of the greatest heroes the world has had and we will not go down in Silence. 10th July, 10AM.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📌Again, an ever more successful event took place this weekend. Month by Month, Week by Week, and Day by Day, our activists are getting involved in the struggle to continue our existence. We want to thank all the FREE men and women who took ACTION not for personal gain, but for all White People. We uphold anonymity precisely because WLM is about giving not taking.

❓We are here to let all our people know not only that there is a grassroot initiative fighting for them & their children, but they are also all welcome and supported to join the struggle.

🌎More and more of us acknowledge that White People are the number one enemy of the System and we are united in brotherly struggle all across the world. Be it South Africa, Italy, or Florida, the whole White World beats at a synchronised pace.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Join the family. Our chat is @WhiteLivesMatterOfficialChat. Victory or Death! Stay tuned for July's event date to drop tomorrow.


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Een groep activisten gingen op 25 mei naar het centrum van Maastricht om WLM activisme uit te voeren.

A group of activists from the Netherlands went on the 25th of May to the center of Maastricht to do WLM activism.

Dietse Volkspartij dan repost
Beste volksgenoten,

Er is door Wilders en vier andere PVV Kamerleden een verzoek ingediend tot onderzoek naar een strafrechtelijke vervolging voor ambtsmisdrijven van het kabinet. In de openbaar gemaakt notulen blijkt namelijk dat de voltallige ministerraad instemde met het verhullen van informatie voor de kamer. Voor mensen die denken dat D66 anders is dan de VVD; ook Sigrid Kaag stemde er dus mee in. Volgens Wilders was deze beslissing in strijd met artikel 68 van de grondwet waar in staat dat het kabinet een plicht heeft de tweede kamer in te lichten over haar bezigheden.

Alhoewel Wilders net als de meeste in de tweede kamer een zionist is, vinden wij ook dat in dit geval de liberale hedonisten clique wederom de wet heeft gebroken. Mensen durven nog steeds te beweren dat we nog in een eerlijke, democratische rechtsstaat leven, dit is al lang niet meer zo. U moet niet denken dat wij grote fans zijn van de democratie, integendeel. Echter, als er dan een dictatuur is moet dat geen door Unilever, Amazon, Facebook enz. gesteunde kleptocratie zijn.

Op 5 mei 1945 zijn wij overgenomen door de VS en hun zionisme. Sindsdien zijn wij geen vrij land meer geweest. Ons land wordt bezet en ons volk wordt belegerd door grootkapitalisten en Arabische 'vluchtelingen'. De PVV en haar liberale Israël-knuffelen is geen oplossing voor dit probleem. Alleen écht Volksnationalisme kan ons land en Europa nog bevrijden van het kapitalistische juk.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
📌Year by year, month by month and day by day, Whites are gaslighted into believing they are 'evil' by the anti-White System.

The same anti-White System that has twisted the fact that Whites fought a Fratricidal war to 'save' some non-Whites, AFTER those said non-Whites carried, by proxy, a genocide against Whites 6 years earlier.

Know your true history, White Man. 8th of May, 9AM. @WhiteLivesMatterOfficial

Mimir's Brunnr dan repost
The value of what you want is measured only by that which you're willing to stake against it.

If you do not commit fully to that which you desire then your fears will conspire with your obstacles and raise the stakes just beyond the limits of your nerve.

Commit, Create, Become.

White Lives Matter Official dan repost

As we know, the way of White People is the way of the Creator. Our enemies can deny us rights, can attack, smear, and even imprison us. What they can't do, however, is take away our divine gift to create. Art, architecture, electricity, internet, running water, the industrial revolution.. you name it, Whites have done it all.

Today, we are asking you to comment the best phrases you want the world to know. Short and effective, these should be in the example of "Watch Europa the Last Battle" or "Stop White Genocide" or "We never elected diversity".

The best phrases will win the honor of helping the White Race as well as we will make those into banners and flyers.Get creative, get productive, White man & woman. @WhiteLivesMatterOfficial

🌳 𝐙𝖔𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖗𝐖𝖆𝖋𝖋𝖊𝖓 🌳 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
White people things


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🇺🇸 While the world is transforming a low iq drug addict criminal into a saint, let us remember Cannon Hinnant.

Cannon, a 5 yr old boy, was shot in the head and killed in cold blood by his anti-White neighbor.

Unfortunately, Cannon is one of the millions of White People who died at the hands of unprovoked anti-White attacks worldwide.

Enough is enough. May 8th at 9am we honor our people.

White Lives Matter Official dan repost
📠Let's get printing. Saturday 8th of May, 9am. Locations TBA shortly.

Become a hero to your people.


14 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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