
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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anon_fa_mous dan repost
Between Jan. 8 and Jan. 15, bishops across three continents died as a result of the "coronavirus". The deceased bishops ranged in age from 53 years old to 91 and five of the bishops died in Europe

Azazel News dan repost
In a way, they have a point. Under new administration there will be a witch hunt and many in company employeea will try to use supporting Trump to demonize and escale the ladder. Get ready for massive terminations. Staying apolitical now makes sense.


Aurora Ray -Galactic Federation dan repost
“ It looks like DC is under full Martial law. Never seen anything like this. There’s more troops in DC than Iraq or Afghanistan right now.

Military flights happening in levels I haven’t seen since 9/11.

Biden inauguration rehearsal has been canceled due to unspecified threats. Despite the fact DC is under full military control.

Foreign leaders are resigning or have gone missing all over the World: Germany, Italy, Russia, Netherlands, Estonia, among others.

Massive blackouts in Pakistan and the Vatican.

Unusual number of executive orders and odd press behavior from Trump. No new pardons, no ceremonies, strange nothing burger press conferences.

Meanwhile, several Democrats, BLM organizers, and a CNN contributor have been arrested for their involvement in the false flag attack on the Capitol Building. Some Q supporters and foolish Trump supporters were involved as well, but it appears they were instigated by the left.

Declassified documents show Hillary fabricated Russian collusion and Obama knew and was debriefed. Also, Obama was funding Al Queda with US Treasury funds.

I don’t know what any of it means, but I do suspect next week will be interesting.”

Author unknown

Aurora Ray -Galactic Federation dan repost
“ It looks like DC is under full Martial law. Never seen anything like this. There’s more troops in DC than Iraq or Afghanistan right now.

Military flights happening in levels I haven’t seen since 9/11.

Biden inauguration rehearsal has been canceled due to unspecified threats. Despite the fact DC is under full military control.

Foreign leaders are resigning or have gone missing all over the World: Germany, Italy, Russia, Netherlands, Estonia, among others.

Massive blackouts in Pakistan and the Vatican.

Unusual number of executive orders and odd press behavior from Trump. No new pardons, no ceremonies, strange nothing burger press conferences.

Meanwhile, several Democrats, BLM organizers, and a CNN contributor have been arrested for their involvement in the false flag attack on the Capitol Building. Some Q supporters and foolish Trump supporters were involved as well, but it appears they were instigated by the left.

Declassified documents show Hillary fabricated Russian collusion and Obama knew and was debriefed. Also, Obama was funding Al Queda with US Treasury funds.

I don’t know what any of it means, but I do suspect next week will be interesting.”

Author unknown

[QR] [Crumbs] [8Bakes] [Covfefe] dan repost
U. S. Air Force C-130 and C-17A Globemaster III military transport aircraft continually arrive at Andrews AFB. The Pentagon is moving more and more military units to Washington.

Freedom Warriors dan repost
GOOGLE'S 24-HOUR WARNING - MINDS facing the chopping block.

Social media once dubbed 'anti-Facebook' could be given the hook from Android app stores.

Minds co-founder, Bill Ottman, says most of the platform's functions have been removed to stay online.

'We aren't happy and will be working towards something better,” Ottman said. “What is happening on the internet with major providers is fueling the cultural divide as much as anything.'

Ottman advised users to download the app from Minds directly as a wave of censorship hits more free-speech platforms.

Azazel News dan repost

Azazel News dan repost
This is not some 4chab conspiracy theory

These are the Governments of Peru and Argentina (Nation States)

Accusing Bill Gates and George Soros.

Watch after min 3 how NOT to get sick and what to take.

Freedom Warriors dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
The Sky Is Falling Again... B117 Variant Even More Contagious?!?! Wake up and SEE what is up...

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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