ㅤㅤDue to @Telegram's privacy new policy and rules, I would like to mention to everyone that this is not the real Lee Chaeyoung or Isa Lee. All activities in this channel has no any realition with StayC & High Up Entertainment. This channel was created for roleplaying purposes only.
ㅤㅤAll media here is not entirely mine, I slightly changed and took from other media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest and others.
ㅤㅤ(n.) If you LGBTQ+ phobic, any religion phobic, grammar police, racist, Rprl area, make jokes for funny things about serious things such as (sexuality, mental ilness issues, etc.). Please do not interact.
ㅤㅤIf you feel uncomfortable with this channel, you can leave this channel.
ㅤㅤDue to @Telegram's privacy new policy and rules, I would like to mention to everyone that this is not the real Lee Chaeyoung or Isa Lee. All activities in this channel has no any realition with StayC & High Up Entertainment. This channel was created for roleplaying purposes only.
ㅤㅤAll media here is not entirely mine, I slightly changed and took from other media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest and others.
ㅤㅤ(n.) If you LGBTQ+ phobic, any religion phobic, grammar police, racist, Rprl area, make jokes for funny things about serious things such as (sexuality, mental ilness issues, etc.). Please do not interact.
ㅤㅤIf you feel uncomfortable with this channel, you can leave this channel.