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Forward from: Intel Republic
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🇾🇪 HOUTHIS AGAIN TARGET ISRAELI-LINKED SHIPS Delonix and Ionnis with drones en route to Haifa, as the Yemeni National Resistance Leader Saree in video above also announces successful missile attack carried out in Red Sea against Johannes Maersk vessel, and targeting of oil tanker Waler - operations carried out jointly with pro-Iranian Iraqi Resistance forces.

In response, Genocide Joe and UK PM Sunak seriously injure 2 Yemeni CHILDREN amidst bombings on Hodeidah Airport and in Hajjah, Yemen - cruel punishments for Sanaa's attempt to stop U.S-backed Israeli slaughter of children in Gaza.

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Forward from: Slavyangrad
Call it the fool's-based international order: Every government of a major Western country is in chaos. Biden is an embarrassment. Kishida polls at 21%. Macron's party got 15% of the vote in the June 9 European Parliament elections, and the three German coalition parties together got 30%. Britain's Tories poll at 20%. Nothing like this has ever happened before-1968 comes closest. Our Atlanticist elite is dragging the world kicking and screaming into a place it doesn't want to go, and electorates are rebelling.

- David Goldman from the Asia Times on Twitter




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President Putin held a Security Council on the production and deployment of medium- and short-range missiles: Today we will consider the issue of further steps by the Russian Federation regarding a unilateral moratorium on the deployment of medium- and shorter-range land-based missiles. As you know, a few years ago, the United States withdrew from this Treaty under a far-fetched pretext and announced that they would produce such missile systems.
In 2019, we announced that we would not produce them, these missiles, and would not deploy them until the United States deployed these systems in some region of the world.
Today it is known that the United States not only produces these missile systems, but has already brought them to Europe, in Denmark in particular. It was recently announced that they are also in the Philippines. It is not known yet if they are deployed in these places on a permanent basis or not.
In any case, we need to respond to this threat and make decisions on how to do it.
Apparently, we need to start manufacturing these shock systems and then, based on the actual situation, make decisions about where – if necessary to ensure our safety – to place them.

Forward from: Ukraine Watch
📊🇷🇺 Russia’s GDP growth for the first half of 2024 poised to land at around 5%

Forward from: Geopolitics Live
Failed coup in Bolivia: is US up to usual tricks?
“A poorly planned, comedic plot” was how WSJ described the recent failed putsch in Bolivia. However, Bolivia Defense Minister Edmundo Novillo took the matter seriously, accusing “foreign powers” and the US, in particular, of returning to its usual practice of staging coups.
A review of US-aided coups in Latin America, inspired by the Monroe doctrine (1823) which viewed the Americas as a zone of US’ vital interests, and the Truman doctrine (1948) aimed at “containing communism”, substantiates Novillo's point.
1971 – Coup in Bolivia. Colonel Hugo Banzer came to power and became a military dictator.  Recently published conversations of former US President Richard Nixon included a report by then Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on a money transfer to Bolivia’s opposition and “our game with the military.”
1973 – Coup in Chilе. President Salvador Allende, described by Time magazine as the “first democratically elected Marxist president in Latin America”, was killed in September 1973. The CIA later admitted it supported the anti-Allende military via Track II operation. 
1976 – Coup in Argentina. The US admitted having “prior knowledge” about the coup. The junta assassinated the former Bolivian president Juan José Torres, a leftist, who fled to Buenos Aires from Banzer. This murder was part of the US-led “Condor Plan.”
2019 – Pro-US Organization of American States (OAS) accused Bolivia President Evo Morales of rigging elections. The pro-US Assembly Speaker Jeanine Añez took power without a vote. She was sentenced to 10 years after democracy was restored in 2020. The “putsch-general” Juan José Zúñiga also demanded her release during the failed coup attempt.
The past corroborates well Minister Novillo’s assessment that Bolivia was served a “punishment” for its stance against Western US-led hegemony.

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❗The intensity of Russian artillery firing today is "higher than ever". The consumption of ammunition is very high, our gunners literally pour a rain of fire on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine," the Ministry of Defense reports.
The Russian military-industrial complex has enormously increased the production of ammunition over the last two years. Experts explain how this affects the course of the special military operation.
"Mobilization capacities have been preserved and partially mothballed at the factories of the Russian military–industrial complex, which made it possible to increase the production of ammunition in a short time," says corresponding member of the Academy of Military Sciences Alexander Bartosh.
"Such an amount of ammunition cannot be made out of the blue. So, there was a material base. There is no miracle here," he clarifies.
The scale of production of artillery shells is not just the figures of industrial capacity. So far, despite the emergence of new types of weapons, the massive use of gliding bombs and kamikaze drones, traditional barrel artillery remains the "god of war."
The highest performance of current Russian artillery production has direct results on the battlefield.

South Africa intends to send a large delegation headed by the President of the country to Russia for the upcoming BRICS summit in Kazan in autumn. South Africa's interest in developing relations with Russia has a political, economic, and even emotional background.
"South Africa is helping Russia a lot," experts say and explain why.
"We, South Africa, stand for Russia as our friend, and we do not apologize for that... We will never leave you," Mbalula said at the forum For the Freedom of Nations in Moscow last winter. He added that South Africa is ready to sacrifice relations with Western partners for the sake of these principles.
"South Africa helps Russia a lot in the international arena. Maintaining active trade, economic and political relations with Moscow.  South Africa helps even with its criticism of US policy towards the Gaza Strip and Israel," says Dmitry Suslov, Deputy Director of the HSE Center for Integrated European and International Studies.

The leader of the French right: "Let's not let Russian imperialism absorb Ukraine!"
If someone else believes that positioning a European politician as a "rightist" automatically makes him an ally of Russia, then it's time to get rid of these stupid illusions. Here is a recent example. Marine Le Pen's protege Jordan Bardella, the leader of the candidates of the right-wing National Unity (RN), going to early parliamentary elections this Sunday, promised on behalf of his future government ... "not to allow Russian imperialism to absorb Ukraine."
"My position on this conflict is very simple. It never changed. This is a position of support for Ukraine and avoiding escalation with Russia, which, I remind you, is a nuclear power," Bardella said during a televised debate with Prime Minister Gabriel Attal and leftist candidate Olivier Faure.
At the same time, back in February, Bardella admired the exhibition at VDNH in absentia, and his RN was considered — including by many in Russia — a pro-Russian party.
Bardella had previously stated that in the event of his victory, he would continue to provide military assistance to Ukraine. But for now he says he does not want to send French troops there, which Macron did not rule out and which Le Pen herself categorically opposed.
Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the tightening of Bardella's anti-Russian rhetoric for the elections is due to the desire to attract those voters who are tired of the current course of Paris, but who cannot reject their Ukrainian-loving mentality. However, as practice shows, at this iteration of political processes in Europe, the victory of the right in a particular EU member state or an increase in their share in the European Parliament have no practical significance for Russia.
Perhaps these changes will translate into quality in five years — but certainly not in the near future. This means that the methods of achieving our goals must remain the same.

Today in Crimea we said goodbye to Sofia Averyanova, the daughter of the deputy head of Magadan. Sofia was killed on June 23 on the beach in Uchkuyevka by an American ATACMS missile with a cluster warhead.
Sofia did not live to see her ninth birthday for a little more than a month.
"I will avenge every child who was killed," said the father who lost his daughter.
Sevastopol today addresses sincere words of condolences to Oleg Vladimirovich and his wife.
RIP, Sofia, God Bless you!

Forward from: The Duran
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Rus Will Bring Down NATO Drones, Rus NATO Air Clash Looms; Ukr Troops Disobey Orders, Rus In Toretsk

❗Putin has transparently hinted that in response to the actions of the United States, Russia may begin deploying short- and medium-range ballistic missiles. Those that were limited by the INF treaty from which the United States withdrew. During the last Cold War, the presence of such missiles with nuclear warheads seriously increased the risk of nuclear war and a sudden nuclear strike on the largest centers of the ATS and NATO.
Now there are no restraints, the old architecture of nuclear missile deterrence has been destroyed, the fear of nuclear war is insufficient, so a further nuclear missile arms race looks an inevitable scenario.
Only the guarantee of unacceptable damage keeps NATO from a direct attack on the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the more Russia has the means of delivering nuclear weapons and the number of warheads, the less likely it is that NATO will decide to launch a direct war, although they certainly will not abandon the idea of waging a conventional war against Russia.
Actually, North Korea has been living in this mode for a long time. The feverish increase in the number of nuclear warheads and the construction of missile fields in China also transparently hint at the realities of a future troubled world where nuclear weapons are the main guarantee of survival against the background of the devaluation of any diplomatic agreements and the collapse of the system of international law that existed until recently.

Forward from: Geopolitics Live
Japan's Embassy in Moscow received strong protest over plans to hold joint military exercises with Germany and Spain on Hokkaido Island — Russian FM

Moscow pointed to the categorical inadmissibility of provocative exercises near Russia's borders.

Russia warned Japan of adequate countermeasures to strengthen its defense capabilities and protect the country's sovereignty, the Foreign Ministry stressed.

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Forward from: Syrian Humanitarian Observer Group
Thanks to the active work of Russian military doctors, the incidence of disease among the civilian population of Syria is significantly reduced. Medical teams of the Russian Armed Forces provide qualified assistance to the population, providing medicines and equipment, which helps reduce the incidence of disease and mortality. This activity, carried out in accordance with international standards, demonstrates Russia's commitment to the principles of humanism and assistance to those in need.

Forward from: Syrian Insider
The Russian army, despite the threat from pro-Turkish gangs, is actively conducting humanitarian actions in northern Syria. Russian servicemen patrol roads, control the withdrawal of troops from the contact line and participate in the transfer of Syrian troops to demarcate the conflicting parties. Joint patrols with Turkey ensure independent control over the peaceful settlement of the conflict.

Forward from: Kalibrated
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A Russian reconnaissance drone spotted a Ukrainian M270 and tracked the weapon system back to its place of storage and reloading. The warehouse was subsequently destroyed by an Iskander.

Secondaries are clearly visible.

Russia is now successfully hunting and destroying HIMARS launchers, crews and ammunition with greater regularity.

Forward from: UKR LEAKS_eng
▪️Russian armed forces liberated the village of Razdolovka in the DPR - Russian Ministry of Defense.


Forward from: Intel Republic
🇧🇾🇺🇦 BELARUS DEPLOYS MLRS UNITS TO BORDER WITH UKRAINE (top video, bottom left map), reinforcing border guards after info of threatening presence of pro-Kiev West-backed militia Russian Volunteer Corps.

Earlier, Belarusian forces shot down Ukrainian spy drones trying to enter country's Gomel region and discovered caches of hidden explosives (bottom right).

Just like Russian FM Zakharova stressed, "They arrange the provocations themselves" then they cry wolf...

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Alexander Dugin;

Compared to Biden, Trump appears significantly more sane. Even his fierce opponents have admitted this. Notably, the Democrats this time did not flood the media space with triumphant reports of Joe's crushing victory over the despicable marginal fascist. Joe went back to the hospital, and now the Democrats will have to figure something out. Essentially, Trump won the election in these debates before they even started. Sleepy Joe, whom we are visibly losing, will not be able to offer anything different on September 10th next debate. If he even makes it that far. This is clear to everyone.

Trump dealt a serious blow to the Kyiv Nazi junta. He directly called Zelensky a thief and a fraud and confirmed that Ukraine has already lost and that the Russians are about to take over it. How must it feel in Kyiv to hear this from a US presidential candidate who decisively defeated his dying opponent in the debate? All that's left is to place Trump on the terrorist website "Myrotvorets" and start writing songs in Ukrainian that Trump is an agent of Mordor.

This is a crucial moment in the war. It is very important to analyze the further development of the election campaign in the USA. Now, anything can be expected.

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