A Patriot's Truth

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We have before us a time of great deception and a need for revival in our faith in God, patriotism, morale, liberty, and justice. May you find it in yourself to fight the good fight and speak truth at all costs🙏✝️🇺🇸 More -> https://linktr.ee/PatriotMap

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Telecom troubles on the East Coast. Useful tool to track platform outtages: DownDetector.com

More shenanigans... Trump's Presidential Committee filed a report against "Patriot Party" citing that the creator filed it under the name of the President's committee without its consent. The filing has been disavowed.


IMPORTANT READ: (1/25/21) Senate confirmed Biden's pick of Janet Yellen as Secretary of the Treasury.

Anons saw this coming. Yellen was formerly the Chair of the Federal Reserve from 2014-2018.

As we all know, the Federal Reserve, aka "the Fed", is a private entity and not constitutional in its origins. Per our original Constitution of the United States, our money was to be regulated ONLY by the Treasury. But due to a century's long history of financial corruption, the banking cartels deliberately led our country into bankruptcy in order to gain further financial control over our economic/military powerhouse. In 1913, Woodrow Wilson sold out to the bankers by signing the Federal Reserve Act. Our nation has since been financially enslaved by the Fed for over a century. It has manipulated our currency to create times of crisis for political and economic exploitation.

In March 2020, President Trump moved the federal government to nationalize our financial markets thus absorbing massive debt, of which the Federal Reserve was forced to correspondingly pick up the tab. Trump's move in effect merged the Fed to within the US Treasury Dept. The Fed has been run on Trump's terms since the move and must either now work for the country, or declare bankruptcy and dissolve. Trump did what President Andrew Jackson could not finish, conquer the central bank.

By Joe Biden placing Janet Yellen as the Secretary of the Treasury, it tells the country that the Deep State is trying to regain control of the central bank's operation and undo Trump's new trajectory for the nation's finances and economy. Trump completely changed the game on many fronts. We will now watch as the financial system crumbles under Joe Biden. This is part of the plan. Fear not! The best is yet to come!

Find more like this at @APatriotsTruth! Help share this channel with friends and family who are beginning their awakening!

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Forward from: Michael Flynn
You are NOT alone dear President! We are with you... Subscribe👇👇👇 https://t.me/michaelflynnteam if you still support Donald Trump !
Can we bring 40.000 real Patriots to this channel by tonight ?

Thank you !

Forward from: Donald J. Trump
Statement from the Office of the Former President

Forward from: ⚡️ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽
Reports are that Italy Prime Minister Conte is resigning tomorrow. There is mounting evidence Italy helped hack our election. #TrumpWon

Troops organized for photo yesterday (1.24.21) in front of Lincoln Memorial marking a historic moment. (Original capture from Mustang Medic)

"The Masterpiece" - President Trump revealing the Invisible Enemy

Trump is the one to prophetically lift the veil of illusion. Who will be unmasked? The Queen? The Pope? The Beast? The Wizard of Oz?

Mark 4:22
Luke 12:2
John 8:32



Forward from: Police frequency
Washington monument and White House went dark tonight. No one seems to be able to explain why

Forward from: Michael Flynn
Join this channel fast. Big news incoming.

DID YOU KNOW: There are three types of military jurisdictions under the Constitution? #3 is most relevant today!

1) MILITARY LAW - found in acts of Congress prescribing rules and articles of war; to be exercised both in peace and war;

2) MILITARY GOVERNMENT – supersedes local law; exercised by the military commander under direction of the President by sanction of Congress; to be exercised in time of foreign war outside the boundaries of the United States, or in time of rebellion and civil war within states;

3) MARTIAL LAW PROPER - called into action by Congress, OR when the action of Congress cannot be invited, by the President in times of INSURRECTION or INVASION; or during rebellion when the public danger requires its exercise.

Source: DoD Law of War Manual Title XI

Guess which day we saw insurrection which directly led to Congress being evacuated? For Martial Law to be invoked solely by the President, there needed to be an insurrection AND for Congress to be unavailable. To use armed forces during insurrection, President Trump was required by 10 US Code 13.254 to order "insurgents to disperse and retire peacably to their abodes", which he broadcast via televised message the same evening. We of course saw thousands of armed National Guardsmen arrive on scene. DC turned into a federal prison. Martial Law is indeed in effect in DC, folks. Trump has played the Deep State by using nothing but the military and the rule of law. Completely by the book. By the will of God, justice will be done!

Find more content like this at @APatriotsTruth

And find other patriotic content through @WeThePatriotic

These clandestine fraternities have conspired to consolidate money and power by manipulating the media, politics, economies, acadademics, and religion. They convince populations to give up their freedom in exchange for security and welfare. Some of these organizations have thousand year old roots in practicing Luciferianism/Satanism. Their goal is nothing short of world domination in the establishment of a New World Order. They have recently been presenting their plans publicly under the premise of the "Great Reset". It's time to wake up, my fellow patriots, for all is at stake.

^^ Reasons why patriots must stand up against tyranny of all forms whenever possible. Police brutality is not patriotic.

Forward from: Police frequency
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What happens when you don’t wear a mask in China.

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