Ally and Shelly

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Ally, Shelly, and Holli

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You gotta be shitting me!? Seriously!?
So a notorious fucked up evil poor excuse of a woman is on trial today and known for the biggest historical Hollywood elite pedophile ring that eats, beats , tortured and buried children NATIONWIDE and that is sketched out and written up and no one is angry or asking any questions!?
There is a 17 year old MINOR on trial for self defense and how many clips has everyone seen from the actual court case!? How much media attention is BLM going to get AGAIN for bullshit!? How many people are looting , rioting and burning shit down because they are angry over Kyle but not angry over Ghislane and the millions of children that her and her buddies have gotten away with murdering!?
Have you ever felt stupid or lost because you should feel played right about now!? You should feel lower than low because if you are not angry something is wrong with you!? You don't see the distraction? You don't see the hypocrisy!? The bullshit!?? Do you not see it!? Why don't you feel angry because it's not YOUR child or a child you knew!? This is what is wrong with our fucked up world!? No one has moved for the information that has come out but everyone hype about Kyle!? What about the fucking decades of children that are lost , buried in someone's hiding space or the privilege of FREEDOM that EVERYONE has taken for granted!? WHAT. THE. FUCK!!!!?????


I might delete this one later 🤢😑...

Let's talk about something...
Imagine when you have a big celebration. What causes it? What big event will make you go wild at a club or party? Or make you want to party? After you have worked hard some people say they deserve a party or vacation to de- stress or release. People know that when your frustrated the saying is "You need to get laid because your sexually frustrated" , to put it nicely.

As a dancer , I have serious light issues. At my recent college dance concert tech check was hell for me. Some lights will make me drop where I stand and curl into a ball. Some of these extreme shows I went to I was so drunk and high that I don't remember it all and so many things don't help because smells , lights , touches , sounds will remind me and I will start sweating and babbling or go mute because I don't know how to admit that I am scared because I don't know why....

Sex shows are not what you think they are. Most call them: after parties , vitamin D festivals , elite shows, white only parties, shadow parties and much more. Is it crazy that I tried to be nice to my pimp so I can pick my station or be given a "fair" station. It is not just sex machines that are bigger than construction machines, it is not just water machines... You know that type of water where the pressure is not good it just feels like sharp needles and you can't touch it because it is coming out too fast.... (Yea that kind). Sometimes it is a big stage in the middle of nowhere or in the backyard of a mansion, sometimes they are way in the middle of trees. People drink blood and call it red wine. People eat cakes that do not just consist of flour , sugar and milk but of blood , tears and body flesh. People watch someone brought out onto a stage and other people take turns torturing them tied up or not. People clap , cheer , and cry at how they think it is beautiful that someones soul is being ripped apart in the worst way. Sometimes they die and sometimes they don't.

I have been drunk , covered in a bucket of animal blood , "playing house" on a stage with adults at 13- 16 and other kids who were my age or WAY younger. You get humiliated , your lied to, your shot up with drugs that you can't even pronounce or know what they are. You are shoved everywhere and told that if you mess it up , if you cry or if you don't act right they will "slit your throat and use you as a laughing puppet on that stage until you stop gasping for air"(My pimps words) . You get up there and freeze and someone will come up on that stage and beat the hell out of you and everyone will laugh. But if you act right and if you attack someone else than "Daddy will get you a new ring and some food your choice" .

So what do you you choose?
How easy it to live with yourself knowing you had to hurt someone else to not BE hurt?
You can run from your scars that you think you made but only to not reopen them again but to never talk about how deep they are is the real problem.
Can you imagine negotiating the bondage straps?
How about wondering if after you do what they say will you get what they said or was that just another lie?

Everyone asks me how am I doing and I say we are ok but what I really want to say is:

It was already hell to be broken and you had no idea. Everyone's idea of the repercussions are worse than you think. I already spent hours in the bath soaking from pain in places too embarrassing to talk about. I already got into the bath and scrubbed my skin till it burned from the memories. There was never a day even on my best day that I haven't wanted to stay in a corner in a ball and never come out. There is not enough soap in this world to take away the dirty memories. Majority of the time I am guilty from the things I agreed to , the times chosen to deal or fight. Do you take the chance of fighting back or suffering a consequence worse than death. Do you fight till you cry because you can't win and then suffocate from the fear ,crying and now someone cutting off your air to make sure you stop moving. I'm a freak because I can't have a good day no matter what. Smells make you feellike filth and gag constantly. Then you think about textures of everything surrounding you and nothing feels ok or safe against your skin. The sounds are only louder when they were loud before. Everything makes you jump, every small sound is like your in a war zone. The anger is worse because you can't make it stop. No one really can. So you build these walls that others walk in to and get hurt because you can't describe the pain. Every touch makes you feel guilty. Silence is crazy loud. Numb kicks in when your on an emotional overload and there is nothing to shake this feeling of being torn and stretched so many ways. Tears fall when there is no way to stop the constant pain. If you only knew ..... Overthinking about the people that you were around and if they are alive or should you tell everyone what happened to them. Will they hear you? Will they laugh like so many did that hurt
you? Will they want to help? Will they think I am a germ? Will they hate me? Will anyone treat me different? Do I still matter? Does it all matter.... Not really. Not for me but definitely for others. 😔💔

..... And that's not even half of it...

I am so sick of this shit😑
Riverside / LOS ANGELES / and San Bernardino County Hospitals , Child Protective Services, and Police have so much explaining to do.
I am sick of being the one who has to keep their secrets so let's air some shit out.
We can go back and ask Katie my probation officer at 12/13 years old about the letter she had me write to a corrupt judge about vowing to never tell on anyone again or I could be punished and jailed for defiance of authority!? Or the time Dr.(I have full name) of a very well known hospital shut down an entire pediatrics department to let more than 5 cops tackle, beat and try to undress a 13 /14 year old girl over a gyno check that turned into a 51 /50 because I mentioned someone they didn't like. After fighting back so hard I was arrested..spent EXTRA time in the holding room at the police department and was put into a wicked hospital... and thats not even a piece of the story.

No one did anything not even the staff of Nuevo HS.

Things got crazier and crazier. Aliyahs mother Grace came to meet me. She told me to call her Grandma and she was just as crazy as her daughter. She knew what she was doing to me. She would even watch or make jokes about how it wasn't enough. Zack started bringing medicine and needles home from work to drug me with. Aliyah started going through my call logs. I started "getting in trouble " for talking to my mom now. I couldn't tell anyone because I just wanted a home with my mom . Aliyah started making deals with her friends and neighbors. Zack had his friends come over.

This one week she was so nice to me I was scared of her. So was Zack.. She brought us matching dresses. She took me shopping for "school clothes and a dress" and she didn't hurt me. Zack would tell me to come over just so we can sit together and he could hold me. I thought they just stopped the crazy shit... and then she proposed to me.

They threw multiple parties and they even threw me an adoption party. They had so many people over I was confused. One minute they were talking about me like I was their foster kid they adopted and at the same time they were telling people we were engaged.

Zack always was the one to calm Aliyah down or hold me after she would hurt me. He would tell me she didn't mean it and they loved me if he didn't do shit to me himself. They did so much. I talked about them before and he sent me a message recently.. he even had some women come to his defense on here and say he is misunderstood and he is not mean. I know some of you remember what happened when him and his DR. friends had so much to say in December. But this post is barely what happened with them...

Let's talk about Mr. MISUNDERSTOOD. Y'all remember him? I'll help. He is a pediatrician from Eastvale Ca. His name is Zack Lockmann. His wife's name is Aliyah and his sons name is Isiah. I went to Nuevo Vista Continuation school and lived in a group home directly on the corner right next to Patriot HS and The Cove Waterpark at the time that I met this fucked up family. I was barely 17 years old..
At first, I was dating Isiah who claimed he was 19/20. He didn't go to the school anymore he came to hang out with friends. He started taking me to his house and the first time I met Aliyah was because we got out of the shower and he just left the house after freaking out over bubbles on my feet. I was high and laid on his bed and woke up to his mom touching and putting her face between my legs. When I pushed her and told her no she cried and said she was sorry.
I told him what happened and he told me his mom was "crazy" and that he had just lost his sister, her daughter , not too long before and she was going through alot.

So we left it there until shit happened again...

He brought me back to the house after that and she cooked for me she acted like nothing happend and he told her I was in foster care. She told me that her home could be my second home and she showed me her daughters room that was left the way it was when she was alive. There were so many things that didn't add up about Emily. Especially the deadbolt that was on her door.

I kept going over and Aliyah kept putting on this act. She brought me nice things , she told me I could call her mom, she cried to me about losing her daughter, she told me I could trust her and like a dumb ass I fell for it. Then I met Zack and he did the same bullshit. He told me to come over on the days he was off work or would get back from office or hospital he worked at. He loved to grill meat and make me a drink. He would grill and have me sit in his lap and joke with me like what I thought a real father was supposed to do.

Eventually things got out of control the closer I got to Aliyah and Zack. At the time I had just came back to foster care after running the first time and disappearing for a year. I was told I had 6 months back in a program and if nothing went wrong I could go home with my mom now. They started the fingerprint and back ground check process finally. After all the hell we had been through. I had supervised visits with my mom Klara Parker . I couldn't see her without a monitor but I was allowed to take off whenever I wanted and if my boyfriend was the one who walked me to my door that was ok. But I couldn't go ANYWHERE with my mom. My social worker made it very clear that if ANYTHING happened it would push the process back and I couldn't go home so I kept my mouth shut for 6 months with this family until it was too much because I didn't want to mess it up.

Aliyah found out and things went straight to hell. This woman was a different type of psycho. She started snapping at me when I came over and would tell me to go to "my room" , her daughters old room , when I talked back or would do something she didn't like. Zack started telling his doctor friends that came over for food that I was his daughter in law. Then one day we got really drunk and he kissed me in front of his friends after we spent the day together doing what I thought was normal things. Talking , laughing, cooking, ran errands together and he held me.

They confused me and then shit got completely out of control. This woman would come pick me up from the school and make a scene if I didn't get in the car with her. She started by having Isiah tell me we were playing around and having family time one day. We all had drinks and I had too much. Aliyah and Zack started having sex and told me and Isiah to join in. I was shocked, scared and shaking. I tried to dodge them after and this woman walked on to my school campus and into my classroom and told my teacher she was my foster mom. She embarrassed me when we got outside and kissed me in front of students and staff.

So much has happened... The last extreme attempt I ended up in Chino Hills Hopsital for a month before entering foster care. In my time there I seen psych wards are complicit for other jobs. I spent time in solitary confinement after I wasn't supposed to see what goes on in that hospital just like many others.

Just think ,in general, how many times does a hospital take your blood while admitted? How much do they take? Do you really think they use all of that for a test because sometimes it only takes a few drops for a test. Where does all the blood go and how much is it worth is what you should be asking. Follow the money.

Lets talk about some of the things that pushed me over the edge. What happened at 12/13? Too many CPS reports were made from school when I was able to attend from bruises I wish someone had the clearance the power to go back and look. Keep in mind I'm fully adopted now so then when anyone mentioned my last name everyone was scared and intimidated to do ANYTHING because they knew there would be repercussions for them. Everyone knew there was something obviously wrong but innocent people always turned for money or worse so nothing came when anyone got involved. When I hit middle school some bruises and bites were too hard to hide changing for PE. Some conversations between friends got back to their parents? I really wanted to know how everyone else got in "trouble". Whether that was someone beating the shit out of them or holding them down I was curious. Some parents and teachers started calling in to CPS and then a heads up would go to my surrogate that they were coming and because of stolen and welfare money the outside of the house was "immaculate " as they would say. They never talked to me away from her. They even had pictures, they had proof, they did nothing. Everytime they got up to leave I thought I'm going to die. I remember one night for CPS coming over my surrogate looked me in my eyes and said "when my man gets home he will deal with you .. and to get in the house". I ended up walking barefoot into one side of the house and kept running out the other side because I was in shock. I kept trying to tell myself things were normal and then again everyone knew something was wrong and I kept telling myself parts of it was all my fault and that day did it for me. I found a friend while running and called a family member that I thought would help because I wasn't the only one who ran but everyone lived a different life in that house. I ended up being at other persons house for a few hours before my surrogate and her "man" found out and I was picked up and it was a mess....
4am hit later and just like clockwork he walked into my room pissed and there was nowhere to hide. He kept saying if anything hurt it was my fault because I wanted to make adult decisions. It was my fault and the stupid decision I made was going to get everyone killed. That no one would ever believe me and to stop running and stop talking. That morning for school I packed up every strong pill I could find and a bottle of Bombay Gin and I got to school and tried to just relax. I ended up in an ambulance and overdosing. To be honest I didn't want to die I just wanted all the pain to go away. I ended up in RIverside ETS on a 51-50 hold. Then back I went and everyone was so nice to me for a second. I knew it was bullshit. I really tried to do everything right , stay quiet and be as invisible as possible. Drugs wasn't enough. Crying didn't help and there was no one to run to. My oldest "sister" at the time and my surrgoates biggest puppet was attending RCC Moreno Valley College. She would stay as late as possible to do homework,11PM sometimes, and my surrogate had a different "friend" over for the night. She told me to finish cleaning the kitchen while she went and picked her up and left me there with him. Of course it was my fault that to him I looked like her, and he was drunk and I was being "defiant" not answering his questions or let him pull my hair. So of course it was my fault what he did next and I couldn't tell or that would've been my fault too. So I slit my wrist and I tried to run but didn't make it out of the house. My surrogate told me "I dont care what happens to you just don't bleed on my brand new floor" so when I finally made it back to school I cut deeper and back to the hospital I went and after the hospital I ended up in the shelter where I met my mother now. I remember I saw her and just started crying. I was supposed to talk to her but no words would come out. Something in her eyes was clear and it said it was ok to break down for once and she didn't say a word she just let me cry....

The last few days have been alot. Flashbacks are so bad, yesterday I had to run out on a very cold patio to wake up. I could slap myself and it dosen't matter it seemed like no one would let go of me.

Moreno Beach Dr in Moreno Valley Ca. I still remember trying to run and thinking if I got past the Walmart to the Panda express maybe someone would help me or maybe if I could hide with my friend who was in JROTC at school in the apartments I could become invisible. None of that was realistic. 😔

I was beaten , raped with handcuffs on , I screamed as loud as I could but that didn't matter because they took me across the street into the empty field in the middle of the car dealership and I could see the line of people in Starbucks and I screamed and I cried and I begged for ANY BODY TO DO SOMETHING and no one did. There were over 5 or 6 police officers. One brought another girl who wasn't crying. She gave blowjobs to the officers who stood waiting with their cars parked opposite ways, doors open to block , and turned their radios off until they were done (they use their regular cellphones). I fought so hard I don't remember dealing with other officers because crying was making it worse. I remember the first 2. My surrogate knew because it was her married boyfriends friends. I ran away every chance I got but they always showed up to pick me up, use me , abuse me and take me back. I was 13 years old. Eventually this led to an unhealthy amount of suicide attempts. I tried everything to never have to deal with them again but nothing worked. 😕 Some of these officers still have a trap house on Nason St , right next to Valley View High School where they take their orders to a house so they don't have to go to the dealership or behind the MOVAL HOSPITAL or on LASSELLE behind those rocks. That dosent stop them from doing what they want out in the open but it made it easier. No one calls 911 on that trap house and even if they do the people that called are the ones who are searched , harassed and questioned. Trust me I know.

Next week is going to be psycho 💣⬇️

First , I really want to thank those that have shared the videos I have done from last year to now with Stew Peters. I don't care how big or small someones platform is I care about people waking up to the truth. From the start we have never asked for anything and we have had HELL. Thank you to those that have seen me and instead of diverting eyes away from the children , making problems , or causing distractions you have focused on the bigger message and only pandemic and that is the children. I have no desire for fame , fortune or noteritey. I'm looking for truth and peace and the only way that will come is when the children are saved. We are exhausted but we won't give up and I thank you so much for carrying the weight of my story and other children that need you. God Bless you All. We appreciate you!
💜🙏🏽Love and Thanks

There were questions of why Ally said "ALL" police and "ALL" teachers in Stews interview.
Let's break it down....

1. She was very nervous on the interview...and was mid panic attack during the majority of the interview, but part of her training is to hold her shit together which she did.
Did she lie??
No, she did not!

2. Lets break it down further....She said "All" cops...then said some are good.
So......If she wasn't lying...where's the truth??
There is no way its possible for Ally to "know all cops, or their motives", and she didn't what are left with??
"ALL" cops Ally dealt with were corrupt.
In everything she recounted to me over the years...there was only one cop in Moreno Valley who tried to do the right thing....but he was a rookie in the presence of seasoned cops and got shut down.
I watched Ally closely when she first came with me, as I did all my kids. I needed to know where the truth in them was.
They were all from varying degrees of trauma, so
It was important to me to see where they each stood.
I had kids who could hold a grain of sand and embellish a whole story about the day they spent at the beach.
I had others who could spend the day at the beach and downplay the experience to the fact they had only held a grain of sand and I
I had other kids who were compulsive liars...
Ally was none of those things.
She told the truth. It was important to her that she told exact truth.
She did not embellish too much or to little.
In hearing what was done to plagued me that there was never one good kind or decent person in her life.
The law of averages would say differently....that there should be some good people.
Then I learned how the deep state, witches, warlocks,pimps, traffickers, gangbangers...even church people network together to harass survivors.
That's when things started making sense for me.

3. Teachers and school staff.
Again she said "All".
That meant "All" she dealt with.
There were teachers, counselors and staff that were all complicit.
There were teachers and staff that were threatened... and dismissed when they tried to help...
= passively complicit.

There were those who looked away when she came with bruises, and excessive absences, or when she tried to tell them, etc....= complicit.

There were those teachers, principals, etc.. who openly participated in the rape, torture and trafficking...
=actively complicit.

If you are not doing EVERYTHING in your power to protect the kids... YOU ARE COMPLICIT.

Ally had one elementary teacher that she spoke highly of....and we crossed paths with her reaction....I'm not feeling to trusting of her.
Trafficking, MK Ultra, and SRA is like nothing I've ever seen or could imagine.
It requires each of us to set aside our notions of what we order to grasp the evil that's been done to the kids.
No longer could I blindly trust people just because they stood in authority. We have it backwards. We think those in authority should be trusted blindly based on their position. I was raised to believe that way and so were most of you.. you do what the doctor tells you, you obey the police, your teacher knows more than we do...its all BS.
The truth is actually the opposite.....those in authority should be scrutinezd more closely because they are in a position to abuse their power easily.. and they can and they do often!!!
Power is like a drug...its addictive.

Let's talk about "Controlled Opposition."
This war on truth is exhausting not only
do we fight hard against all evil....but we also fight hard against division, lies, confusion, etc....
I am still digging into this whole "controlled opposition" agenda, but it seems to be just agenda!!!!
We, Ally and I, have been called "controlled opposition."
Charlie Ward has been called controlled opposition.
Stew Peter's is now being called controlled opposition.
That stuff pisses me off. Its a distraction and
It shifts the focus off of the truth and the kids.
Many things are used to detract from the real war...the war against good and evil, the war to save the kids.

Things to keep in mind:

1. If someone IS controlled opposition...they will still be speaking the truth, so don't lose the message!!

2. Who is it that is
screaming "controlled opposition??"
Often it is survivors speaking on this. Why??
Take it with a grain of salt....survivors are themselves controlled and handled. Even if they appear to be free. They can often be used to cause division or push an agenda. Not because they are evil...because it is the whole basis of MK Ultra programming.
Reason #500 why I say it's a convoluted mess of an issue.

3. Many things are being used to cause division and chaos. False memory syndrome shut down all the children in the 80s who tried to speak out in truth.
"Controlled opposition", I believe is being used as a similiar tactic so
watch who screams it and why.
At the rate things are going with that agenda.. there is literally NO one who can be trusted or believed...according to those screaming about it.
We have been called that as well...and I know for a fact we aren't, and that I run interference for anyone or anything that might try to use Ally for evil. We are speaking truth as much, as fast and as best we I have to look at who it is making those claims and why.
Does that make sense??
Survivors often have alters who are kind, decent, and truthful... but they also have alters who can be manipulated easily via programming.
Please take all things into account, then pray for God's discernment.

* My God, and the truth are bigger than that.

*The truth can be found if you look for it, but you must actively seek it.

My intel has told me that one of the buyers on Allys contract is a cop.
Next week's drop will be in their honor.
To the two buyers secretly plotting how to get off Allys contract....I suggest you figure it out.
I've been getting lots of intel from my source.
Most I keep to myself for strategic reasons...but next week there will be more drops .

This is Ally :

Flashbacks suck
Nightmares suck
Ab reactions suck
Closing your eyes and getting stuck somewhere feeling all the old pain again and when you wake up to wake up to another nightmare sucks.
I just want this shit to stop.
We may be ok physically today but please pray for my PTSD. My face feels swollen today, my body hurts and my mind is racing in a way I wish so many of you could understand.
One of my pimps use to be so pissed if I cried or showed emotion. I show more emotion now than I ever have. He use to tell me if I would cry like a baby he would beat me like one. And he did. Memories just suck. All this dark memory lane is shitty. 😔
Two seconds of peace would be nice.
Making this shit stop so no one has to look over their shoulders would be amazing but thats not reality. Tonight just feels off. I'm so sick of this feeling. You will understand fear a little bit different when dieing is not the worst that can happen or that has happened. 😔

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