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2x Asperger in one video 😂

for those believing 😐 is synonym of Asperger ...

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The most 😢 and emotional moment in Dahmer

Tony Hughes is the best example how criminals can have love and empathy too ...

Sad that Dahmer was not able to control his impulses

Nei, ikke skyt! Da løfter han geværet opp til kinnet. Han blir stående og sikte og det virket som tankene vekslet mellom hode og hjerte. Det gjorde det hos meg også. Jeg var overbevist om at jeg skulle dø. Alt håp var ute

No, don't shoot! Then he raises the rifle to his cheek. He stands and aims and it seemed that his thoughts alternated between head and heart. It did that to me too. I was convinced I was going to die. All hope was lost.

Men i det det virker som han skal trekke snur han på hælen og går uten et ord og forlater stedet.

But just as he looks like he's going to pull, he turns on his heel and walks away without a word and leaves the place

Han var blek i ansiktet, men så skiftet det plutselig farge til rødt og han ble stående og rope og skrike. Når han rettet geværet mot meg fikk jeg blikkontakt. Det føltes som om han tok en lang vurdering. Når han snudde var han veldig bestemt

His face was pale, but then it suddenly changed color to red and he stood shouting and screaming. When he pointed the rifle at me I made eye contact. It felt like he was taking a long assessment. When he turned he was very determined.

Når jeg oppdager at jeg lever og bare er skutt i skulderen ser jeg en jente i vannet og forsøker å hjelpe henne..

When I discover that I am alive and have only been shot in the shoulder, I see a girl in the water and try to help her..

Adrian Pracon var helt uforberedt på at Anders Behring Breivik på eget initiativ begynte å fortelle hvorfor han skånet 23-åringen

Han sa han syntes jeg så Høyre-orientert ut, og at han så seg selv i meg. Det at han ser noe så grusomt i meg, det vil jeg ikke ta innover meg, svarer Pracon

He said he thought I looked right-wing, and that he saw himself in me.

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This is the main point!

From a criminal point 1000x better a dude who is smiling and happy! You already know that he deserves @DeathSentenceNOW with @NoParoleRight! for serious crimes with proof, or life sentence / 20-50+ years for other things but again with @NoParoleRight!

So again, better a prisoner who is smiling!

If we watch that from a victim point of view, obviously is a no go! but again, we prefer a criminal smiling than a criminal saying bullshit and fake sorry!

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Because Greta is having Asperger with "no empathy" ... YES, BELIEVE THAT, if this makes you feel better.

The reality? Facts say 🖕 to your feelings!

More laws for animals NOW!

Calling someone Asperger without empathy, because YOU have NO empathy is probably a much worse disease!

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So again

a) what Greta is saying IS NOT related to Asperger!
and previous posts

same for Elon Musk

exactly like how Breivik is acting IS NOT related to Asperger! He made a terror attack, but he has no Asperger, if you analyse that with a terroristic mind ...

and maybe even other criminals

With that, we are NOT saying Greta has not Asperger
because we can even understand how looking to people directly in the eyes could be a pain or isolating themselves or or or. At the end Asperger has many similarities to Vigorexia / Anorexia and similar things!

Same for Breivik, Elon Musk, etc. since we don't know them directly ...

b) no matter what, NO DISCRIMINATION to people with real Asperger! TED people said that too. Aspergers are pretty similar to other, means they have even empathy! and this is showed by Greta too

Stop evaluating people with ignorance
and without knowing the story behind

So we are against the abuse of Asperger definition, BUT Asperger is still something important we need to RESPECT!

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Greta und Allan haben das Asperger Syndrom

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What real super power looks like

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From the series "Asperger is not looking people or smiling ..."

Meanwhile, striking is nothing new ... like said multiple times before

2015: 33,000 students remain at home for 16th day as outcry against ‘state discrimination’ in funding of schools spreads

2015: On November 28-29th, on the eve of the Paris Climate Summit, hundreds of thousands of people around the world took to the streets.

The Global Climate March was coordinated by a huge coalition of climate groups and activists working together — to show world leaders and delegates in Paris that the world is paying attention and the people are rising up

Eighty Fleck women were prepared to defy their employer to assure their new union’s survival, and went out on strike March 7, 1978

Over 100 women from Barnard College, the School of General Studies, and the Graduate Faculties participated in the 1968 Columbia protests

The woman's factory strike of 1909 is the story of thousands of young women (most of whom were below 18 years of age) who fought a sexist and dangerous labor system in a time before women had the right to vote

Just some examples ...

and yes, THERE IS NO JUST CLIMATE CHANGE! We need to change other things too! Like there is no just Europe, but our goals are America, America Latina, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Asia too ..

So again protest is nothing new, and is something we personally will NEVER do, but good if other do that.

We are of the idea, that sharing science and facts (but in a different way compared to what all other are doing) is more important than making a protest, where people even don't say "why?" (Last Generation style ...). Even showing a "Stop pollution" banner will help anything, if people react like they do with "The last Generation", even because no informations are shared ...

PS: we are not ignorant, and we see for example how Greta is looking to the camera ... BUT this still doesn't mean anything! like said previously

She talked about this in a german video, saying she has difficulty to look people ... ok, even if this is so, how deep? With all people? In which situation nope? What are other symptoms? Because a diagnosis is not made by just one thing!

So it would be really cool based on which symptoms she is classified as 100% Asperger. What she always talk in the interviews IS NOT ASPERGER!

Same if she says "i don't want to have social contact" .... Like all women don't want to have a kid
not all people need to "waste" time with other people, if this is not a priority! EVERYONE CAN DO THE SHIT HE WANTS! Being different doesn't mean having a disease.

What about all Germans who followed Hitler like idiots? DO WE WANT TO TALK ABOUT THEM! and all people that continue to act in such way in 2023!!

The reality of 2024?
This video
and such 🐑 call the dog as "person with a disease" when the reality is that the sheeps have a disease of being sheeps!

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Behind Greta Asperger Interview

a) you haven't answered the question about the diagnosis ... would be cool how they did that ... or is this just a bullshit diagnosis made by psychologists that understand anything ...

b) what you are saying is NOT related to Asperger at all ...
Being interested on a topic for hours IS NOT synonym of Asperger! Everyone can be interested and waste 18+ hours pro days for such things. This is not obsession for a topic, this is research! exactly like DataHoarders, scientists, journalists do too! wasting days and days just to talk about the war for example ... Again, this has NOTHING to do with a "neurological disease"!

Otherwise all students writing a thesis would have Asperger too! = means all people going to university, except lazy students ...

c) Greenpeace and WWF reacted before you, but people continues to GIVE A SHIT TO BOTH! In your case, probably just because you were a child you got the attention ... but you were NOT the first activist! In fact women are doing activism for their rights since years ...

d) Double faces people have nothing to do with Asperger too. Even normal people see no sense behaviour, but the problem is THAT MOST PEOPLE HAVE NO BALLS TO SAY THAT! this is the shame of our planet! just keeping eyes closed and accept all like chickens!

e) if i decide to do something, i do it = again, this is not Asperger and all people with brain act in such way. People without balls instead not.

f) "other may not see" - THE POINT IS THAT OTHER DON'T WANT TO SEE! Exactly like when a girl is raped they do like if nothing happened ...

g) "other perspective" - Again the problem is that people DON'T WANT TO CHECK WITH A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE even if they are able! Exactly they don't verify informations! because believing every shit is faster and easier!

Again, this is not Asperger! This is ignorance and indifference of the people!

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Yes, such girls HAVE ASPERGER SYNDROM! (related to empathy diagnosis)

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Yes, based on the symptom of Asperger diagnosis even Lazar Angelov is having Asperger from this point of view, since most of the time he is not smiling ... which obviously is bullshit!

In children, some indicators for ASD include poor eye contact, repetitive play styles, lack of smiling, constant attachment to a particular object and unresponsiveness.

Many people on the autism spectrum do not use or interpret non-verbal cues such as eye contact, facial expression or tone of voice when talking to people and can often interpret instructions, jokes and figures of speech in a very literal manner.

You may not use ‘non-verbal cues’ when you talk to somebody. You may use very little eye contact, or tend to stare when you are having a conversation with somebody.

Interestingly, children with ASD were reportedly less likely than normal children to combine their smiles with eye contact in a single act that conveyed communicative intent; they were much less likely to smile in response to a mother’s smile than were normal children (Dawson et al 1990)

Again, Breivik and co are best example, probably a bullshit Asperger diagnosis, with smile

Let we remember, that no smiling is caused by other things too! Diseases, personal wishes to not smile, context, etc.

The same can be said with "poor eyes contact" ... not only because you don't look a person when he is talking, means you have Asperger! WTF? It's like watching a podcast, where you see the same person 1 hour doing nothing, only talking

Exactly like people considering "continuos walking" as "people are stressed" when maybe walking without rest is a cause of pain in joints, not available when walking! so a decision made to reduce pains, exactly like people use specific other body positions to avoid pain or other things!


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Serena Williams Shuts Down Reporter Who Asked Why She Wasn't Smiling!

We are not able to find the good video we watched months ago, showing how an athlete made an epic "on off switch" with her (fake) smile just after the interview ... Was really a good video. But let we post this video instead

So, yes ... "lächel doch mal!" if this is just to make people happy, but you have no wish to smile ...

Remember one thing. Only because a person is not smiling or laughing, doesn't mean this person is not smiling or laughing in other situations ... So if you know nothing about such person, you can spread bullshit without real facts ...

and next post

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Ey, lächel doch mal! 😏

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Asperger Challenge✨🦋

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Remember, better no 😀 at all, than double face people with fake smile like Petyr Baelish and other scammers

Or a smile by terrorists / criminals

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Moebius Syndrome ✨

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Asperger's syndrome (AS), a behavioral disorder that is related to autism, is associated with abnormal social functioning and repetitive behaviors but not with a decrease in intelligence or linguistic functionality

It is very common for a person with Asperger syndrome to follow the same routine each day 🤦‍♂️ Hey people worldwide, you have Asperger!

When in reality is that MOST PEOPLE have a repetitive lifestyle! like said previously with Dahmer

Except those who travel day by day, do researchers in various topics (example journalists), etc. Otherwise all other do pretty the same DAY BY DAY, at work or at home! Sleeping Eating Studying Training Working Eating Sleeping! (and few other things ...) 🔁

The characteristics of the young children with this developmental disorder were;
• Profound lack of affective contact with others
• Intense resistance to change in routines

knowing Telegram is better than WhatsApp have such disease!

Without considering other irrational way to act

It is known that patients with ASD experience more digestive problems and metabolic imbalances than normal people. It is known that removing gluten and casein from the diets of patients with ASD reduces digestive disorders, behavior, and symptoms .. when 🍕 was the post Utøya (based on Netflix, if not bullshit) and a bodybuilder too

Children with ASD often have feeding difficulties that may present as restricted food intake, texture based food selectivity, food refusal, and/or repetitive food choices.

Now we could call all elderly, bodybuilders, 🇮🇹, etc. in such way ...

You may have an intense interest in a certain topic and enjoy learning lots of facts about it = researchers / people with hobbies / passion

The diagnosis of these disorders has proven to be DIFFICULT because patients will display symptoms to varying degrees, therefore allowing many to be missed or undiagnosed for extended periods.

Asperger's syndrome (AS), a behavioral disorder that is related to autism, is associated with abnormal social functioning and repetitive behaviors but not with a decrease in intelligence or linguistic functionality.

In children, some indicators for ASD include poor eye contact, repetitive play styles, lack of smiling , constant attachment to a particular object and unresponsiveness.

Lack of smiling? but then Breivik has Asperger's syndrome? WTF 🤦‍♂️

In contrast, the child tends to have above-average intelligence and may excel in other areas such as music, mathematics, reading and writing compared to his peers.

Asperger’s syndrome (AS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by abnormal social functioning, poor coordination, repetitive behaviors and strange speaking patterns.

AS is not associated with decrease in intelligence or delays in language development, which differentiates it from other autistic spectrum disorders.

The signs and symptoms of AS include long engaging conversations by the individual with obsession or fixation with minute detail or information (; lack of or extreme eye contact; awkward body gestures; poor coordination and strange speaking patterns; eccentric or repetitive behaviors; limited range of interests; difficulty understanding others’ facial expressions or tones as well as literal and sarcastic conversation and lack of empathy or sensitivity toward others (

AS is commonly associated with other comorbid disorders, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, Tourette’s syndrome and obsessive compulsive disorder AGAIN WHAT ABOUT DISCRIMINATION, ANOREXIA, VIGOREXIA, ETC?!

The significant OVERLAP!!! between AS and other disorders complicated the proper diagnosis of AS and delayed the appropriate use of medications to treat symptoms of AS patients.

See next post

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Asperger Syndrome is synonym of no empathy? Well, than most people could be diagnosed as Asperger Syndrome, since they give a 💩 to animals, other people, criminality, laws ...
while those diagnosed with a fake "Asperger Syndrome have more empathy than others ..."

Near not being able to understand how criminals / innocent / terrorists / etc. think ... by giving a shit to reasons behind their good or bad actions. Without even having not interests to learn and improve. Remember be always positive! no matter how bad a situation is!

Stop having just one point of view! Start to analyse things from multiple point of views. Don't be a sheep

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