Ben Edgington | 𝕏🧵
RT @TimBeiko: Fresh off the press, here's another AllCoreDevs update covering all things Pectra: how we got to the final scope and a brief overview of each of the EIPs included.
I planned to bundle this with a broader ACD 2024 recap, but 1500 words in, I opted to split them. Link below 😄
₿izFeed#⃣: #dev #ETH
RT @TimBeiko: Fresh off the press, here's another AllCoreDevs update covering all things Pectra: how we got to the final scope and a brief overview of each of the EIPs included.
I planned to bundle this with a broader ACD 2024 recap, but 1500 words in, I opted to split them. Link below 😄
₿izFeed#⃣: #dev #ETH