Commander Rockwell

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14 - Fighting for the White race

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Fuentes Loves Jews and Blacks ... Not our guy

Forward from: The War on Whites
While the US was busy banning Confederate flags and enlisting gays and trannies the chinks were preparing for war.
China was preparing for a Third World War with biological weapons - including coronavirus - SIX years ago, according to dossier produced by the People's Liberation Army in 2015 and uncovered by the US State Department
The dossier by People's Liberation Army scientists and health officials examined the manipulation of diseases to make weapons 'in a way never seen before'.

Forward from: Horus
The Telegram group 'Tommy Robinson supporters', which contains his lieutenants, was changed to 'Tommy Robinson supporters / Eye on Antisemitism' and is now called 'Black and White Unite' (which may or may not signify approval of current trends in advertising) and has anti-Nazi memes as its icon.

What distinguishes these people from Antifa?

Forward from: Eric Striker
You can't claim to be an anti-communist without also battling and overthrowing its globalist and exploitive twin -- capitalism.

Just ask these guys.

Forward from: Mark Collett
Syrian man has managed to avoid deportation and jail time after being convicted by a Swedish court of raping a 12-year-old girl inside a public toilet in the city of Borås.

Forward from: Tomislav's books
White Power

Is the last and most powerful book written by the founder of the American Nazi Party, George Lincoln Rockwell.
A book which should not only be read by every American National Socialist but which could also be interesting for European National Socialists.
Taking the philosophical concepts outlined in his earlier book, "This Time the World," Rockwell distilled his political message into a hard-hitting, easy-to-read volume which is guaranteed to leave the reader shaken, despite having first been published in 1966.


Forward from: Path of Totality

Forward from: Avalonian Duke 🐝⚡️
There’s dozens of reasons why these skills are important. To name a handful:

1) Much of what mainstream shops sell are filled with poison and chemicals.
2) The price of food may well skyrocket at any time, don’t be left going hungry.
3) Don’t give your money to corporations and businesses that are anti-White and endorse groups that want us dead.
4) You should be trying to withdraw from the system, that means you need skills like this and you need to be working towards self-sustainability.
5) Our ancestors knew much of this stuff like the back of their hand. We must revive lost skills.

I’ll post more stuff like this every few days. Not just food and plants but other skills too. Some I’m very good at now, some I’m learning as I go along, and others I’ve not tried yet. This is something I want to get more into this year. Tbh I’m tired of spending so much time reading stats, hearing endless wankery about philosophy and hearing the latest insanity the sheep are coming out with.

You won’t care about parroting crime stats or what Evola said about such and such when your savings are inflated away, the shelves are bare and you’re an atomised individual with no skills and nothing of value to offer to a group/tribe.

Forward from: Simple life 🌹
A sincere man chooses his words carefully. He doesn't make half-hearted promises that he isn't sure he can keep. When he says something, he means it and stands by what he said.

Forward from: Britsart
The Old Australia

Forward from: Karl Thorburn
"White supremacy isn't real"

Forward from: Avalonian Duke 🐝⚡️
If there’s one group of people that are certain to perish in the future, it’s individualists.

It’s obvious at this point that the future is going to be both uncertain and dangerous. And if you’re planning on meeting it with nothing but arguments about your non-existent ‘rights’ then you’re in for a big shock.

Your 2 primary goals at this point should be:

- Finding likeminded people that you can trust. Building a support network/community that you can rely on for the long term.

- Improving yourself so that you’re in a position where you can actually contribute to such a group/community and aren’t a useless hanger-on.

Forward from: Avalonian Duke 🐝⚡️
I was actually having a discussion with someone today about this.

They said that we do actually need a more sustainable and environmentally friendly source of food, Asians eat bugs so it’s not unhealthy or unheard of, and once people get past the fear factor it’ll be seen as normal.

If you think that “eat the bugs, bigot” is just a meme and will never catch on, I think you’ve got a other thing coming. I honestly believe millions will get on board with this once the propaganda is stepped up. These people will think YOU are the abnormal one for refusing the beetle burger.

Forward from: Mark Collett
Bullied to DEATH for Being WHITE
The story of Aaron Dugmore, a 9-year-old boy who committed suicide after being bullied for being white.
Bullied to DEATH for Being WHITE
The story of Aaron Dugmore, a 9-year-old boy who committed suicide after being bullied for being white. You can donate to my work via bitcoin: 31oe67q7PLQUbNABy87xjiipBvexgBYjtz My book, The Fall of...

Forward from: Eric Striker
New on National Justice:

Here is my investigation into the Department of Homeland Security's plan to crush white people on the right.

If you think you'll be OK because you're not a white nationalist, think again. Militia members of all stripes, anti-abortion activists, and even animal welfare protesters are also being listed as enemies of the state in a new DNI report.

The DHS' program features:

1) A Clockwork Orange style psychological experiments on incarcerated white "extremists" (like those who entered the capitol) they refer to as "subjects." The leader of this program is an actual agent of the Israeli military.

2) Revelations that the government is behind closed doors pushing social media companies to deplatform what they say are "toxic narratives."

3) Using online gaming platforms to spread covert propaganda and narrative jamming.

4) Training teachers to make lists and inform on students engaging in "hate speech."

Stop making Soviet Union analogies. We're already here.

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