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I'm not saying Andrew Tate is a glowie, but if I was laundering black ops off book money I could think of few places more convenient than a gambling and prostitution/camgirl ring in Romania.
I've met more than a few Romanians and not a one if them was fond of the following:
1. black people
2. Rich Americans throwing their money around in Eastern Europe.

Andrew Tate is both those things.
If you think *Romanian gangsters* cut a black dude from America in on their action at a casino or running girls without a hefty bribe, you're really, really naive.

Help them out, please. This country holds babies hostage until the poor parents owe the price of a car.

Forward from: American Krogan
Hello everyone,

It has come to my attention that Lana and Henrik of Red Ice have been hammered with a lot of obscene medical bills as a result of their latest child being born prematurely. Sigrid, their daughter, is fine now, but she had to spend 12 days in the NICU, and that costs a lot of money. Lana and Henrik have worked tirelessly for years to ensure Red Ice keeps going. They've suffered countless major losses in revenue streams after being kicked off all major platforms. After all the hard work they've put in for us, they should NOT have to suffer yet another crippling financial setback for simply having another beautiful White baby.

Please, go and give them something. Every bit will help.

Merry Christmas. See you all sometime after St. Stephen's Day.

Forward from: Nix Jeelvy
I suppose Christmas is as good time as any to come out of the closet

If your political analysis doesn't start with the premises that whatever ZOG is doing,
1. It's on purpose
2. It's Evil

You're NGMI

Binging hallmark movies is what girlboss box wine alcoholics do instead of having a family and a community. They depend on the simulacra of a sane society for a month in order to make it thru the other 11 months of the year.

Forward from: Thuletide
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UK reaching levels of dystopic anarcho-tyranny that shouldn't even be possible:

In a clear case of anti-Christian persecution, a White woman was arrested for silently praying in her head near an abortion center.

She was charged with "breaking a Public Space Protection Order." Apparently, PSCOs were introduced in 2014 to prevent "anti-social behavior," presumably under the guise of protecting the public from harassment by "urban youths."

The woman didn't actually say whether she was praying in her head or not. So technically she was arrested for potentially praying in her head while standing silently on the sidewalk.

UK cops are happy to arrest harmless White women for literal thought crimes, but refuse to touch the foreign pedophile gangs that rape around 20,000 (predominantly White) girls every year.

Forward from: The Restoration Bureau
Report All Degenerate Architecture

One reason people love Christmas is it's the one time of the year when the ordinary person is exposed to transcendence on a regular basis.
If your daily life is filled with rap, pop, and bro country, December is the only time a year when you'll hear music that elevates the human soul.

Forward from: HATE FACTS
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Historically accurate representation of the women's suffrage movement, in color.  @HateFacts

Stay warm folks

Forward from: Fash's Clips
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The Union Leauge: The black, anti-White terrorist organization , that wreaked havoc on the South.
@John_Fashcroft:3/The-Union-League:9' rel='nofollow'>

Please follow and share!


The Eagle's Nest
@John_Fashcroft:3' rel='nofollow'>

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Forward from: Southern Nationalism
We are no longer accepting things we cannot change.

It is now time to change the things we cannot accept.

Forward from: Dark_Enlightenment's aphorisms
I was talking with one of the wisest and smartest guys I know. He said
" Veni, Veni, Emmanuel is the best song ever"
I'm inclined to agree.

Forward from: Dark_Enlightenment's aphorisms
Veni, Veni Emmanuel is perfect in either Latin, or English.

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