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"I'd rather sing one wild song and burst my heart with it, than live a thousand years watching my digestion and being afraid of the wet."

- Jack London

XIV 🏴‍☠️

Forward from: Wandering Spartan
The Gods only favor the strong. Fortune shall smile on the bold. The mighty shall inherit the Earth.


XIV 🏴‍☠️

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🏴‍☠️🛟📢 — Our volunteers from Arizona and California were very busy this weekend, as the generosity of the community came in by the truckload.

All of the supplies donated this weekend went to Bob Hope Patriotic Hall, sheltering hundreds of veterans displaced by the fires.*

The crisis in Los Angeles continues, with high winds expected in the coming days. Thanks to your support, the Nationalist Network will be here for our fellow Americans.

If you would like to help keep our activists fed and in the fight, visit

If you would like to volunteer or have information on how we can better help the community, feel free to send me a direct message (@TheCultureWarCriminal). We need all the help we can get!

*If you know anybody still accepting diapers and children's clothes, please let us know!



"Han var fiskarsonen från Bretagne som skulle bli Frankrikes mest kontroversiella politiker. Hatad och älskad, reaktionär och visionär. Jonas De Geer skriver om Jean-Marie Le Pens liv och gärning."

Forward from: WB Stockholm
Acca Larenzia 🇮🇹

WB var på plats i Rom för att delta i minnesstunden för Franco (19), Francesco (18) och Stefano (20) som mördades 1978 av kommunistiskt hat och av statens tjänare.

Per tutti i camerati caduti? Presente!

Forward from: The Golden One
“Hacking Hate” – a new hitpiece that seeks to portray me as hateful (and thereby paint a target on my back).

I have produced a great amount of content over the last ten years. I challenge anyone to find something hateful I have ever said.

At first, I felt a certain empathy for the “journalist” (My Vingren) behind it, but upon learning that she created a fake profile and attempted to follow my wife's private account (which explicitly says it is an account with pictures of our children for friends and family) any empathy quickly disappeared.

We do, of course, take this very seriously. We are in contact with the police and will look into taking legal action.

I would also like to take this opportunity to encourage the good people of the Sweden Democrats and the Moderates) to look into this.

It is fully possible that this type of activity (character assassination and an increased threat-level against me and my family) is legal at the moment – but it should not be. Citizens must be allowed to express their opinions without being harassed.

I would kindly encourage everyone who sees this to retweet for more exposure 🙏

Lastly, this hitpiece only motivates me to work even harder metapolitically. It is a struggle between good and evil – this fact becomes clearer for every time something like this happens.


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Join your local active club
exercise, fight and strengthen; train and create your best version
We are a proposal created to prevail and form men who transcend eternity outside of modern decadence.
Welcome to freedom Rob Rundo

Unete a tu active club local
ejercitate, lucha y fortalecete; entrena y crea tu mejor versión
somos una propuesta creada para prevalecer y formar hombres que trasciendan a la eternidad fuera de la decadencia moderna.
Bienvenido a la libertad Rob Rundo

Forward from: White Rex Original
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Surf the Kali Yuga

XIV 🏴‍☠️

Surf the Kali Yuga

We have sometimes told you about something what we call "cracks in modernity". A phenomenon where a more true order or feelings breaks through the buzz of ordinary life.

Gentlemen. We live in the middle of a battle of values. We can see it everyday. The plague of wokeness seems to fade away is som areas, in others it has increased drastically. If Trump, Musk and all the other Betapolitical right has done something its this. They are players in this battle of values that have changed the frontlines. And right now we surf on a wave of energy. A wave of faustian spirit reclaiming it's rightful place in the heart and minds of our peoples. Whatever we thinks of certain political outcomes. It's obvious. The game has changed dramatically.

Thats why we need to make a distinction between "cracks in modernity" and what is new strategies from our enemies. Because this cultural shift in the white population has not going unnoticed from the eternal enemies. Values is weapons to use.

In Europe we can see how the homoglobo leftism has evolved from a "Hakuna Matata"-Left to realize that they need to throw of wokeness, analsex and uncontrolled immigration for appeal of the masses.
A big chunk of the left is still left in the old ideas of wokeness but some have seen whats need to be done.

And we as a movement. We need to see the difference between the "cracks in modernity" and opportunistic attempt from every player in this Battle of values that raging right now.

There is an old saying: Left and right is different sides of the same coin.

Musk or Soros. Africans or Indians. The tyranny of the Market or the Sovjet stateapparatus.

Surf the Kali Yuga Lads. But be careful. We want to use the waves. Not be consumed by them.

XIV 🏴‍☠️

"Courage, audacity, and revolt will be the essential elements of our poetry."


XIV 🏴‍☠️

Forward from: Arktos

"Nietzsche's basic concept of the state is Germanic and not German, if by German we want to understand the ultimate form of what has grown on Germanic soil under Christian-Roman influence in the course of our history. The constant tension in which Nietzsche finds himself with regard to "Germany" is based on the fact that he goes back to the Germanic subsoil of the German character with an imperturbability and strength like no one before him."

Alfred Baeumler, Nietzsche: Philosopher & Politician

Presented for the first time in English and republished for the first time in the postwar world is Alfred Baeumler's Nietzsche: Philosopher and Politician (1931). Herein are ideas the postwar world meant to kill — because they are deemed disagreeable, dangerous. Dangerous to what? Dangerous to ideologies that intern and censor to death. This book, more than anything, is a mirror.

Order it here:

Forward from: Diary of an Underground Ronin
"I am beyond Right and Left, just as I am beyond good and evil… I am a man devoted to life, not to formulas."
— D’Annunzio

Forward from: Caledonia Club (CC)
"Fight or Die"
Members arranged a training session of Wrestling and Weights training.

Just look around you Lads.
Everyone is fat as fuck. Adult weaker then kids. Dumb as sheeps.

You are not just a Cultured Thug. You are a living God among these weaklings.
You are better. Stronger. Smarter.

Their power over you is just a fantasy

XIV 🏴‍☠️

Back to our future

XIV 🏴‍☠️

Weitere Informationen folgen.


No compromise.
Become who you are.

XIV 🏴‍☠️

Forward from: Aktivklubb Hälsingland

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