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Forward from: Icelandair / Aviation Air - Visit - Explore - Discover Island Iceland Islanda Island Islandia Islândia Islandiya Islande IJsland
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Dettifoss, Iceland's most powerful waterfall, is located in North Iceland 📍💪

Part of the iconic Diamond Circle route ✨💎✨ #iceland #waterfall

Guide to Iceland

Icelandair on Telegram by @IcelandairTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Forward from: Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
RT @Ali3Mctavish: Everything in the UK has gone downhill since Brexit. It's not an opinion, it's just counting. Anyone who pretends otherwise is either lying or deluded.

Joe 🇮🇸

Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Forward from: Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
RT @terrychristian: It's now overwhelming that we in UK now want to rejoin the EU. For those hard line leavers - which tangible brexit benefit will you miss the most when we do rejoin the EU. ? Even just one. No deflection - just answer the question.

Joe 🇮🇸

Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Forward from: Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
Americans are the most out of touch people I’ve ever come across

What part of we don’t know who the fuck he is are y’all not getting - samanthamcfarland

Joe 🇮🇸

Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Forward from: Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
A #glacial outburst #flood (#jökulhlaup) has begun from #Grímsvötn in #Vatnajökull, according to an announcement from the #Icelandic Meteorological Office.…

RÚV English

Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Forward from: Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
#Iceland #Sundhnuka
Work is underway day and night to raise walls at #Svartsengi by 8 to 9 m. Landrise continues at similar pace. Between lava tubes from previous eruptions, a kind of channel is formed for new lava that would head towards the power plant.…


Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Forward from: Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
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This view from the balcony of ⁦@EmiratesPalace#AbuDhabi never ceases to amaze me. 60 years ago just a backward Bedouin desert.

Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson

Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Forward from: Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
Lögreglan á Suðurlandi | Hvolsvöllur (Facebook)

Grímsvatnahlaup er hafið. Hægt er að fylgjast með þróun á vef Veðurstofa Íslands. Ekki er gert ráð fyrir að hlaupið hafi áhrif á innviði eða samgöngur.

Forward from: Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
Lögreglan á höfuðborgarsvæðinu | Reykjavík (Facebook)

Lögreglan á höfuðborgarsvæðinu hefur lokið rannsókn á máli sem snýr að stórfelldu fíkniefnabroti. Um er að ræða innflutning á tæplega 6 kg af kristal metamfetamíni, en það fannst í bifreið sem var flutt sjóleiðis til landsins. Þetta er stærsta haldlagning á kristal metamfetamíni í einu máli hérlendis.

Ráðist var í viðamiklar aðgerðir þegar málið kom upp og voru alls átta handteknir í þeim. Fjórir þeirra hafa setið í gæsluvarðhaldi frá því í lok október. Rannsókn málsins var mjög umfangsmikil, en það er nú komið í ákærumeðferð hjá embætti héraðssaksóknara.

Forward from: Icelandair / Aviation Air - Visit - Explore - Discover Island Iceland Islanda Island Islandia Islândia Islandiya Islande IJsland
Arctic Adventures | Reykjavík (Facebook)

Your Ultimate Laugavegur Adventure! ⛰️🥾🌄 

Discover the magic of Iceland’s most famous trail with a trek designed just for you. From the vibrant landscapes of the Laugavegur Trail to the awe-inspiring glaciers and coastlines, there’s a perfect journey for every adventurer🌋🍃

Which one will you choose?
🥾 4-Day Laugavegur Trek (Hut-to-Hut)
🥾 5-Day Laugavegur Trek + Glacier Hike & South Coast
🥾 6-Day Laugavegur Trek + Fimmvörðuháls Hike
🥾 7-Day Laugavegur Trek + Glacier Hike & South Coast
🥾 8-Day Laugavegur Trek + Glacier Hike, South Coast & Golden Circle

Whichever option you pick, prepare for extraordinary views and unforgettable experiences. 🌿✨

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Use Promo Code: TREKINTO2025
Expires: January 31, 2025


#LaugavegurTrek #IcelandTrails #HikingAdventures #ExploreIceland #NatureLovers #EpicHike

Forward from: Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
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The view from the park; created in the sand. From the #PresidentialPalace over to the skyscrapers on the other side of ⁦@EmiratesPalace⁩. The ⁦@ADNOCGroup⁩ tower at the end.

Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson

Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Forward from: Icelandair / Aviation Air - Visit - Explore - Discover Island Iceland Islanda Island Islandia Islândia Islandiya Islande IJsland
Guide to Iceland (Facebook)

Dettifoss, Iceland's most powerful waterfall, is located in North Iceland 📍💪

Part of the iconic Diamond Circle route ✨💎✨

Forward from: Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
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staðan við Iðnó/Tjörnina


Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Forward from: Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
RT @sophiefernley: Another reminder that Thomas Partey is a RAPIST and arteta + the rest of arsenal are disgusting for going anywhere near him

Joe 🇮🇸

Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Forward from: Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
Raphinha 😮! Madrids defending is awful

Joe 🇮🇸

Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Forward from: Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
Lögreglan á Norðurlandi eystra (Facebook)

Lögreglan á Norðurlandi eystra ásamt sérsveit ríkislögreglustjóra voru rétt í þessu að ljúka aðgerðum Í Glerárhverfi á Akureyri þar sem 5 aðilar voru handteknir í heimahúsi. Tilkynnt hafði verið um líkamsárás og hótanir þar sem vopnum var beitt.
Lögreglan vopnaðist og var nærliggjandi götum lokað á meðan ástand var tryggt. Vakthafandi lögreglumenn sérsveitar ríkislögreglustjóra voru kallaðir út og stýrðu þeir handtökum á vettvangi.
Málið er á frumstigi og því ekki unnt að veita frekari upplýsingar að svo komnu máli.

Forward from: Iceland Government MFA - Embajada Islandia - Ambassade Island - Deutsche Botschaft - Consolato - Sendiráðið á Íslandi - Embassy
RT @thorgkatrin: Iceland aligns with the EU statement on Venezuela.

We call for the independent and transparent verification of results. The will of the people of Venezuela and their human rights must be respected, including the right to peaceful assembly and the freedom of expression.

The EU supports the people of Venezuela in their defence of democracy.

Maduro lacks all democratic legitimacy.

New EU sanctions target individuals undermining democracy and human rights.

We will continue to work with all Venezuelans for a democratic solution to the crisis. - Kaja Kallas

MFA Iceland 🇮🇸

Iceland Government on Telegram by @icelandgovernment
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Forward from: Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
An earthquake of just over 3 mag struck the #Ljósufjalla system at 5:19 p.m. today. The earthquake, which originated just east of #Grjótárvatn in the mountains above Mýrar in Borgarfjörður, is one of the largest since records began in the area.…


Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Forward from: Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
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RT @Artanis041: #Hawaii #Kilauea

Earlier this morning, the Eruption of Kilauea resumed. Small Spatter is visible, also constant tremor persists.

Joe 🇮🇸

Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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