Laws related to driving Part 1
Here we go our request for all governments. So those who don't have such things, they really need to start to implement that.
No matter what, we agree with Norway. People driving too fast should (no matter which country)
a) lose the license and NEED TO REDO THE EXAM! Plus they would be again in 3 years prove ...
b) go in prison! (obviously not 10 years ... but a bit, so they will learn from that) and not just pay a bit of money
In case the dude is losing the license forever or for 5 years:
a) the dude is losing the car FOREVER or the police will take such car for the next years ...
In case the car is used with the wife ... well, in such case they can keep that, but if he uses the car for driving without license, well he should get in prison, the wife should lose the license forever and they would lose the car too! They simply would get the money for such car, minus x $ for doing crimes ...
b) no way to buy a new car forever or in the next 5 years, no matter if used or new
Plus per default:
a) People under 30 years are NOT ALLOWED TO BUY AND USE supercars per DEFAULT!
We cannot forget that young people are the big cause of accidents ...
b) to be able to drive a car, people should fill the living wills per default. They can refuse that, but then they cannot complain about how doctors act..
c) drivers should be sentenced based on videos from dash cams too
d) incremental sentence based on the km/h ... so means a dude with 300 km/h in a 30 km/h zone SHOULD NOT get the same like a dude with 70 km/h in a 30 km/h!!!
e) no difference for animals or persons. If you kill an animal and you give a shit to that ... well you need to go in prison exactly like killing a person ...
Here we go our request for all governments. So those who don't have such things, they really need to start to implement that.
No matter what, we agree with Norway. People driving too fast should (no matter which country)
a) lose the license and NEED TO REDO THE EXAM! Plus they would be again in 3 years prove ...
b) go in prison! (obviously not 10 years ... but a bit, so they will learn from that) and not just pay a bit of money
In case the dude is losing the license forever or for 5 years:
a) the dude is losing the car FOREVER or the police will take such car for the next years ...
In case the car is used with the wife ... well, in such case they can keep that, but if he uses the car for driving without license, well he should get in prison, the wife should lose the license forever and they would lose the car too! They simply would get the money for such car, minus x $ for doing crimes ...
b) no way to buy a new car forever or in the next 5 years, no matter if used or new
Plus per default:
a) People under 30 years are NOT ALLOWED TO BUY AND USE supercars per DEFAULT!
We cannot forget that young people are the big cause of accidents ...
b) to be able to drive a car, people should fill the living wills per default. They can refuse that, but then they cannot complain about how doctors act..
c) drivers should be sentenced based on videos from dash cams too
d) incremental sentence based on the km/h ... so means a dude with 300 km/h in a 30 km/h zone SHOULD NOT get the same like a dude with 70 km/h in a 30 km/h!!!
e) no difference for animals or persons. If you kill an animal and you give a shit to that ... well you need to go in prison exactly like killing a person ...