How to answer Amnesty about their bullshit: please keep in mind that maybe some topics are available in other posts too, but the main posts are: (part 2)
part 1: other example of death penalty in other countries in mind this is just about facts, not the final decision if a death sentence should be executed or not!
Problem about the previous video? They always just talk about killers.
AGAIN, THERE ARE DIFFERENT KILLERS, for example killing mass people in the school or someone killing the girlfriend or the mother. THERE IS HUGE DIFFERENCE! The first maybe could kill other people, the second maybe stop after that ...
So the question made is totally wrong and more questions about such question should be made, depending of the cases ...
Last point. As always people follow religious aspects (it's a human right), but sometimes such religious aspects are just bullshit. Already about abortion we can see different way to think about it based on religion in America Latina, yes it's right to follow religious aspects, but not if such things are no sense, like choosing about the life of someone other, if this life is not related to you at all (euthanasia in case of diseases / problems)
Always act with your brain, not what religion or tradition are saying, otherwise you are just a sheep.
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