#Guidelines recommand imaging with noncontrast CT Scan in patients with #mild_traumttic_brain_injury
❗who are exposed to dangerous mechanisms of injury such as falls from greatter than 3 feet or 5 stairs ,vehicular ejection, or vehicle-pedestrian motor vehicle collisions;
❗️older than 60 Years,
❗️Sever headache
❗️Glasgow Coma Scale score of less than l5.
❗️focal defecit(s).
❗️posttraumatic seizure,
❗️coagulopathy, or
❗️persistent drowSiness or amnesia.
💫تعال📚 استفيد💫
معلومات طبيه
مناقشه حالات
استفسار طبي
كتب وصور طبيه
معلومات خاصه طبيا
Protect your kidneys ,save your heart ❤️.
#Guidelines recommand imaging with noncontrast CT Scan in patients with #mild_traumttic_brain_injury
❗who are exposed to dangerous mechanisms of injury such as falls from greatter than 3 feet or 5 stairs ,vehicular ejection, or vehicle-pedestrian motor vehicle collisions;
❗️older than 60 Years,
❗️Sever headache
❗️Glasgow Coma Scale score of less than l5.
❗️focal defecit(s).
❗️posttraumatic seizure,
❗️coagulopathy, or
❗️persistent drowSiness or amnesia.
💫تعال📚 استفيد💫
معلومات طبيه
مناقشه حالات
استفسار طبي
كتب وصور طبيه
معلومات خاصه طبيا
Protect your kidneys ,save your heart ❤️.