Of any campaign I have seen raising money for a cause, this one by far is the most worthy and legitimate:
https://www.givesendgo.com/GE898The money raised is going to a legal fund for an appeal to reduce the sentance of a family man who has been given a eight year sentance plus two years on licence for so called "terror" offences which the vast majority of the population wouldn't even consider an offence, these were "possession of documents that maybe useful to a terrorist (s58 TA 2000) and membership of a proscribed organisation (which was because he stayed in touch with some friends who had been previously been members of a group that had been proscribed because of their nationalist ideology and actions of one idiot).
Ben had subsequently moved on with his life and settled down, had a family with his now fiancée Alexandra before the state decided to use him as an example to install fear within the nationalist community that publicly expressing white nationalist sentiments, forming groups or organisations may lead to heavy state persecution through their vaguely written and selectively applied legislation.
Ben and his nearly 4 year old daughter have never spent a Christmas together. His daughter has never seen her Daddy on her birthday. Benjamin was moved some 301 miles from his family to HMP Frankland. Which has made visiting for his fiancée with their two children, one of which is a disabled child, extremely challenging and costly. Ben has faced hostility and violence during his sentance because of his race and nationalist views, he has been physically attacked in prison with his jaw broken even though he keeps to himself and his head down to avoid trouble so he can get out to his family as soon as he can. TACT prisoners and their families have less rights and more restrictions than any other type prisoner which makes life much harder for them and their families than non TACT prisoners.
The state continues to harrass his family and even the wider family of his fiancée while Ben is in prison even though none of them have ever been convicted of any offence or suspected of committing one.
Communication, video calls, and visits are regularly cancelled without warning due to issues not related to them but with prison operations causing great distress to the family. Police randomly turn up at their houses without due cause to harass them under the guise of it being for their "welfare." They refuse to move him closer to home even though the long travelling distance is incredibly hard on their disabled child and by extension his fiancée and their other child dispite him being a model prisoner .
The decade long sentance is excessive, and the lengthy imprisonment under TACT restrictions in a prison hundreds of miles away has a huge negative impact on the lives of his young family, others convicted of similar or the same offences have successfully appealed and had their sentances reduced.
They are not asking for tens of thousands for holidays or for spending money.
They are only asking for a small fraction of the legal costs for an appeal that could bring about getting a man back to his young suffering family.
There is no grift. The money goes to a legimate aim of legal proceedings, not into inviduals back pockets.
By donating, you help give a family the opportunity to be together again, and if successful, this may also help other nationalists to return home to their families sooner by setting further precedent.
If you are going to donate to anything I would urge you to donate to this as it is for a legitimate and worthy cause.