Radical Paganism.

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A militant approach to Asatru.

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Forward from: Revolt against the NWO

Self-Reliance is a High virtue.

Nothing can change until we break the chains of slave wage society, establish communities, become self-sufficient and establish ourselves as Champions of our Folk.

Our character, our virtue, our conduct and our ability to move seamlessly through the modern world as Gods among men, free of the fetters of the modern world, will serve as the most effective way to awaken our Folk.

We can not declare war on degeneracy or Revolt against the Modern world until We first Declare war on Ourselves, Reforming ourselves in the likeness of the Gods.

Forward from: HateLab
Being self reliant is the most important aspect of existing in opposition to the current power structure.

If you couldn't live without it,
How could you kill it?

Forward from: The Wotan Network
Wotan is a tactician. He plays chess beautifully and eloquently. Sometimes though, as we see here with Wotan’s son, you just have to bring the Hammer down. Don’t give into pure impulse, but strong willed right action is required. Don’t get stuck planning all day long with no follow through...... make shit happen.

"The existence of our people is not negotiable"

14 Codes of Aryan Ethics

1. Honor no gods but those of your own Folk as alien gods destroy you.

2. Natures evidence the divine plan as the natural world is the work of AllFather.

3. Act nobly and courageously, always carefully considering the consequences As the effects of your deeds live on after you pass from Midgard.

4. Live within the reality of this life; fear not your fate as fear is for fools and cowards; a valorous man boldly faces what the norns decree.

5. Love, protect, reproduce and advance your Folk as natural instinct prohibits miscegenation and self-destruction.

6. Be honest, be disciplined, be productive and loyal to friends As the Aryan spirit strives for excellence in all things.

7. Treasure your history, heritage and racial identity As your ancestors have entrusted. It falls with you, it will rise with you.

8. Honor the memory of kith and kin, especially those who have given their lives or freedom for the folk as your race lives on through your blood and your will.

9. Respect the wisdom of your elders as every moment of your lives links the infinite past with the infinite future.

10. Honor your mate, provide for your children and carry no quarrel with family to sleep time As family is your purpose and fulfillment.

11. May your word to a kinsman be a bond of steel as your troth is your dignity and strength of character.

12. Be cunning as the fox with enemies and Skraelings as their goal is your extinction.

13. Secure, defend and cherish your homeland As Natures Territorial Imperative Demands.

14. Live in harmony with Nature and the Folk and compromise not with evil As racial survival is your perpetual struggle.

Art by Ron McVan

Odin is not the loving Allfather that
modern profiteers have portrayed him as in their various media forms.

Odin is a ruthless God king who pursues knowledge, wisdom and Victory for the Æsir at all costs!

A maniac for nothing short of power!

Odin gave his eye for a drink at Mimirs well to gain greater wisdom and have one eye amongst Chaos at all times.

Odin ritualisticly starved, dehydrated, hung and stabbed himself with his spear Gungnir to unlock the Mystery of the runes.

Odin in the form of Bolverkr(evil doer) slaughtered giants through trickery, seduced gunlod and risked the wrath of suttung to bring Odroirir, The mead of inspiration back home to Asgard.

All in which Odin did was to better
position himself and the Æsir in
preparation for the ensuing Chaos
throughout the Eddas.

The Great wanderer, never the brotherless vagabond as some may embody in his name.

Odin traveled always in pursuit of power for his home base the Æsir, his folk.

We to must be ruthless in our pursuit of power for the betterment of the Folk.

To embody Odin is to relentlessly pursue our endeavors with the Future of our Folk always at heart.


There is no time to wait the world is not
slowing down, so your ascension must
speed up. Every waking moment must be
utilized to the best of your ability towards
your greatest accomplishments.

Study our ancient ways. Learn to read,
speak and work with the runes. Read and
embody the Myths of our Gods listening
ever so intently for the confirmation of
blood memory and our ever present Folksoul.

Water your roots so that the true tree of life may spring up towards new heights never before seen.

Become complete, erect temples, build
communities, become more than yourself!

Ascend the typical mortal existence of present day society.

Bring order unto yourself and those around you!

The Teutonic Warrior Priest
An Archetype of excellence.
PT. 1

"6. Be honest, be disciplined, be productive
and loyal to friends As the Aryan spirit
strives for excellence in all things."

-14 Codes of Aryan Ethic
Ron Mcvan

The spirit in which has been transfered
from generation to generation through the thousands of loves that came before your very existence is carried and transmitted through the blood in your veins.

Many physical characteristics are passed
on through Genetics and DNA. The very
essence in which drives your conscious
and subconscious mind is the accumulation of past experience and sacrifice generated by those who came before you.

What was once speculation discovered
through observing natural law by Elder
Mcnallen and noted as Metagenetics has
been since proven as fact in many
scientific circles.

Observation of youth and their natural
inclinations to avoid certain "scary"
situations has been recognized as a
survival mechanism set in place by conflict and threats assessed and overcome by distant ancestors In primordial times.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

As we see in animal husbandry selective
breeding for specific characteristics is a
known science. When it comes to dog breeding certain temperaments are
encouraged and bred up by meshing
those of the same subspecies with similar attributes together cultivating a superior offspring.

Dog breeding has become such
a hard science that most breeds have a
common stereotype associated with them that can be ensured almost universally by a trusted breeder.

Unfortunately puppy mills exist as a result of capitalist society and as we can see those temperaments can be lost through irresponsible breeding and dysgenics.

The Teotonic spirit is captured most
clearly through the work of Wilhelm
Grønbech in his book "The Culture of the
Teutons". Many traits that were inherent to our ancient ancestors are still found in Aryans alive today.

As Teutonic people we carry with us the
flame of our ancestors that still burns in
our hearts.

Such things as Honor, frith and kinship are held dear by most white people who haven't been completely corrupted by
mainstream influence and stripped of their identity.

Many Teutonic people's even when fully immersed in foreign culture still carry with them honorable characteristics that are not typically found in other races.

Other cultures carry their own unique inherited sense of honor which tends to be incompatible with the spirit of the Teutonic people's.

Even within our own folk there is a caste
system of the spirit in-which at the top
exhibits the highest ideals of our folk in a
near complete form.

Through our sagas and lore a very apparent tradition of soft eugenics and
spiraling up genetically is observed time
after time.

The mixing of strong bloodlines was a tradition young women were happy to take part in as it ensured strong offspring.

This became a biological ascension for those who joined in such unions mixing beauty, intellect and brawn.

For those with enough of this sacred blood coursing through their veins, the time to ascend to your highest self has come.

The duty to accept your calling towards spiritual and temporal ascension in the form of the Teutonic Warrior Priest is now!

Those of you who havent been bred down to mere sheep following the herding calls
of the elitists that lurk over our native
lands have a divine mission.

This mission is to undertake a form of
metamorphosis taking one's self from
merely knowing and understanding the

This truth is an awakening of the spirit and a ritual of self actualization.

Reconnect with nature and observe her
laws. Seek strength and aspire towards
great knowledge. Become whole and one
with our most ancient of ancestors. Drive
forward with and indomitable soul freed of modern lies, distractions and hypocrisy.

Train your body daily! Train your spirit daily! Train your mind daily! Live every
moment for your Family, your Folk and your Gods!

The Nine Noble Virtues
(An alternative to the more commonly used 9NV)

The Nine Noble Virtues are a set of guidelines for us to live by. They are based on virtues described in the Poetic Edda, the Icelandic Sagas and other historical Norse texts. As Odinists, we accept these virtues as one of the cornerstones of our faith. In order to stay true to the Old Ways, we must strive to live according to them.

1. Strength

The virtue of strength not only encompasses physical prowress, but emotional and mental as well. We must identify our weaknesses and strive to overcome them.

2. Courage

We must be courageous in the face of adversity. We must identify what the right action is and have courage to take it, even in the face of fear.

3. Joy

As a folk, we are not constrained to a dogma that requires us to punish ourselves when we experience joy or satisfaction. We embrace and celebrate our achievements and take pride in them and the accomplishments of our folk.

4. Honor

Our word is our bond that must never be broken. Never take an oath unless you are sure you can fulfill it. It takes many actions to build your honor, but a single dishonorable action will destroy it.

5. Freedom

We must strive to become self-sufficient and self-reliant as a folk. We must identify the chains that bind us to negativity and poisonous things, people, ideas, etc. Once we do, we must break them in order to continue on a path of righteousness.

6. Kinship

Man and woman were not meant to live a life of isolation and solitude. Our ancestors lived in tight communities that provided safety, security, and a division of labor. Seek out other kinfolk and forge new friendships to keep the Old Ways alive.

7. Realism

We must have a realistic outlook on life. We cannot expect positive outcomes by only implementing hope and blind faith. We must put forth effort to make a positive change. Faith without work is dead. We must be realistic in our prayers as well; we cannot expect the Gods and Goddesses to answer frivolous or grandiose requests. Prayers for world peace or winning the lottery will go unanswered. We are where we are in life due to our actions and our Web of Wyrd. We cannot blame the Gods and Goddesses for our situation in life. If you do not like your life, you must take actions in order to change it.

8. Vigor

Sloth, laziness, and gluttony are unhealthy and they breed contempt amongst the folk. We as a people choose to embrace life. We do not sit back and watch it pass us by.

9. Ancestry

We must stand true to the ways, faith, Gods, and Goddesses of our ancestors. We must acknowledge our divine heritage and honor the Gods, Goddesses, and our ancestors in word and deed.

"God of victory and inspiration, we ask you to guide us on our path and to cast your spear upon our battlefield!

May you awaken your still sleeping Folk and bring them home to your warband!

Hail Odin!"

Forward from: The Wotan Network

The Doer!

The Doer has become a heroic Archetype in itself within the broader Folk community.

The Doer is a man of action who doesn't wait for something beautiful to be built for him but sets out to build the foundation necessary to ensure a future for our folk.

Building local communities, starting businesses, acquiring wealth, establishing himself and those around him in a meaningful way are all deeds of a Doer.

Getting out, gathering the Folk and forming collective efforts towards a new age of order is what a Doer does.

A Doer seperates himself from the trappings of the modern world utilizing such things as Social media and Online presence as a means to generate real-life action.

Whereas most find themselves stuck in a mindset and cycle of inaction utilizing mostly unproductive means as an outlet for activism.

The Doer sets himself apart by putting into action his plan for victory!

Be a Doer!

Hail the Doers!

Tradition starts in the home and is carried through the blood of the Folk. There is no greater tie to ones own history and Ancestors than that of the blood in your veins. When great sagas and stories are passed from one generation to the next great roots are developed and the ancestral spirit of courage and adventure stirs in the hearts of the European youth.

When A special bond is shared with the heros of antiquity it paves a road map towards victory and personal development allowing the potential of our youth to be truly understood at a young age.

Within our current multicultural system European history has been demonized highlighting only those who have been categorized as "evil doers" within public school text books and pushing the wrong doings of whites towards other races as the only notable facts worth mentioning.

This broadly strips away any natural desire our youth may have to seek out and embrace their ethnic heritage.

Not only do the schools actively deconstruct and misrepresent the Great history of Europeans but the current trend in media is to attack and destroy "whiteness" and the supposed "Nazi" patriarchy.

With the constant onslaught of the Anti-European regime I find it necessary to openly counter said efforts and promote white families and culture.

Through the promotion of healthy white families we secure the existence of our tradition by maintaining the unbroken link to our ancestors.

If white families cease to exist there will no longer be any hope of carrying on the torch.

Folkish religion is more than just a culture and tradition that can be adopted by anyone. We place a huge emphasis on venerating our ancestors which is integral to native European beliefs such as Asatru and Wotanism. Not only do we praise great Europeans who came before us, we honor those of our particular family line that carried with them virtues worthy of being remembered and emulated by our youth.

Our Ancestors still live through us as their blood courses through our veins.

We share stories of exceptional Germanic Folk who came before us who are reflected through us on every level as we seek to emulate their great deeds and achievements in hopes of our descendants seeing us as worthy enough to raise a horn in honor of our legacy one day.

This is why we must never blur the lines.

It is our duty in service to the sacred Divinities of our Folk to continue our connection to the Gods and our Ancestors

We must build and support European Families and reject those who's actions would destroy our connection to the Gods.

Hail the Gods!

Hail the Folk!

Hail our Ancestors!



"He should early rise, who another’s property or life desires to have. Seldom a sluggish wolf gets prey, or a sleeping man victory." -Havamal Stanza 58

~Great Thunderer, Son of Odin, Bane of chaos!

We call on you to witness us on our journey to grow in your likeness and understand the path of the warrior!~

To honor Thor is to walk a path of strength, order and fierce dedication to friends.

Throughout the lore we see prime examples of our Æserian big brother taking action over slights against his friends and loved ones.

Interestingly enough Asa-Thor is quicker to kill over an insult directed at a friend than an insult directed at himself.

We see evidence during Thors journey to Utgard-Lokis castle that when Thor is met with an insult over his inability to complete a challenge he becomes invigorated and determined to prove himself.

When met with challenges we can never fold. We must stare every obstacle down and do what must be done to overcome.

For many the greatest challenge is overcoming ourselves and the chaos within.

Strength training and the development of martial ability is the first step to embodying this noble divinity.

Always strive to trade vice for virtue.

With this in mind the act of lifting weights, training martial arts and remaining loyal to friends all become forms of worship.

Physical well-being is the foundation of all disciplines.

Begin lifting, begin eating healthy, embrace conflict and commit to honoring Thor in your daily devotions at the altar of self improvement.

Destroy the chaos within that tells you later, that tomorrow is a better day to start.

Later will never come, the time for power is now!

Hail Thor!

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