"He should early rise, who another’s property or life desires to have. Seldom a sluggish wolf gets prey, or a sleeping man victory." -Havamal Stanza 58
~Great Thunderer, Son of Odin, Bane of chaos!
We call on you to witness us on our journey to grow in your likeness and understand the path of the warrior!~
To honor Thor is to walk a path of strength, order and fierce dedication to friends.
Throughout the lore we see prime examples of our Æserian big brother taking action over slights against his friends and loved ones.
Interestingly enough Asa-Thor is quicker to kill over an insult directed at a friend than an insult directed at himself.
We see evidence during Thors journey to Utgard-Lokis castle that when Thor is met with an insult over his inability to complete a challenge he becomes invigorated and determined to prove himself.
When met with challenges we can never fold. We must stare every obstacle down and do what must be done to overcome.
For many the greatest challenge is overcoming ourselves and the chaos within.
Strength training and the development of martial ability is the first step to embodying this noble divinity.
Always strive to trade vice for virtue.
With this in mind the act of lifting weights, training martial arts and remaining loyal to friends all become forms of worship.
Physical well-being is the foundation of all disciplines.
Begin lifting, begin eating healthy, embrace conflict and commit to honoring Thor in your daily devotions at the altar of self improvement.
Destroy the chaos within that tells you later, that tomorrow is a better day to start.
Later will never come, the time for power is now!
Hail Thor!
"He should early rise, who another’s property or life desires to have. Seldom a sluggish wolf gets prey, or a sleeping man victory." -Havamal Stanza 58
~Great Thunderer, Son of Odin, Bane of chaos!
We call on you to witness us on our journey to grow in your likeness and understand the path of the warrior!~
To honor Thor is to walk a path of strength, order and fierce dedication to friends.
Throughout the lore we see prime examples of our Æserian big brother taking action over slights against his friends and loved ones.
Interestingly enough Asa-Thor is quicker to kill over an insult directed at a friend than an insult directed at himself.
We see evidence during Thors journey to Utgard-Lokis castle that when Thor is met with an insult over his inability to complete a challenge he becomes invigorated and determined to prove himself.
When met with challenges we can never fold. We must stare every obstacle down and do what must be done to overcome.
For many the greatest challenge is overcoming ourselves and the chaos within.
Strength training and the development of martial ability is the first step to embodying this noble divinity.
Always strive to trade vice for virtue.
With this in mind the act of lifting weights, training martial arts and remaining loyal to friends all become forms of worship.
Physical well-being is the foundation of all disciplines.
Begin lifting, begin eating healthy, embrace conflict and commit to honoring Thor in your daily devotions at the altar of self improvement.
Destroy the chaos within that tells you later, that tomorrow is a better day to start.
Later will never come, the time for power is now!
Hail Thor!