Reba Sherrill

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Reba Sherrill for Senate.
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Forward from: SSGQ
Mike Flynn responded to Doug Billings today on a bet Doug made with an old high school friend regarding the election outcome. Doug suggested that because Trump is not in the White House, he owes his friend a bottle of wine. Flynn's response, "Hold that bottle of wine...hold on to that bottle of wine. I would not concede that bottle of wine."

Forward from: We The Media
-Biden Signature on EOs doesn’t match previous signatures
-He still hasn’t Flown on AF1
-He still hasn’t had Military Intelligence briefings
-Military barricade and thousands of soldiers surrounding the WH/Capitol in DC to protect against “domestic terrorism” on Inauguration Day....16 days ago.....they’re still there.

Myanmar Military just overthrew their government, claiming massive election fraud, and arrested their civilian “leaders”, held them inside their government buildings and are promising an election redo that the citizens of Myanmar can trust.

>>Trump is playing golf

But nothing is habbening.

Forward from: Official RedPill78 Channel
Tonight on Friday Night Livestream - Reba Sherrill & Restoring American Sovereignty 10pm est at the platforms below

Reba Sherrill joins us tonight for a discussion about an ongoing plan to restore American Sovereignty that until this moment, has garnered little attention. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln issued General Order 100, placing the United States under Lieber Code and therefore, Martial Law. He was assassinated in 1865 before taking us back under Republican rule. Not long after the Act of 1871 created the UNITED STATES corporation and our fictitious government that still exists today. Reba takes us through the true history of the United States of America and the path to restore our nation.

1. Dlive:
2. Twitch:
4. PureSocial:
5. Website:

Forward from: Gen. Flynn
Thank you to all 50,000 Patriots that joined this channel!
We will never stop the fight for the millions of Americans whose voice WASN’T HEARD!
Please invite your family and friends to this channel! Let’s unite 100,000 TRUE PATRIOTS here. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

3 from Florida, out of 11 RINOS. The swamp is DEEP in Florida!!

Forward from: General McInerne
The 11 Republicans voting with Democrats to remove Rep. Greene from committee assignments:

-M. Diaz-Balart (FL)
-B. Fitzpatrick (PA)
-C. Gimenez (FL)
-J. Katko (NY)
-Y. Kim (CA)
-A. Kinzinger (IL)
-N. Malliotakis (NY)
-C. Jacobs (NY)
-M. Salazar (FL)
-C. Smith (NJ)
-F. Upton (MI)

They must be removed from office immediately.

Forward from: Donald Trump Jr
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Thank you Telegram crew 🇺🇸

Forward from: The Trumpist
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🛑 Wowwwwwww.
🔗 Raheem Kassam

🔰 MyPillow CEO comes on and talks about the machines, and Newsmax immediately cuts him off and corrects him and defended the Dominion machines and the company. The debate got so heated that the anchor walks away in the end.

via Twitter

Forward from: Lin Wood
Last thought for this evening:

I have quickly banged out some ideas for action tonight. We should all come up with more, refine them, and share them.

When you find a truth-giver online, tell all of your friends to listen, join, and share that person or his/her message with others. People long for TRUTH. Spread it far and wide. Never stop. Never quit.


Trust God. Wait on the Lord. Talk to Jesus in prayer and tell Him how you feel - He listens and He will answer.

God bless you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Forward from: Lin Wood
11. Protect yourself, your family and your friends.

12. Organize your communities. Talk to the leaders in your church. Designate leaders in your community and meet regularly. Share truthful news. Take shelter in the Word of God and surround yourself with believers. Offer help to non-believers. Lead by example.

13. If your employer is a Communist or Communist sympathizer, find another job. There will be a Patriot who will help you with a job. For the short term, stock up on essentials and prepare to live a more frugal lifestyle. It will be short term pain but it sure beats the lifestyle under Communism.

14. Resist any “friend” or “leader” who urges capitulation to the enemy. Don’t tolerate being told to do something (or refrain from doing something) that in so doing you feel violates your basic human rights or the Bill of Rights. Follow the TRUTH of God. Do not cohort with the enemy.

15. Identify the enemy in federal, state, local government and flood their emails and voice mails with demands for freedom and recognition of your God-given rights.

16. If your friend does not care to stand up for freedom, find another friend who does. The former will end up being friends with the enemy. Do not fear rejecting such people. Freedom deserves better.

17. Spend as little money as possible. Cut off and limit the enemy’s receipt and use of sales tax.

18. After you organize your community, identify lawyers who are Patriots who will assist you when you lawfully and non-violently resist unconstitutional demands, such as wearing a mask or limiting the number of people in your home or your church. They cannot put us all in jail.

19. Stop waiting on others to protect your freedom. Make sacrifices yourself for liberty. It will be well worth it. If not for you, then for your children and your grandchildren and generations to come.

20. Talk to members of your community in person and form a plan for community unity and protection. Care for others more than yourself. Especially when it comes to standing up for freedom.

21. Love all and forgive all but always demand justice and righteousness.

Forward from: Lin Wood
What can we do non-violently within the law to fight back to reclaim our freedom?

1. Pray, pray, pray. Pray Psalms 35, 37, 140-145.

2. Tell your friends who think the election was legal to go get a mental health examination. They are the ones who are crazy or willfully ignorant.

3. Call a Communist a Communist. Do not be intimidated - exercise your free speech to the maximum extent allowed by law.

4. Make sure you do not buy anything made in China. When you a find a cell phone made in America, throw away your iPhone. In the meantime, do not spend a dime with Apple, Google, Amazon, Walmart, or other major companies who do business with the enemy. Cut off their money. Boycott them.

5. Write members of the military and tell them you love the fact that they will never dishonor their oath to defend the Constitution, freedom, and the People.

6. Injustice inflicted on one is injustice inflicted on all. Stand up for your fellow Patriots. If one is being mistreated or harassed for their belief in freedom and support of President Trump, flood the enemy with emails and voice mails with words supporting your fellow Patriot and decrying injustice. Stand up for your fellow Patriots. Let your voice be heard over and over again.

7. Turn off your television. Do NOT watch any mainstream media. None of their movies, comedies, game shows, or other meaningless mind junk.

8. Read books that tell you how to effectively battle Communism and lawfully resist a color revolution.

9. Don’t be afraid to wear a MAGA cap. The enemy is scared to death of them.

10. Consider selling your stocks before the enemy intentionally crashes the market to steal your money. 401(k)’s are worth $0 under communism. Buy precious metals and land.

More to follow.

Forward from: Lin Wood
How are you feeling tonight?

Getting tired of watching your freedoms stolen from you, your family and your friends?

Getting tired of watching criminals stay out of jail and stay in government?

Getting tired of a “media” hiding the truth and spewing lies/propaganda?

Getting tired of worrying about your job?

Getting tired of being told to wear a mask and being told how far you can stand from other human beings?

Getting tired of sending your money overseas to be wasted or investing it for your future only to see it manipulated by strangers for their benefit to your loss?

Getting tired of your friends being terrorized and threatened by the FBI for simply attending peacefully a political assembly to support President Trump?

Getting tired of being threatened because you merely speak truth and exercise your First Amendment rights?

Getting tired of being told when and how you can worship God with your fellow believers?

I am.

I do NOT advocate and would never advocate violence. But I believe in non-violent civil disobedience urged and exercised by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I believe in the Power of The People.

My next post will discuss some lawful acts We The People must start undertaking now before we lose all of our freedoms.

It is time to once again reclaim our Bill of Rights. Every one of them.

Now more than ever, It is time to pray to Almighty God ask God to strike this evil down.

We The People will not go quietly in the night.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Forward from: Breaking911
BREAKING: At a Tuesday morning press briefing, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced that he intends to crack down on censorship by Big Tech and the selling of private data.

Florida House Speaker Chris Sprowls also said that Florida will regulate Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and Apple, which he calls the "five families of darkness."

Follow @Breaking911 @Breaking911_Chat

Forward from: X22 Report Official

Forward from: Lin Wood
I kept my word. My timing is not always perfect, but I took 12 hours away from Telegram. I am back.

Simple truths are simple truth. You can’t keep a good man down. I am imperfect. But I know that I am a good man trying my imperfect best to do God’s will.

Your replies, your emails and your words of love and support remind me of and reinforce in me that simple truth.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.

You are the People. You have the power. It was bestowed upon We The People by God.

God bless you.

Lin - 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Forward from: OnceAgain1776
Buy silver
25 spot
Could short squeeze to 1k shortly .😉

Forward from: Lin Wood
I posted the above article “as a reminder that there is much more going on in the world” than the U.S. election - it was not intended to frighten you. But we just face the truth. While we struggle internally with our domestic issues, we must be ever mindful that many nefarious external actors pose threats to our freedom. Like CCP who was responsible for Covid and interfered with our national election.

Our enemy wants to further divide us. If we find ourselves divided be a “street” civil war, we are vulnerable. So keep your powder dry, Patriots. Obey the law and do NOT instigate any violence out of a sense of frustration or otherwise. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Forward from: Lin Wood
The article below is from October 2020 so one can argue it is dated & is not the latest strategic analysis. I post it as a reminder that there is much more going on in the world and in our country than dealing with a fake election and a fake president. Our courageous military is the key to maintaining our freedom.

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