Happy International Midwives Day to all St. Paul’s midwives !
Midwives care for women and newborns with skills and compassion, providing the best possible care before, during and after pregnancy and child birth.
እንኳን ለዓለም አቀፉ በዓላችሁ አደረሳችሁ። ክብር ይገባችኋል። በኮሌጃችን በእናንተ ድንቅ ሥራ ብዙ ስኬት ተገኝቷል። እናመሠግናችኋለን!
Midwives care for women and newborns with skills and compassion, providing the best possible care before, during and after pregnancy and child birth.
እንኳን ለዓለም አቀፉ በዓላችሁ አደረሳችሁ። ክብር ይገባችኋል። በኮሌጃችን በእናንተ ድንቅ ሥራ ብዙ ስኬት ተገኝቷል። እናመሠግናችኋለን!