Sheikh Asim al Utaibi - AlMaqdisi

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English Translation - Sheikh Abu Muhammad al Maqdisi

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📝 Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi:

*Tawheed is the greatest of that which the prophets were sent for*

Tawheed is the greatest of that which the prophets were sent for. If the scholars are not teaching the people about Tawheed and shielding both it and the strongest hold from being diluted and watered down, and they did not warn them against Shirk, then they are not from the inheritors of the Prophets.

And #Tawheed_is_first_and_always


🍃وسؤالنا اليوم في سياق تصحيح المفاهيم:
👈هل من ينتقد هذا القائل؛ لأجل هذا الباطل الصريح؛أو ينتقد مادحه؛أو يُخَطِّئ راثيه ؛هل هو متنطّعٌ أوخارجيٌ أو مِنَ الأشرار❓
👈جميع العقلاء الفاهمين #للتوحيد ؛سيجيبون:من ينتقده قطعاً ليس من هؤلاء؛فالواجب تخطئة هذا الشيخ كائناً من كان؛ وبيان مناقضة هذه الأجوبة #للتوحيد ؛والبراءة من هذه الأقوال؛وانتقاد مادح هذا الشيخ؛وتخطئة راثيه؛لأن #التوحيد أعظم من المشايخ والرجال؛وصيانته وحمايته وتنقيته من الشوائب في قلوب المسلمين وعقائدهم وأقوالهم وأعمالهم من أوجب الواجبات ومن أعظم الأعمال.

✅هذه👆إجابة صحيحة وبديهية وسليمة100%

🎯حسناً ؛هل ستختلف هذه الإجابة البديهية؛لو علمنا أنّ صاحب هذه الإجابات هو(أحمد ياسين)مؤسس حركة حماس❓
👈عند الموحد الذي يعرف أن #التوحيد_أولا_ودائما
وأن #التوحيد أعظم مصلحة في الوجود؛
لن تختلف الإجابة كائنا من كان قائل ذلك الكلام.
أما المتفلسفون والمرقّعون والمتخبّطون فربما لهم رأي آخر❗️

✍🏻(ناصح المجاهدين)
🎯ملحوظة:ليس الهدف من هذه السلسلة تكفير شخصيات أفضت إلى ما قدمت؛ولا التحريض على قتال جماعات تنتسب إلى الإسلام وإن خالفناها وضلّلناها؛فوصايانا لإخواننا في عدم مصادمتها مشهورة؛
وإنّما الهدف إزالة غبش بعض الكتابات وضبابيّتها عن #التوحيد ؛وترميم ما أمست تهدمه وتُصَدِّعه بعض الكتابات الفلسفية في بنيان #التوحيد


📝 Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi:

🕕 *Series * -

*So That The Compass Does Not Get Deviated (Part 1)*

🎯These are questions which were directed to a famous Shaykh who is praised by many Islamists and even Jihadists, and these are the answers he gave.

🎯Question: But the Palestinian people want a democratic state. So why do you oppose it?

👉Answer by the Sheikh: I also want a democratic multi-party state in which power will be held by whoever wins the election.

🎯Question: If the communist party won, what would your position be?

👉Answer by the Sheikh: Even if the Communist party won, I would respect the will of the Palestinian people.

🎯Question: If the elections show that the Palestinian people want a multi-party democratic state then what will your position be at that time?

👉Answer by the Sheikh: By Allah, we are a people who have dignity and rights. If the Palestinian people express their rejection of an Islamic State.....then I respect and hold as sacred their will and desire.


🍃Our question today in the context of correcting the concepts is:

👉 Is the one who criticizes this speaker because of this clear falsehood, or criticizes the one who praises him, or says that the one who elegizes him has made a mistake, is such a person an extremist or a Khariji or from among the wicked ones?

👉 Every wise person who understands #Tawheed will answer saying : The one who criticises him is without doubt not from amongst these. And it is necessary to criticise this Shaykh whoever he is, and to clarify that these answers are nullifiers of #Tawheed, and to disassociate from these statements, and to criticise the one who praises this Shaykh, and to say that the one who elegizes him has made a mistake because #Tawheed is greater than all Shaykhs and all men. And upholding it and protecting it and purifying it from impurities in the hearts of the Muslims and in their Aqeedah, in their sayings and their actions, is from amongst the greatest obligations and from the greatest actions.

✅ This answer 👆 is correct, undeniable and fit 100%.

🎯 Well then..! Will this undeniable answer be different if we know that the person who gave these answers is Ahmad Yasin, the founder of Hamas movement?

👉 For the Muwahid who knows that #Tawheed_is_first_and_always and that #Tawheed is the greatest of interests in existence, there will be no difference in the answer regardless of whoever said that statement.

As for the philosophers and cheerleaders and the ones who are stumbling in confusion, they may have a different opinion !

✍🏻- Naasihul Mujahideen (Advisor to the Mujahideen)


§d *Note:* The aim of this series is not to make Takfeer on individuals who have passed away, nor is it to encourage fighting against the groups that ascribe to Islam even if we differ with them and we consider them as deviated. Our advice to our brothers to avoid clashing with them is a widely known matter. Rather, our goal is to remove the unclarity made by some writings and their vagueness in the matter of #Tawheed, and to restore what is being destroyed and broken by some of the philosophical writings in the structure of #Tawheed.

🕕 سلسلة حتى لا تضل البوصلة(١):

🎯هذه أسئلة وُجّهت إلى شيخ مشهور يُثني عليه كثير من الإسلاميين بل والجهاديين وهذه إجاباته :

🎯سؤال:ولكن الشعب الفلسطيني يُريد دولة ديمقراطية .. وأنت لماذا تعانده ؟
👈جواب الشيخ : وأنا أيضاً أريد دولة ديمقراطية متعددة الأحزاب ،والسلطة فيها لمن يفوز في الانتخابات❗️

🎯سؤال : لو فاز الحزب الشيوعي ،فماذا سيكون موقفك ؟
👈 جواب الشيخ : حتى ولو فاز الحزب الشيوعي فسأحترم رغبة الشعب الفلسطيني❗️

🎯سؤال : إذا ما تبين من الانتخابات أن الشعب الفلسطيني يريد دولة ديمقراطية متعددة الأحزاب ، فماذا سيكون موقفك حينئذٍ ؟
👈جواب الشيخ : والله نحن شعب له كرامته وله حقوق ،إذا ما أعرب الشعب الفلسطيني عن رفضه للدولة الإسلامية ..فأنا أحترم وأقدس رغبته وإرادته❗️إنتهى

📝 Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi:

The Great Quran is all about #Tawheed

Al Allaamah Ibn Qayyim said:

“Every Ayah in the Quran contains #Tawheed, testifying to it and calling towards it. So the Quran is either:

👉 information about Allah and His Names, His attributes and His actions, and that is the #Tawheed of knowledge and information (by believing in them)

👉or it contains a call to worship Allah alone without associating any partner to Him and to discard all that is worshipped instead of Him, and that is the #Tawheed of intent and seeking (by seeking from Allah alone)

👉or it contains commands and prohibitions and obligation of obedience to Him in His prohibitions and His commands, which are the rights of #Tawheed and its completion

👉or it contains information about how Allah honoured the people who believed in Tawheed and obeyed Him and how He dealt with them in this world and how He will honour them in the Hereafter, which is the reward of #Tawheed

👉or it contains information about the people of Shirk and what He did to them in this world by punishment and the torment that will come to them in the Hereafter, which is the information about the one who left the rules of #Tawheed

Hence the Quran is all about #Tawheed, its rights and its rewards, and about Shirk, its people and their punishment”

Madaarij u-Saalikeen 3/450

🍃القرآن العظيم كله في #التوحيد

قال العلامة ابن القيم:

"كل آية في القرآن فهي متضمّنة #للتوحيد شاهدة به داعية إليه، فإنّ القرآن:
👈إمَّا خبر عن الله وأسمائه وصفاته وأفعاله فهو #التوحيد العلمي الخبري،
👈وإمَّا دعوة إلى عبادته وحده لا شريك له وخلع كل ما يعبد من دونه فهو #التوحيد الإرادي الطلبي،
👈وإمَّا أمر ونهي وإلزام بطاعته في نهيه وأمره فهي حقوق #التوحيد ومكملاته،
👈وإمَّا خبر عن كرامة الله لأهل توحيده وطاعته وما فعل بهم في الدنيا وما يكرمهم به في الآخرة فهو جزاء #توحيده،
👈وإمَّا خبر عن أهل الشرك وما فعل بهم في الدنيا من النكال وما يحل بهم في العقبى من العذاب ؛فهو خبر عمن خرج عن حكم #التوحيد،
فالقرآن كله في #التوحيد وحقوقه وجزائه
وفي شأن الشرك وأهله وجزائهم."اهـ

مدارج السالكين 3 / 450



📝 Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi:

*Forwarded message from Abu Khallad Al Muhandis*

This is the generation of strength just like how Zubayr Ibn Al Awwam raised his son.

👉 *Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi comments*:

They will say to you "What is this 👆terror and fear being put in children?"

They want you to raise your children in the arms of Santa Claus and by clebrating new year and other such festivals..!

Leave their Santas and Mamas and their celebrations to those that are worthless and of their kind..!

And exert yourselves upon the path of Zubayr and his son, and do not pay attention to the ones who stay behind.

سيقولون لكم ما هذا👆الإرهاب والترويع للأطفال❓
يريدونكم أن تربوا أطفالكم في أحضان(بابا)نويل؛واحتفالات رأس السنة وأشباهها❗️
فذروا باباهم وماماهم واحتفالاتهم للهمل أمثالهم❗️
وجدوا السير على خطى الزبير وابن الزبير؛ ولا تلتفتوا للمخذلين


Forward from: أبو خلاد المهندس (الأمير المنسي)
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👆هذا جيل التمكين تربية كما

ربى الزبير بن العوام ولده


📝 Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi:

🎯 They are raising up the Muslim children by making them love the enemies of Allah, the Mushriks 👉 (Qasim Sulaymani) instead of raising them up by making them hate them and disassociate from them..!!

Will it be enough if we say about these groups that they have diluted and watered down #Tawheed and its most trustworthy handhold?


Forward from: « الشَّيخ أبو مُحمَّد المَقدِسي »
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🎯 يُربُّون أطفال المسلمين على حب أعداء الله المشركين👈(قاسم سليماني)
بدلا من تربيتهم على بغضهم والبراءة منهم❗️
هل يكفي أن نقول عن هذه الجماعات أنها ميّعت #التوحيد وعراه الوثقى❓

📝 Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi:

Allah the Most Glorified says "And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and to a garden as wide as the heavens and earth, prepared for the righteous" (3:133)

And Allah, Most Glorified says "Race toward forgiveness from your Lord and towards a Garden whose width is like the width of the heavens and earth, prepared for those who believed in Allah and His messengers. That is the bounty of Allah which He gives to whom He wills, and Allah is the possessor of great bounty." (57:21)

Hasten and race..... and do not slow down or stop!

One of the greatest losses is that the paradise is as wide as the heavens and the earth, but you do not find a place for you in it. That in reality is the ultimate manifest loss.

"Say, "Indeed, the losers are the ones who will lose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection. Unquestionably, that is the manifest loss." (39:15)

🍃قال تعالى (وَسَارِعُوا إِلَىٰ مَغْفِرَةٍ مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ وَجَنَّةٍ عَرْضُهَا السَّمَاوَاتُ وَالْأَرْضُ أُعِدَّتْ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ)

وقال سبحانه(سَابِقُوا إِلَىٰ مَغْفِرَةٍ مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ وَجَنَّةٍ عَرْضُهَا كَعَرْضِ السَّمَاءِ وَالْأَرْضِ أُعِدَّتْ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا بِاللَّهِ وَرُسُلِهِ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ فَضْلُ اللَّهِ يُؤْتِيهِ مَن يَشَاءُ ۚ وَاللَّهُ ذُو الْفَضْلِ الْعَظِيمِ)

🍃 سارع وسابق..ولا تُبطئ أو تتوقف❗️
فإن مِنْ أعظم الخسران أن تكون الجنة بعرض السماوات والأرض؛ثم لا تجد لك فيها مكانًا..فذلك حقًا هو الخسران المبين
(قُلْ إِنَّ الْخَاسِرِينَ الَّذِينَ خَسِرُوا أَنْفُسَهُمْ وَأَهْلِيهِمْ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ أَلَا ذَلِكَ هُوَ الْخُسْرَانُ الْمُبِينُ)


📝 Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi:

"Forwarded message from Abu Khallad Al Muhandis" @mansey3

👉 *So that the wicked one does not get what he wants*

In response to the statements that Ghazzi and others have spread by claiming that they are the statements of agreement between HTS and Al-Qaeda in Shaam, and that they are "final statements", we say that the safest stance for the Muslim when he hears any statement from anyone which could cause Fitna or disputes between his brothers, is what Allah has said:

"When news concerning peace or fear comes to them, they go about spreading it. But if they had referred it back to the Messenger or to those of authority among them, then the ones who [can] draw correct conclusions from it would have known about it. And if not for the favor of Allah upon you and His mercy, you would have followed Satan, except for a few of you." (4:83)

So do not pay attention, my dear Mujahid brother, to all that falls to your ears which will obstruct your Jihad and your worship, until there comes to you confirmed news from your brothers who you trust. And this is the right approach.

The one who spread this statement now, his aim is to plant the seed of discord amongst the Mujahideen of Al-Qaeda, and nothing more than that.

The messenger of Allah - may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him - said “The secrets of the gatherings are a trust except for three kinds of gatherings which are exceptions: one in which Haraam (illegal) blood is being shed, one in which Haraam (illegal) sex is being indulged into, or in which property is being illegally usurped".

As for the one who has been brought up under the care of Iblees and secretly listens to discussions and spreads confusion and lies, those people are many in order to attain by this what they wanted by causing "dispute".



ردا على ما نشره الغزي وغيره من بيانات ادعوا انها بيانات اتفق عليها ما بين الهيئة وتنظيم قاعدة الجهاد في الشام وانها "بيانات نهائية" .

ان أسلم موقف للمسلم في حال سماعه
لأي مقولة من اي أحد قد تتسبب في
فتن أو خلافات بين اخوانه هو قوله
تعالى" وَإِذَا جَاءَهُمْ أَمْرٌ مِّنَ الْأَمْنِ أَوِ الْخَوْفِ أَذَاعُوا بِهِ ۖ وَلَوْ رَدُّوهُ إِلَى الرَّسُولِ وَإِلَىٰ أُولِي الْأَمْرِ مِنْهُمْ لَعَلِمَهُ الَّذِينَ يَسْتَنبِطُونَهُ مِنْهُمْ ۗ وَلَوْلَا فَضْلُ اللَّهِ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَتُهُ لَاتَّبَعْتُمُ الشَّيْطَانَ إِلَّا قَلِيلًا "

فلا تنصت أخي المجاهد لكل من يلقي
على مسامعك ما ينغص عليك جهادك
وعبادتك حتى يأتيك الخبر اليقين من
اخوانك الذين تثق بهم ..فهذا هو النهج القويم .

فمن نشر هذا البيان الأن هدفه زرع بذرور الخلاف بين المجاهدين من إخوة تنظيم قاعدة الجهاد ليس الا ..

قال رسول الله -صَلَّى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ- :
« المجالس بالأمانة إلّا ثلاثة مجالس: سفك دمٍ حرامٍ، أو فرجٌ حرام، أو اقتطاع مالٍ بغير حق »

واما من تربى على يد إبليس في استراق
السمع وبث الأراجيف والكذبات فهم كثر
لينال بهذا الأمر ما اراد "الخلاف" .



📝 Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi:

🍃The great scholar Ibn al Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on him, says:

"I heard Sheikh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyya, may Allah have mercy on him, say:

The Sunnah prayer of Fajr is the beginning of work and the Witr prayer (at night) is its conclusion.

Therefore the Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, used to pray the Sunnah of Fajr and Witr with the two Surahs - al Ikhlas and al Kafirun, and those two Surahs contain:

#Tawheed of knowledge and action
#Tawheed of knowlege and desire
#Tawheed of belief and intent.
- Zaad al Ma'aad (Provisions of the Hereafter)

So begin your day with #Tawheed and end it with #Tawheed and fill it with #Tawheed


🍃 يقول العلامة ابن القيم رحمه الله:
(سمعت شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله يقول:

سنة الفجر تجري مجرى "بداية" العمل

والوتر "خاتمته"

و لذلك كان النبي ﷺ يصلي سنة الفجر و الوتر بسورتي الإخلاص والكافرون ،وهما الجامعتان:
#لتوحيد العلم والعمل.
#وتوحيد المعرفة والإرادة.
#وتوحيد الاعتقاد والقصد)
(زاد المعاد)

فابدأ يومك #بالتوحيد واختمه #بالتوحيد واملأه #بالتوحيد



Forward from: Sheikh Asim al Utaibi - AlMaqdisi
📝 Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi:

Allah described the sun as “a burning lamp” (78:13), and this means that it contains fire. That is, it has a bright light and it burns.

As for the moon, He described it as a “moon giving light” (25:61) as it has a less intense light in it without a burning fire.

As for the Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, He combined for him both the two descriptions together and called him a “burning lamp giving light” (33:46) thus combining the two lights (of the sun and the moon) for him without taking away from him his fire with which he burns his enemies.

Many people are unable to maintain such integration and balance.

So they would either lean towards dilution and towards watering down of the religion and seek to look for brightness which does not contain fire that burns their enemies who are fighting them...!

Or they would incline towards extremism and burn all people - their enemies as well as their friends, and in fact even the brother, thus stopping the brightness and putting it out.

O Allah, grant peace and blessings to the burning lamp that gives light - our master Muhammad and his family and his companions, all of them.



" The path to Jerusalem is tinted with the blood of the Muslim conquerors, and it is thirsty for the blood of the invading occupiers. And every one who tries to mess around with it will pay a very heavy price. So do not worry about Jerusalem as it will hopefully be the spark which precedes the explosion. "

- Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi, May Allah keep him steadfast


Forward from: أعلامٌٌ مُعاصِرون في غَياهبِ السٌّجون
الطريق إلى القدس مخضبة بدماء الفاتحين ومتعطشة لدماء الغزاة المحتلين ...

الشيخ / أبو محمد المقدسي ثبته الله

*Repelling the attacker and Jihad of the Ummah is wide, so do not restrict it based on your standards.*

Written by “Advisor to the Mujahideen”

Justpaste Link:


Forward from: مِنْبَرُ التَّوْحِيْدِ وَالجٍهَادْ
| #جديد : #نشر |

🍃 دفع الصائل وجهاد الأمة واسع
فلا تحجّروه على مقاسكم..

- بقلم : ناصح المجاهدين

رابط قراءة اونلاين :

منبر التوحيد والجهاد

Therefore, it is by all means obligatory on HTS to permit all those who want to repel the attacker, to let them participate in Jihad, and to make matters easy for them and to coordinate with them for that. This is because when the obligation of repelling the attacker cannot be fulfilled without doing a certain action, then that action itself becomes obligatory. And if it does not become possible to unite under the leadership of HTS due to matters that HTS does not like to rectify, then let HTS atleast make it easy for the Mujahideen to participate in repelling the attacker, especially since HTS knows that there are military strengths and expertise available in the field and there are also those with courage, valiance and gallantry that can strengthen the Jihad of Shaam and would increase the number of those supporting the implementation of the Shareeah. So if they are truthful in this goal then let them utilitse these strengths and let them pave the way open for such expertise. And if they are concerned about the honour of the Muslims and are passionate about their religion like them, then they must not allow their provocative religious instructors and media men to attack them and incite against them, and to widen the gap between them and HTS, and to deprive the Jihad in Shaam of their energies, experiences and potentials. Perhaps Allah will restrain the evil might of the disbelievers. And Allah is greater in might and stronger in exemplary punishment.

- Advisor to the Mujahideen

Oh Allah, heal the mother of Abu Muhammad


📝 Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi:

Forwarded Message

*Repelling the attacker and Jihad of the Ummah is wide, so do not restrict it based on your standards.*

Written by “Advisor to the Mujahideen”

The basic rule is that the Jihad of the Ummah to repel the attacker is wide open in which both the righteous and the immoral could participate and even the hypocrite would not be prevented from that. The evidence for that is the statement of Allah “And what you suffered (of the disaster) on the day when the two armies met, was by the leave of Allah, in order that He might test the believers. And that He might make evident those who are hypocrites. For it was said to them, "Come, fight in the way of Allah or [at least] defend yourselves." (3:166-1667)

But today we see that some people want to make the Jihad of the Ummah and the repulsion against the attacker to be in line with the standard of his faction, and to restrict it within the boundaries of his group.

So if you do not fight under the leadership of his faction then you are “sitting behind with those who do not fight”, even if you are from amongst the leaders of the Mujahideen who fight..!

And if you do not become a partisan blindly supporting his group, then you are from amongst the “women who stay behind away from fighting” even if you are from amongst the supporters of #Tawheed and Jihad..!

It has become evident to the followers and to the observers of the current Shaami Jihad that HTS prevents many of the Mujahideen who want to participate in the obligation of repelling the attacker if they don’t give Bay’ah (pledge) to HTS and if they don’t fight by being its member.

And I said HTS prevents “many”, and I did not say HTS prevents “all”.

This is so that the cheerleaders and those arguing in its favour do not fabricate any statement and falsely attribute it to us. We also mention here and reiterate that we have not called anyone to abandon repelling the attacker alongside HTS despite our differences with its leadership. We have only called to remove the deviants from important positions and to hand them over to those who can be trusted with the fruits of Jihad.

And as HTS is the biggest faction in the Shaami arena at the moment, then the Fatwa which says that the Jihad to implement the Sharia and to repel the attacker should be done with HTS, would have been a valid opinion if its leadership could be trusted with the fruits of Jihad and the sacrifices of the martyrs. But the one who looks into the situation of the Shaami arena and what it has become due to the disputes and disagreements because of the provocative religious instructors who incite the people into disputes, and due to the policy of excluding those who disagree with them and bringing close the diluters of Tawheed and those who argue on behalf of the secularist Tawagheet and their armies, and excluding those who disagree with them, the one who looks into that and into other well known reasons of disagreement would know that the diluters of Tawheed are preventing all the Mujahideen from getting united under the current leadership of HTS, and the mischief making religious instructors are discouraging it, and the lying fabricators who now control the most important positions in HTS are preventing that. And there is nothing that could prove it better than their control of the official statements of HTS that described the best Mujahideen who disagreed with them as the leaders of Fitna. The one who follows the news of the affairs of Shaam would know that this unity which was the dream of many Sheikhs and scholars has become difficult to be fulfilled and to be attained due to the aforementioned and other reasons.

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