📝 Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi:
Forwarded Message
*Repelling the attacker and Jihad of the Ummah is wide, so do not restrict it based on your standards.*
Written by “Advisor to the Mujahideen”
The basic rule is that the Jihad of the Ummah to repel the attacker is wide open in which both the righteous and the immoral could participate and even the hypocrite would not be prevented from that. The evidence for that is the statement of Allah “And what you suffered (of the disaster) on the day when the two armies met, was by the leave of Allah, in order that He might test the believers. And that He might make evident those who are hypocrites. For it was said to them, "Come, fight in the way of Allah or [at least] defend yourselves." (3:166-1667)
But today we see that some people want to make the Jihad of the Ummah and the repulsion against the attacker to be in line with the standard of his faction, and to restrict it within the boundaries of his group.
So if you do not fight under the leadership of his faction then you are “sitting behind with those who do not fight”, even if you are from amongst the leaders of the Mujahideen who fight..!
And if you do not become a partisan blindly supporting his group, then you are from amongst the “women who stay behind away from fighting” even if you are from amongst the supporters of #Tawheed and Jihad..!
It has become evident to the followers and to the observers of the current Shaami Jihad that HTS prevents many of the Mujahideen who want to participate in the obligation of repelling the attacker if they don’t give Bay’ah (pledge) to HTS and if they don’t fight by being its member.
And I said HTS prevents “many”, and I did not say HTS prevents “all”.
This is so that the cheerleaders and those arguing in its favour do not fabricate any statement and falsely attribute it to us. We also mention here and reiterate that we have not called anyone to abandon repelling the attacker alongside HTS despite our differences with its leadership. We have only called to remove the deviants from important positions and to hand them over to those who can be trusted with the fruits of Jihad.
And as HTS is the biggest faction in the Shaami arena at the moment, then the Fatwa which says that the Jihad to implement the Sharia and to repel the attacker should be done with HTS, would have been a valid opinion if its leadership could be trusted with the fruits of Jihad and the sacrifices of the martyrs. But the one who looks into the situation of the Shaami arena and what it has become due to the disputes and disagreements because of the provocative religious instructors who incite the people into disputes, and due to the policy of excluding those who disagree with them and bringing close the diluters of Tawheed and those who argue on behalf of the secularist Tawagheet and their armies, and excluding those who disagree with them, the one who looks into that and into other well known reasons of disagreement would know that the diluters of Tawheed are preventing all the Mujahideen from getting united under the current leadership of HTS, and the mischief making religious instructors are discouraging it, and the lying fabricators who now control the most important positions in HTS are preventing that. And there is nothing that could prove it better than their control of the official statements of HTS that described the best Mujahideen who disagreed with them as the leaders of Fitna. The one who follows the news of the affairs of Shaam would know that this unity which was the dream of many Sheikhs and scholars has become difficult to be fulfilled and to be attained due to the aforementioned and other reasons.
📝 Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi:
Forwarded Message
*Repelling the attacker and Jihad of the Ummah is wide, so do not restrict it based on your standards.*
Written by “Advisor to the Mujahideen”
The basic rule is that the Jihad of the Ummah to repel the attacker is wide open in which both the righteous and the immoral could participate and even the hypocrite would not be prevented from that. The evidence for that is the statement of Allah “And what you suffered (of the disaster) on the day when the two armies met, was by the leave of Allah, in order that He might test the believers. And that He might make evident those who are hypocrites. For it was said to them, "Come, fight in the way of Allah or [at least] defend yourselves." (3:166-1667)
But today we see that some people want to make the Jihad of the Ummah and the repulsion against the attacker to be in line with the standard of his faction, and to restrict it within the boundaries of his group.
So if you do not fight under the leadership of his faction then you are “sitting behind with those who do not fight”, even if you are from amongst the leaders of the Mujahideen who fight..!
And if you do not become a partisan blindly supporting his group, then you are from amongst the “women who stay behind away from fighting” even if you are from amongst the supporters of #Tawheed and Jihad..!
It has become evident to the followers and to the observers of the current Shaami Jihad that HTS prevents many of the Mujahideen who want to participate in the obligation of repelling the attacker if they don’t give Bay’ah (pledge) to HTS and if they don’t fight by being its member.
And I said HTS prevents “many”, and I did not say HTS prevents “all”.
This is so that the cheerleaders and those arguing in its favour do not fabricate any statement and falsely attribute it to us. We also mention here and reiterate that we have not called anyone to abandon repelling the attacker alongside HTS despite our differences with its leadership. We have only called to remove the deviants from important positions and to hand them over to those who can be trusted with the fruits of Jihad.
And as HTS is the biggest faction in the Shaami arena at the moment, then the Fatwa which says that the Jihad to implement the Sharia and to repel the attacker should be done with HTS, would have been a valid opinion if its leadership could be trusted with the fruits of Jihad and the sacrifices of the martyrs. But the one who looks into the situation of the Shaami arena and what it has become due to the disputes and disagreements because of the provocative religious instructors who incite the people into disputes, and due to the policy of excluding those who disagree with them and bringing close the diluters of Tawheed and those who argue on behalf of the secularist Tawagheet and their armies, and excluding those who disagree with them, the one who looks into that and into other well known reasons of disagreement would know that the diluters of Tawheed are preventing all the Mujahideen from getting united under the current leadership of HTS, and the mischief making religious instructors are discouraging it, and the lying fabricators who now control the most important positions in HTS are preventing that. And there is nothing that could prove it better than their control of the official statements of HTS that described the best Mujahideen who disagreed with them as the leaders of Fitna. The one who follows the news of the affairs of Shaam would know that this unity which was the dream of many Sheikhs and scholars has become difficult to be fulfilled and to be attained due to the aforementioned and other reasons.