Shaykh Abu Abdillah Wahb bin Abdillah Adh-Dhayfani, may Allah preserve him:
❝All praise is to Allah who has debased the disbelievers, and the atheists, and the hypocrites. By way of those that are performing Tawaaf, and those that are staying in the Masjid, and those that bowing and prostrating, filling the Masjid Al-Haraam. Congregation in unprecedented numbers, people that have come to make Umrah from many different lands in the world, to Allah is all praise and favour.❞
On the night of the 27st of Ramadhan, 1444.
Translated by:
Abu Ibraheem 'Abdullaah bin Ahmed Ba Alawi
❝All praise is to Allah who has debased the disbelievers, and the atheists, and the hypocrites. By way of those that are performing Tawaaf, and those that are staying in the Masjid, and those that bowing and prostrating, filling the Masjid Al-Haraam. Congregation in unprecedented numbers, people that have come to make Umrah from many different lands in the world, to Allah is all praise and favour.❞
On the night of the 27st of Ramadhan, 1444.
Translated by:
Abu Ibraheem 'Abdullaah bin Ahmed Ba Alawi