Shaykh Abu Abdillah Wahb bin Abdillah Adh-Dhayfani, may Allah preserve him:
❝From what I won't forget in the Fitnah of Abdurrahman then Al-Mishwari the child of Al-Ibaanah, then Ibn Hizaam the boy of Shuruur, how much would did they try to present the picture of the oppressed injured one, rather Abdurrahman made others cry more than once to convince the Mashaayikh that he was being oppressed.
How much would they claim that they are willing to accept advice from those that present it, to supplicate for the people of advice, to descend for the truth, to return from any falsehood which was attributed to them.
Rather every trialled person before them, and after them will say this.
How much did Abul Hassan claim this, and other trialled individuals of every type.
All claim acceptance and being unbiased, and at verification you don't find them except to be stubborn, arrogant, sly, unjust, persistent upon falsehood, filling their followers with blubbering and quivering.
Then their end affair is being exposed.
Because the good end result is for piety, and the schemes of the schemers only blow back on them.❞
📂"وإن مما لا أنساه..."
Translated by:
Abu Ibraheem 'Abdullaah bin Ahmed Ba Alawi
❝From what I won't forget in the Fitnah of Abdurrahman then Al-Mishwari the child of Al-Ibaanah, then Ibn Hizaam the boy of Shuruur, how much would did they try to present the picture of the oppressed injured one, rather Abdurrahman made others cry more than once to convince the Mashaayikh that he was being oppressed.
How much would they claim that they are willing to accept advice from those that present it, to supplicate for the people of advice, to descend for the truth, to return from any falsehood which was attributed to them.
Rather every trialled person before them, and after them will say this.
How much did Abul Hassan claim this, and other trialled individuals of every type.
All claim acceptance and being unbiased, and at verification you don't find them except to be stubborn, arrogant, sly, unjust, persistent upon falsehood, filling their followers with blubbering and quivering.
Then their end affair is being exposed.
Because the good end result is for piety, and the schemes of the schemers only blow back on them.❞
📂"وإن مما لا أنساه..."
Translated by:
Abu Ibraheem 'Abdullaah bin Ahmed Ba Alawi