Yesterday I was researching the British intervention in Spain and Portugal to install liberal regimes in the 1830’s. The story starts in the 1820’s when liberals were agitating against the King of Spain and subverting his efforts to restore Spanish control in Latin America (something the British were also doing). Tsar Alexander of Russia, who certainly had access to a wealth of information from intelligence services and from other leaders, stated that the liberal agitation against the King of Spain was part of an international conspiracy.
There was a consensus among all the great powers that the Spanish King must be supported; except of course for Britain, where foreign secretary Castlereigh (co-author of the Congress of Vienna in 1815) advocated for neutrality and did not interfere with the other great powers actions. In 1822, Castlereigh “mysteriously commit suicide”. He was replaced by someone supposedly even more conservative then himself, George Canning. However as soon as he was in power Canning mysteriously did a complete reversal, taking the side of the liberals on all foreign policy matters and supported the Spanish liberals against the Spanish King, sending the British navy to assist with anti-Spanish revolutionaries in Latin America.
Canning was a Masson Anyone who knows much about modern history will be very aware of Britains subversive role on the global stage, from their lesser known support of the Bolshevik destruction of Russia and liberal destruction of the Spanish Empire, to their very known role twice pursuing leftist regime change in Germany or destroying Rhodesia.
But why? Why was Britain like this? The explanation that those of Celtic ancestry are simply more inclined to leftism is part of the explanation but clearly it isn’t all of it. There is imo another aspect here just as interesting as the JQ but much less researched