بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم
◾From the blessings of dedicating to knowledge◾️
By our Shaykh, the 'Allāmah, the Trustworthy Advisor, Abū 'Abdirrahmān Yahya bin 'Alī Al-Hajūri - may Allāh preserve him -
"From the blessings of dedicating to knowledge, is that fitan (trials) die out, go away, and dissolve.
Don't let the Shaytān busy you with it, till you reach the point where you don't even care about it. Trample on it on top of the thoughts of Shaytān by the grace of Allāh, and remain knowing the fitnah, and the people of fitnah. You leave it and continue going on. It holds no weight. Before you know it the summer clouds have come.
This is from the blessing of dedicating to knowledge, is that, fitan doesn't slap you in the face and blows you away, no! You are still on your path; it goes by, and it doesn't affect you~this is from the grace of Allāh - i.e fitnah passes by and you are with knowledge, with the Sunnah and so forth, as comes in the Hadith of Abdillāh bin Amr;
تأتي الفتنة فيقول المؤمن هذه مهلكتي
"A fitnah comes, so the believer says:"This is my destruction."
Ya'nī, he fears from it; but he turns towards duā and dhikr of Allāh, and worship. Allāh makes a way out, then it passes.
Another one comes and he faces it the same way he faced the first; he fears it but he faces it by turning towards obedience of Allāh and duā and dhikr and what is of obedience to Allāh; then Allāh makes it pass.
Mentioned in the Hadith is that it doesn't harm him. He said, “so it passes away.” It didn't say, “so it makes him fall”. It points towards that he deals with it with the obedience of Allāh and making duā, and asking for success, and correctness.
It is like this - he deals with it with worship, with dhikr, he knows it, he fears it, it comes and he fears it, due to his statement, 'my destruction'. He fears it's harm, it's shame and severity, but he deals with it with the obedience of Allāh and so it goes. Alhamdulillah, it doesn't affect him, and the Hadith falls on him!
حتى تصير القلوب على قلبين مثل الصفا لا تضره فتنة ما دامت السماوات الأرض.
"Until the hearts become of two types: one white like a white stone which will not be harmed by any fitnah, so long as the heavens and the earth exist."
Transcribed to Arabic and summarised by:
Abu Abdillāh Ziyād Al-Malīkī
- may Allāh reward him with good -
on the 2nd, Sha'bān, 1442H
Translated by:
Abu 'Abdillāh 'Omar bin Yahya Al-'Akawi
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