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Forward from: Hyperborean Skyline
They say you’re putting too much thought into it and you should just enjoy yourself.

They call you crazy and a conspiracy theorist when you tell them the truths of modern society.

They label you an extremist and a terrorist when you understand what must be done and take action.

Reject their system labels and understand to have agency in this struggle you must be a ZEALOT and a FANATIC!

Forward from: Fat People Hate
A pig in more than one way. 🐷

Forward from: TRUTH
we may be getting censored here now, but don't let it take away from the primary topic at hand, don't let it force you to focus too inward for the moment.

the american situation should still take top priority in your preparation, action, art, and discussions.

let it become the situation you breathe.

we won't get another chance like this.

Forward from: TRUTH
[Matthews was incinerated on December 8, 1984 when the FBI fired three M-79 Starburst flares into his hideout on Whidbey Island in Washington's Puget Sound, which 'inadvertently' started the fire...this letter was probably written on the day he died.]


'We all knew it would be like this, that it would be our own brothers who would first try to destroy our efforts to save our race and our terminally ill nation.
Why are so many white men so eager to destroy their own kind for the benefit of the Jews and the mongrels?

I see three FBI agents hiding behind some trees to the north of the house. I could have easily killed them, I had their faces in my sights.

They look like good racial stock yet all their talents are given to a government which is openly trying to mongrelize the very race these agents are a part of.
Why can't they see?

White men killing white men, Saxon killing Dane;
When will it end, the Aryan's bane?

I knew last night that today would be my last day in this life. When I went to bed I saw all my loved ones so clearly, as if they were there with me.

All my memories flashed through my mind. I knew then that my tour of duty was up.

I have been a good soldier, a fearless warrior. I will die with honor and join my brothers in Valhalla.

For blood, soil, and honor. For faith and for race. For the future of my children. For the green graves of my sires.'

Robert Jay Matthews.

Forward from: TRUTH
His message is now true more than ever.

Forward from: KILL LAB
Napalm and I, along with a host of comrades achieved a massive victory by surviving as long as we did while never compromising on our explicit and demanding revolutionary doctrine.

HateLab started as a channel, but it blossomed into a Culture A complex and brutal idea that acquiesced to no one nor anything.

HateLab being shut down is not a defeat. We won by creating and shaping reality to OUR VISION, and this Vision will continue to effect the broader political sphere and the eventually the globe.

As long as we still have breath in our lungs and blood flowing through our veins, We Will fight this demuirgic jewish system.

This is not a death, but a Birth.

We are Hyperboreans,
The entire Earth belongs to us!!!

To Overman!!!
To the Universe!!!

Forward from: KILL LAB
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A Warrior's Prayer

Glory be to the Fire
and to the Blood
and to the Holy Crucible of Combat
As it was in the beginning
is now, and ever shall be,
War without e

Forward from: Privacy & Security Goys
🚨 Due to ongoing purging of important channels on Telegram I thought this post would be extremely useful to some of our friends out there who may be concerned about getting shoah’d. You can archive your channel by using the Desktop App very easily. From there you can upload it wherever you want and do with it as you please. We do this regularly for this channel. You can also choose to archive your channel using any web archiving service such as https://archive.is or https://archive.org
Here’s to surviving the latest purging! 14/88!

Forward from: Komvcher's Sinist333r Art Garage
HateLab is gone, press F to pay respect

Forward from: TRUTH
Never thought I'd forward a Proud Boy

Then again, I didn't become less based, they're only becoming more based.

Forward from: Proud Boys: Uncensored
They want you to shut up and comply, and they are warning you of what will happen if they don't. What will you do, will you lay down and die the thousand deaths of a coward; or will you fight back against tyranny? @ProudBoysUncensored.

Forward from: Skelter 0rder Numen
The soil needs blood, like roots need to breathe.

Forward from: 💉🧬 The Great Reset 👹⛓
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They want you imprisoned, tortured and dead. They want your children brainwashed. They want your history erased and your future destroyed.

Are you going to continue sitting by during this opportune time to strike back at the system while it has lost its balance?

You'll never have this opportunity again. Strike the iron while it's hot.

The rats have addresses. You know of some in your area. Do your bit. It will snowball. Make history and break free of the Jewish chains. Make the rats crawl on the floor in fear of your power like they did on the 6th - like they did before they took control of your nation.

Now or never.

Forward from: Equality is for ugly losers
“Democracy is talking itself to death. The people do not know what they want; they do not know what is the best for them. There is too much foolishness, too much lost motion. I have stopped the talk and the nonsense. I am a man of action. Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day.”

- Benito Mussolini

Forward from: FEDPOST
States rise and fall and are reforged.
Ideologies are thought up and forgotten, remembered and tweaked according to each subscriber's whim.
Individuals are born and then they die, never to grace this world again.
The race remains. Our people stay here for us and we stay here for them. History has shown us "alternatives" to this relationship - nations which had gone extinct because their people were turned against one another - and more of them still have been completely forgotten to history as they left no record behind and their conquerors didn't bother to - or couldn't - write about their demise.
If you don't put your race first, you have denied it the advantage it needs in order to prevail against those who seek to take your lands, rape your women, kill your men, and enslave your children. A nation that doesn't fight for its survival is a nation that doesn't deserve it.

Forward from: TRUTH
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who did the usa fear before?
some mud called jihadi john?

𖦏𖦏you're the new jihadi john now𖦏𖦏

𖦏𖦏best to get to work𖦏𖦏

𖦏𖦏like jihadi john you're going to need a rifle𖦏𖦏

𖦏𖦏a camera𖦏𖦏


𖦏𖦏but you're also going to have some things he didn't𖦏𖦏

𖦏𖦏a livestream𖦏𖦏

𖦏𖦏a place on the saint leaderboard𖦏𖦏

𖦏𖦏a victory𖦏𖦏

Forward from: White Art Realm

Let the embers of hate and rage catch light
and burn the system down to ash.
Do not be deceived or caught up in slight
little differences and let time pass.
We are of the same blood and one collective hate
Remember race first before all else...

We alone are masters of our fate.

Forward from: 💉🧬 The Great Reset 👹⛓

>You live in a town in the Midwest that's Dem for some reason or has a traitorous and unliked Rep as mayor?

>[REDACTED] the Mayor, livestream the [REDACTED]

>[REDACTED] the sheriff if he tries shit, declare the U.S. Government illegitimate and call for All Patriots to do the same

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