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This channel is dedicated to the 14 words combining Radical Racialism and Wotanism, aiming to inspire real-world action!

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Harold Covington always said that it has never been a question of if WE CAN secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children, but if WE WILL. The answer to this has to be yes we will do anything necessary with whoever we have to ensure it. There is no alternative for us who have sworn ourselves to this mission, and as Mr. Covington put it, all that is holy in this world will not allow us to let our Race perish. The truth of the matter is though, that each moment we waste makes our task more and more difficult to accomplish. We cannot continue to ignore the plight of our people while we let the opportunity to save them slip through our hands. It is time we see that there is no question in the outcome once we as a people become serious about putting an end to this madness.

We must stop squandering our lives and steadfastly commit ourselves to the one and only solution for gaining White Independence if we are ever to have it. The Northwest Migration has been given to us as the vehicle with which to win a future and it is just waiting for a few brave souls to become serious about our survival. It could not be simpler and yet here we still stand as if we are paralyzed by the idea of being rid of this sick society. How much more must we endure before we finally say enough is enough and put an end to our people's suffering? Can you not hear how our people are gasping for relief under the weight of this parasitic scourge upon our lands? The time for excuses is long gone, it is imperative that we finally realize nothing is standing between us and White Sovereignty but ourselves. See that our Folk are pleading for us to secure their existence, and answer their pleas resolutely with the actions needed to ensure a future for White Children.

There are so many stories which live within the rune rows, tales of longing and protection, direction and connection, and countless others meant to guide us down the path of our Gods. When you spend time with their order you can begin to see these stories come to life, almost like they've been waiting there for just that moment. The runes are always ready to speak once you're ready to listen. From Fehu to Othala we can see the entirety of our lore, from Ginnungap to Vidgrid, but we can also see the path of the individual, from Birth to Valhalla. So much is to be found within the order of this timeless wheel upon which the might of this world turns just dying to be brought to life. This is what I love the most about the runes, they never stop nourishing and challenging our will.

Once you begin to see this path which lives within their order, then you begin to understand the demands of him who would follow it all the way to the end. It is one thing to know the meanings of a rune, but it is an entirely different thing to become a rune. To reach a rune along the path like Raidho and know you must become Right Action to ever be able to wield the guidance of Kenaz. Or to find the connection needed within Ehwaz so that one may finally be Mannaz. Every single step holds keys to becoming what we are destined to be, left for those who can hear their whispers to guide them to their destination. That is the secret of Wotan's gifts comrades, they have been given so that we may never lose sight of Munin on his long flight back home. Hear his wings as they beat upon the brisk Northern Wind and you shall find the Fimbulsongs which will take you with him.

The latest issue of The Answer is a Skrewdriver Special and is by far the best issue to date. This is a must read for all who believe in White Power! It is filled from front to back with Ian Stuart in honor of Ian Stuart Day and is a must have for all who respect the roots of racist rock. We must take this issue and spread it far and wide, so that all of our comrades can come to know the man behind the music that has fueled our movement for decades. Grab a copy of The Answer, crank the Skrewdriver up to 14 and let the sound of Blood and Honour inspire you to secure our existence once and for all! HAIL IAN STUART!!

White power 1-2-3-4!
I stand watch my country, going down the drain
We are all at fault, we are all to blame
We're letting them takeover, we just let 'em come
Once we had an Empire, and now we've got a slum

Chorus: White Power! For England White Power! Today White Power! For Britain Before it gets too late

Well we've seen a lot of riots, we just sit and scoff
We've seen a lot of muggings, and the judges let 'em off

(Repeat Chorus)

Well we've gotta do something, to try and stop the rot
And the traitors that have used us, they should all be shot

(Repeat Chorus)

Middle Eight:
Are we gonna sit and let them come?
Have they got the White man on the run?
Multi-racial society is a mess.
We ain't gonna take much more of this
What do we need?

(Repeat Chorus)

Well if we don't win our battle, and all does not go well
It's apocalypse for Britain, and we'll see you all in hell!

There are things in this life which are not a choice for those who strive to be the answer to our Folk's problems. They are things like following the demands of our Gods, carrying out the duties which live within our Honor, and fighting to protect all that we love. The immutable laws which the warriors of our Folk have fettered ourselves to have no wiggle room. There is only what is right and what is wrong and the one who hopes to keep his Honor intact knows there is no choice between the two. We as a people must adhere to this outlook in all facets of our lives if we are ever to secure a Homeland. We can no longer afford to be anything other than resolute in our commitment to making the sacrifices needed today to earn our tomorrow. What is wrong cannot continue to be an option even in the tiniest instances, so that we may march forward unimpeded in the direction of Right Action.

Within this steadfast devotion to what is Right despite the individual consequences lives the duty of our Folk who are aware of the problems we now face. We must internalize the understanding that to choose what is not in the best interest of our people as a whole, is to aid in the extinction of our Race. There is no in between! An honest belief in the power of our actions must be the guiding force in our decision making process, so that we understand their benefit or detriment to our Folk as a whole. This is the only true way for us to move together as one with the courage needed to make a safe and secure existence a reality. Because I promise you that as long as our people continue to view this struggle as one that has any other choice than what is Right for its adherents, then we will not have the victory we seek. It is time to set aside all that does not carry us to a Homeland so that our children may have one!

Respect the wisdom of your elders, as every moment of your lives links the infinite past to the infinite future. While this adage is likely as old as time itself, it seems as the generations come and go that it is heeded less and less. As our people have entered the so-called information age, we have begun to prioritize knowledge rather than experience, and the perception of knowing over understanding. Which in turn has led us down a rootless path that completely undermines the primal truths which have been cultivated over generations of forced evolution. This is the wisdom that the code speaks of, the time tested maxims which have been thrown into the callous crucible of Nature and carried us to the other side. These are not the lessons you learn in school, nor are they to be found in many books, these can only truly be understood by those who have lived them.

Those who have walked this earth, living out the experiences of life and adapting to its many obstacles have garnered an insight that can be found no other way. It is time that we stop insisting on learning things the hard way, and capitalize on the efforts our elders have already made to earn this wisdom. Nor should we confine ourselves to just our living elders. We must remember the infinite past of our Forefathers as well, so that we can bring their sage counsel back to the forefront of our Folk. The Blood is never silent for him who knows its depths, and it is within this ancient river that we form the most sacred link in the chain. Each of us carries the culmination of countless generations of survival, begging to be heard so that the wisdom of our ancestors can ensure that we have a future. Let us not ignore these timeless truths any longer as we restore the might of that which is right to the lands of our Forefathers.

Lay of Thrym.pdf
The seventh spoke tells the story of him who would stride towards the dire longing which resounds within those who still know the minne. Marching ever forwards toward that waterfall which cascades over her with the golden chalice, she who sits faithfully awaiting him who drains that unquenchable vessel daily. Though who can know the length of one day who hasn't tasted eternity? Or who she is, if he does not know who she waits for? May you find within the pieces that point towards what has always been there waiting for the pure of heart.

As the days grow shorter
So too do our odds
Of saving our Race
And honoring our Gods.

Nott's heavy blanket
Begins to take hold
As the only light left
Comes from the bold.

The wind sadly sings
With cold biting air,
You can almost hear
The cries of despair.

Our Folk plead for us
To be Wolves again.
To stand defiantly
As true Men of Woden.

What we must find today
Is an end to their sorrow,
A way to combat the dark
So we win our tomorrow.

It is time that our Gods'
Stark demands are heeded
As we give of ourselves
All that is needed.

Let us warriors prepare
For the rough times ahead
When the Sun turns Black
And the rivers run red.

Because in the end
It will be those who fight
That bathe this dark world
In Sol's radiant light.

May your sword stay sharp
And your heart ever true
As us brave Sons of Wotan
Do what we were born to do!

Our Race is dying. When you hear this do you reduce it to hyperbole, or do you feel the demands of this very real statement? It is my opinion that too many of our people today have fallen victim to a belief in the former, and have thus removed the power from this pressing declaration. This disbelief, or outright denial of the reality we now face is what I believe has allowed the disease of division and infighting in the racialist movement to prosper. For countless centuries we have fought each other in wars and skirmishes for a multitude of reasons, but always with the same result the death of our best racial stock. Yet still we battle each other daily, and it will be this constant refusal to coalesce into a united racial front that puts the final nail in our coffins. I promise you we cannot keep this up if we have any desire for a future. The worst part though is that we can see every day the detriment of this divisiveness and still, as a whole, refuse to set aside our differences for the greater good. All the while intrinsically knowing that if only we would come together as racialists and move in a unified direction nothing could stand in our way.

So how do we eliminate the bickering over inconsequential differences and the ego driven dysfunction? It must start with a true understanding of where we stand today as a Race, and this is the reasoning behind my initial question. Do you believe that we are currently threatened with a real possibility of extinction? If so then I ask you to truly contemplate the implications of what that means for you and your descendants. Once we all know and internalize the precipice upon which we now stand as a Race, the petty squabbles will disappear overnight. How could they not? If we wake up every morning with the understanding that our Race lives or dies based on the decisions we make it will immediately remove all room for nonsense. Until we make this belief the cornerstone of our movement, then all further efforts will not contain the urgency needed to change our future. Nor will they ever carry us to the Homeland which we seek. The time is now to get serious about our tomorrow so that we may have one, and that starts with us moving forward with hearts that beat as one!

There has been much debate over whether Rig is actually Heimdal or if he is Odin, but I have begun to wonder if much of what we attribute to Heimdal does not carry a deeper understanding of Odin's role in our lives altogether. What if the head wielding son of nine mothers is him who has fettered himself to the tree for nine long nights to have the wisdom of the runes. The nine mothers who are sisters are the nine nights who are feminine in nature and connected through their successive order to give birth to Odin after he sacrificed himself to himself. Allowing him to be reborn with the knowledge of the Runes and as he says in his rune poem teach them to the Sons of Man. Thus becoming the Shining One born from the ordeal who ventures out into Midgard to bring this gift to his children. Guiding our people down the path of evolution with the knowledge he has won as he traverses stages of our people rather than the classes teaching them.

In this sense Rig does not give birth to classes or types of men, he ushers them from one generation to the next with his counsel until they have reached a state where they're worthy of being called his children. Granting those who strive down the path of greatness the opportunity to wield his greatest treasure, the Runes. Herein also lives what I believe is the secret of his role as Asgard's defender, because in no myth that I know of which has survived do we see Heimdal actually defending Asgard or the Bifrost. Yet I would contend that the defense of our Gods comes from Odin's efforts as Rig to give man the might of the Runes and teach the worthy their duty in this world. Creating the Noble Sons who protect the abode of our Gods and Goddesses which is in the Blood. That Blood is a piece of the Bifrost in its multi-hued splendor that bridges the gap between us and our Gods. Leaving the true defense of all that is sacred in this world in the hands of those who have heard his counsel, those who have shown themselves capable of protecting our essence, so that he need not fear for Munin any longer. This is a piece of those primal truths which I believe live in the lay of Rig waiting for us to discover them so that we may become Kons once again.

For people interested in learning more about my thoughts on the concept of Rig being Odin, I have written my own Rigsthula which is available as a PDF on the The Answer Telegram.

In Miguel Serrano's works he has a saying that he sprinkles through his texts masterfully, "Many are called, but few are Chosen," which I've read countless times and wondered what exactly it means. It took me some time to understand how a person called by Wotan could not end up being one of his Chosen, but as I've walked his road I've come to understand how this is possible. All of us who are brought into this world with the gifts of our Gods and Goddesses are called upon to wield them, cherish them and protect them as we march towards Valhalla. Therefore each Child of the North from birth has a calling, a longing embedded in the blood which pulls us in the one and only direction for the remaining Noble souls in this world. The direction of righteousness! There is no greater truth bestowed upon us than that he who will not fight to survive does not deserve survival.

And what is Valhalla if it is not the proof of this in its purest form? There is no glorious home which awaits those who have not earned their seat, but it those who have given their all in pursuit of what is Right that shall revel in the Golden Halls forever. Because Heroes never die! Each of us are called upon to be what our Folk need and it is only those who choose the survival of their people over everything else, that shall be Chosen by the Valfather. So in actuality we are the ones who decide if we are to be Wotan's Chosen. Every choice that we make today determines our tomorrow, and it must be understood that those who are not fighting today for the tomorrow our Folk need are disrespecting the summons of our Gods and Goddesses. Look into yourself so that you may know your true purpose in this world, stop ignoring the longing in your heart to save our people and choose the path of the Chosen!

I am the Barter of the Eye
And the Warrior's Why.
To kill this horn
Is to be reborn.

Within Ansuz lives the knowledge of all that Odin has won through his countless sacrifices, just waiting to be unlocked by his followers. Much like Fehu's outstretched arms of longing, the arms of Ansuz reach out in response with guidance from above that urges forward those who can hear Odin's whispers. This is the rune of that sacred wind which rushes down from the mountain with its nourishing truths, howling with a song of longing that speaks to the soul of him who would be what this world needs. Ansuz stands on the other side of Thurisaz just waiting for him who would hone himself into a true weapon of Nature so that he may guide him down the road for Thorns. Strength serves little purpose without strategy and this is the true purpose of Odin's wisdom for us who would follow his whispers.

Odin throughout our lore can be seen striving relentlessly to gain knowledge, but the real truths of Odin live in his application of the wisdom he gains. He pursues the knowledge needed to work his will upon the worlds, always keeping sight of the mission and moving tactically to gain the insight needed to combat what lies ahead. Odin does not rest on what he knows, he searches out those who can challenge him to test his might, and most importantly he shares this wisdom with his chosen few. This is what lives in the depths of Ansuz, it is not only the knowledge which Odin has won, but the directions for him who would work Odin's will upon the world. His mission becomes our mission, our life becomes his, because we who can hear the whispers of Ansuz know that there can be no honor in anything less.

Yet it is also within Ansuz that we find all other runes, because these pieces of the blood puzzle hold Odin's most important wisdom for him who can wield them. The Terrible One only speaks in Galdr! A melody which only the true heart knows, washing over us like waves buffeting the ship which ventures where no other man has. Listen and you will hear that wind-rocked tree as it creaks and groans under the immense weight of the Northern Wind, making an ancient song that pulls at the soul of him who knows his Galdr. The man who has shouldered his duty cannot ignore the might of such a summons, or turn away from the valiant fetter which slowly swings in the wind like a hypnotic pendulum offering the chance to find all that lives on the other side of fear.

How much longer must we grope around in the darkness for a solution to our problems while one stands right in front of us? At some point a man has to wonder if all the beating around the bush about how to save our Race is not really just cowardice. Much strategy has been put forth to prove the feasibility of the Northwest Migration, there are countless pages written on the why's and how's which you can read elsewhere, but there is little point if you aren't willing right now to be the person for the job. A person can waste their whole life on the sidelines postulating and stalling while life passes them by, or they can step into the arena and embrace the only mission that matters. RACIAL SURVIVAL! This is not meant to discredit the necessity for tact, it is to point out that at some point we must put our plan into action. The Aryan is the perfect combination of intellect and ferociousness, which has allowed us to conquer every inch of this world that we wanted to. Those same instincts live in our every fiber just longing to be unleashed on the enemies who have abused our Folk.

I am asking each of you to look inside yourself and realize that all we need to carve out a homeland where our people are safe and secure for the rest of time is inside of you. Once you know that then you must see how wrong it is in every sense of the word to allow the destruction of our people to last one more second. The cries of our people blanket the land we once conquered as they beg for anyone to stand up and remove these parasites from our land. This is our duty, this is the demand of everything holy in this world, and this is the only way to retain our honor in this dark world. Either we will be the generation that saves our Race, or loses it forever, so look in your souls and ask yourself if you will shoulder the burden gifted to you by our Gods so that our Folk may live. If the answer is yes, then I implore you to not waste one more second. Join me! Drive these enemies into the sea, strategically and ruthlessly until our Race has a Homeland once again! Tomorrow will belong to us who secure it today!

Honor the memory of your kith and kin, especially those who have given their lives or their freedom for the Folk. As your race lives on through your blood and your will. Within the noble sacrifices of yesterday are laid the foundations of who we are, and it will only be the sacrifices which we make today that can guarantee our tomorrow. For countless centuries our Race has used an iron will to preserve our most sacred gift, our blood. We owe our very existence to the courage of all those who refused to compromise, who used whatever power they could to strive with all their might towards the preservation of who we are. We must honor them to our last breath and with our every action! For it is only because of their efforts that we stand here with our sacred gifts intact, that we have come to this point with all we need to secure it once and for all.

Our heroes have not only given to our people their entire lives, they have given us a piece of themselves which courses through our veins. The blood of heroes fills each and every one of us thanks to their sacrifices, and it sings to us, longing to be great once again. The blood is alive! It holds within its depths all that it means to be alive, thus it is he who knows it not who is truly dead. This is purest example our kith and kin have left to us, it is the sacred truth of what can be accomplished by the noble soul with an indomitable will, a Will of Iron. They have lived with such a light that they still live now, shining from their place in our hearts as a sacred beacon to show the way for our people, because heroes never die. They live within each one of us that they gave their life for, and it will always be so because we have sworn to honor their memories with the efforts necessary to make sure our Race lives on forever.

The latest issue of The Answer is a Skrewdriver Special and is by far the best issue to date. This is a must read for all who believe in White Power! It is filled from front to back with Ian Stuart in honor of Ian Stuart Day and is a must have for all who respect the roots of racist rock. We must take this issue and spread it far and wide, so that all of our comrades can come to know the man behind the music that has fueled our movement for decades. Grab a copy of The Answer, crank the Skrewdriver up to 14 and let the sound of Blood and Honour inspire you to secure our existence once and for all! HAIL IAN STUART!!

The Sixth Spoke sings that sacred wedding song of him who would be bound by that unbreakable ring to the Wheel of Immolation. The world is pleading for someone to pick up the sacred torch of our Folk and cleanse our land of the filth once and for all. The warrior who is to be what this world needs will rejoice in the warmth of those ultraviolet rays as they begin to radiate from his being. Feel how they seem to pulsate in rhythm with your heart as the blood inside you starts to come alive. You can see it coursing just under your skin as a silent reminder of your first gift and what it demands. Only once it is shed does it change, and only he who has shed it can know its strength. Within this transformation lives a piece of that glimmering Bifrost which transports the Noble soul to the foot of Yggdrasil. But the knot must be bound by one's own hand, or it will never hold.

WE'LL HAVE OUR HOME AGAIN By Pine Tree Riots When there's nothing left but the fire in my chest And the air that fills my lungs
I'll hold my tears and trade my years for a glimpse at kingdom come
On the other side of misery there's a world we long to see
The strife we share will take us there to relief and sovereignty
Oh, by God we'll have our home again
By God we'll have our home!
By blood or sweat we'll get there yet
By God we'll have our home!
In our towns were foreigners now our names are spat and cursed
The headlines smack of another attack not the last and not the worst.
Oh my fathers they look down on me I wonder what they feel
To see their noble sons driven down beneath a cowards heel.
Oh, by God we'll have our home again
By God we'll have our home!
By blood or sweat we'll get there yet
By God we'll have our home!
The road is dark, the way is lost my eyes they strain to see
I struggle forth to find a friend to light the way for me
Oh brothers can you hear my voice or am I alone?
If there's no fire to guide my way then I will start my own.
Oh, by God we'll have our home again
By God we'll have our home!
By blood or sweat we'll get there yet
By God we'll have our home!
Oh, by God we'll have our home again
By God we'll have our home!
By blood or sweat we'll get there yet
By God we'll have our home

The jews are now, always have been, and always will be, the enemies of the White Race. They are the jealous murderers of anything beautiful and healthy in this world, and will stop at nothing to achieve their parasitic machinations. It hurts my heart to see how our people have fallen victim to their materialistic mentality, prioritizing wealth over worth in a society which benefits none but them and their puppets. They have made America into a twisted kleptocracy run by the most depraved and perverted criminals one could imagine, who barely try to hide their sick obsessions anymore. We now live in a nation whose morality is based on pure greed, where our people wallow in the grossest and most despicable forms of material gluttony and degradation while our people face extinction. America has become a wasteland of spiritual emptiness, moral corruption and cultural pollution. The most infuriating part of all this though is that they have created this cesspool on purpose, by slowly infesting strategic positions within the ruling system, such as politics, entertainment, industry and banking to establish a grotesque slave state of subservient chattel.
Yet we are not ones to dwell on the problem, we are men of action who assess a problem and immediately search for its answer. Over the years I've found that it is typically the simple answer which is the best, though simple should not be confused with easy. The simplest solution to removing the parasites which now feed upon our dying Race is to burn them off like the ticks they are, but our people still unfortunately lack the gumption for such an endeavor. So our most reasonable approach is to remove ourselves from their economic stranglehold that we have allowed to pervade every facet of our lives. It is time that we break the vicious cycle of materialism that keeps us indebted to them. Money is their greatest tool, and as long as it has power over our lives they too will have power over us. We must treat money like the tool it is as well, utilizing it strategically to secure our tomorrow. Through the removal of unnecessary purchases, proper pooling of funds, and Folkish incorporation we can begin to lay the groundwork that will be needed when our people do regain their testicular fortitude. Every move that we make must be done purposefully with the one and only goal in mind, securing the existence of our people and a future for White Children. Make this you sole purpose and you will find that you have all you could ever want once you become what our people need!

Deep within that ancient mountain whose peaks rest among the clouds of Vindblain do we find the sleeping giants of days gone by. Slumbering in vigilant repose as the ravens bring them their nourishment from the worlds which pass them by. Whispering in their stone ears that the time is not yet here, but for what do they still wait? The legends of our past tell us how the great Teutonic Heroes have never truly left this world, explaining that the great do not die, they simply rest until their people need them again. Widukind, Barbarossa, Holge Dansk and countless other champions of the Folk were believed by the people of the North to remain diligently guarding their people for all time. The Folk knew in their hearts that their Heroes could not be constrained by such things as death, nor ever truly abandon them when they were in need.

While this may seem like just another legend from the minds of our nostalgic Folk, myth is the symbolic expression of primal truth, and within these legends lives a key to our tomorrow. The great Heroes of our past have not died because they live on inside of our blood, slumbering deep within the core of our being, waiting for us to wake them. They are nourished by those dark winged messengers of Wotan, Hugin and Munin, who keep them alive in the Memory of our Blood, and carry them the sustenance of our reverent thoughts. Their hearts bleed as Hugin whispers that they must still sleep because their people will not summon their strength to save themselves. Slumbering in the cavern like abyss which resides in the depths of each of us, as they long to be brought back to life, to ride roughshod over the enemies of their Folk with sword in hand once again. The strength of our Heroes is there waiting to be unleashed, to be freed so that their people may live as Heroes again. Slumber no longer! Reach into that ancient well which holds the might of countless generations of greatness and become the Hero your people need you to be!

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