Our Race is dying. When you hear this do you reduce it to hyperbole, or do you feel the demands of this very real statement? It is my opinion that too many of our people today have fallen victim to a belief in the former, and have thus removed the power from this pressing declaration. This disbelief, or outright denial of the reality we now face is what I believe has allowed the disease of division and infighting in the racialist movement to prosper. For countless centuries we have fought each other in wars and skirmishes for a multitude of reasons, but always with the same result the death of our best racial stock. Yet still we battle each other daily, and it will be this constant refusal to coalesce into a united racial front that puts the final nail in our coffins. I promise you we cannot keep this up if we have any desire for a future. The worst part though is that we can see every day the detriment of this divisiveness and still, as a whole, refuse to set aside our differences for the greater good. All the while intrinsically knowing that if only we would come together as racialists and move in a unified direction nothing could stand in our way.
So how do we eliminate the bickering over inconsequential differences and the ego driven dysfunction? It must start with a true understanding of where we stand today as a Race, and this is the reasoning behind my initial question. Do you believe that we are currently threatened with a real possibility of extinction? If so then I ask you to truly contemplate the implications of what that means for you and your descendants. Once we all know and internalize the precipice upon which we now stand as a Race, the petty squabbles will disappear overnight. How could they not? If we wake up every morning with the understanding that our Race lives or dies based on the decisions we make it will immediately remove all room for nonsense. Until we make this belief the cornerstone of our movement, then all further efforts will not contain the urgency needed to change our future. Nor will they ever carry us to the Homeland which we seek. The time is now to get serious about our tomorrow so that we may have one, and that starts with us moving forward with hearts that beat as one!
So how do we eliminate the bickering over inconsequential differences and the ego driven dysfunction? It must start with a true understanding of where we stand today as a Race, and this is the reasoning behind my initial question. Do you believe that we are currently threatened with a real possibility of extinction? If so then I ask you to truly contemplate the implications of what that means for you and your descendants. Once we all know and internalize the precipice upon which we now stand as a Race, the petty squabbles will disappear overnight. How could they not? If we wake up every morning with the understanding that our Race lives or dies based on the decisions we make it will immediately remove all room for nonsense. Until we make this belief the cornerstone of our movement, then all further efforts will not contain the urgency needed to change our future. Nor will they ever carry us to the Homeland which we seek. The time is now to get serious about our tomorrow so that we may have one, and that starts with us moving forward with hearts that beat as one!