1. Thought bias is inevitable but we are not helpless to its effects
2. We naturally look for evidence that confirms our beliefs. We then experience what we believe, even when there is evidence to suggest otherwise.
3. Whatever has caused our low mood, it tends to come along with focus on threat and loss.
4. This bias towards the negative can then feed back to intensify the low mood if we continue to focus on and believe those thoughts to be facts.
5. One strategy against the downward spiral this can cause is understanding that how we feel is not evidence that our thoughts are true.
6. Another strategy is taking a stance of curiosity.
7. Get some distance from those thoughts by becoming familiar with the common biases, noticing when they appear and labelling them biases, not facts.
1. Thought bias is inevitable but we are not helpless to its effects
2. We naturally look for evidence that confirms our beliefs. We then experience what we believe, even when there is evidence to suggest otherwise.
3. Whatever has caused our low mood, it tends to come along with focus on threat and loss.
4. This bias towards the negative can then feed back to intensify the low mood if we continue to focus on and believe those thoughts to be facts.
5. One strategy against the downward spiral this can cause is understanding that how we feel is not evidence that our thoughts are true.
6. Another strategy is taking a stance of curiosity.
7. Get some distance from those thoughts by becoming familiar with the common biases, noticing when they appear and labelling them biases, not facts.