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Forward from: Masjid Al-Imām Muqbil
🔴Announcement 🔴

The brothers Abū Hudhayfah Sāmi and Abū Sulaymān Khālid will be sharing their experiences from the recent Dawah Trips that have taken place.

The talk will be taking place tomorrow (Fri 25th Oct) at 19:00

We encourage all the brothers and sisters to come and take part.

BārakAllāhu Fīkum

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Forward from: Al Qawlul Mufeed | القول المفيد
🎧 Summary of Jumu'ah Khutbah Entitled:

🎙 Who's Guidance Are You Following When Celebrating The Mawlid?

1⃣ Importance of the obedience of the Prophet ﷺ

2⃣ True love of the Prophet ﷺ is not attained by celebrating the mawlid

3️⃣ Worshipping Allāh is to be done in the same manner that the Prophet ﷺ worshipped Allāh and commanded otherwise you've been threatened with a great warning

4️⃣ When was the Prophet ﷺ born and when did he die?

5️⃣ The mawlid was not done by the Prophet ﷺ, his wives, children, companions nor anyone from the best three generations

6️⃣ Who invented the mawlid and their history

7️⃣ Celebrating the mawlid is an imitation of the Christians in their celebration of Christmas

8️⃣ Those who celebrate the mawlid have criticised the faithfulness of the Prophet ﷺ and his companions as well as claiming the religion was incomplete when the Prophet ﷺ left this world, whether they like it or not

9️⃣ Beware of the misguided innovations and invented methodologies

🔟 Is there ignorance greater than seeking to get closer to Allāh in a manner which he has not legislated?!

We ask Allah to make us from those who worship him the same way his messenger ﷺ worshipped him and that he distances us from any newly invented matter in the religion.

Join the Telegram channel to keep up to date with any future Khutab:

🎧 Jumu'ah Khutbah

📝 Who's Guidance Are You Following When Celebrating The Mawlid?

🕰 26:07

📢 Abū Sulaymān Khālid Al-Ḥātimī

🗓 15th of Rabī' Al-Awwal 1443/15th Oct 2021


Podcast for the conference:
Summer Conference 2024
A visit by UK brothers

Forward from: Markaz 'Uthmān Ibn 'Affān

As mentioned, there will be no Arabiyyah Bayna Yadayk class today. Instead, we have a special reminder scheduled with Ustadh Abu Sulaymān khalid Al-Hatimi ḥafidhahullāh.

Timing: 7 - 8 pm (GMT)

The reminder will be livestreamed on this Telegram channel inshaAllah

Forward from: Al Qawlul Mufeed | القول المفيد
🎧 Summary of Lecture Entitled:

🎙 The Lucrative Trade Clarifying The Excellence Of Righteous Actions

1️⃣ No days are better for doing righteous actions than the first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah

2️⃣ Take advantage of these days

3️⃣ Conditions for actions to be accepted and righteous

4️⃣ Be grateful that Allāh has chosen you for Islām

5️⃣ Righteous deeds benefit you in this world, in your grave and in the hereafter

6️⃣ Examples to show that Allah protects a person in this world because of their good deeds

7️⃣ The angels give you glad tidings at the time of death of no worry or grief

8️⃣ The person of righteous deeds longs and hopes for the meeting with Allah - hence why he asks those who are carrying him to hurry him to the grave

9️⃣ Your righteous deeds widen your grave and meets you in your grave in the form of a man

🔟 Life upon Islām and the Sunnah is the real life

1️⃣1️⃣ Righteous deeds allow you to carry your book with your right hand

1️⃣2️⃣ You attain Jannah because of the mercy of Allah and your righteous deeds

1️⃣3️⃣ A few righteous actions that allow you to attain a place in the paradise

1️⃣4️⃣ Your whole life is a season to do good deeds

1️⃣5️⃣ Whoever increases in a certain action enters the paradise of Allah by the door specific for the people of that action


To benefit more from the Sheikh and his knowledge then join his channel:

Join the Telegram channel to keep up to date with any future lectures:

🎧 Weekly Lecture

📝 المتجر الرابح في فضل العمل الصالح
The Lucrative Trade Clarifying The Excellence Of Righteous Actions

🕰 01:20:39

📢 Sheikh Abū Ṭāhir Yaḥyā Al-Ānisī

🔊 Translator: Abū Sulaymān Khālid Al-Ḥātimī - وفقه الله

🗓 30th of Dhul-Qi'dah 1442/10th July 2021

I apologise for not posting as I've been busy travelling these last few months. We will restart the lessons and posting benefits after Eid إن شاء الله.

All those who've sent an email and haven't got a reply, please resend the email.

بارك الله فيكم.

Forward from: Al Qawlul Mufeed | القول المفيد
🎧 Summary of Jumu'ah Khutbah Entitled:

🎙 Praise Allāh If You Have Found Good, Otherwise Blame Only Yourself!

1⃣ What have we put forward in the month of Ramadān?

2⃣ Take advantage of the opportunity which Allāh has given you before time is up

3️⃣ Everyone is rewarded according to their own actions, either to their own benefit or against their ownself

4️⃣ Actions are by their end result, continue with righteous actions until the very end

5️⃣ The supreme loss is losing when you return back to your creator

6️⃣ Three things follow you to your grave and only one of them comforts

7️⃣ How your actions appear in the grave

8️⃣ Remember the meeting with Allāh and take the correct provisions for it

9️⃣ Do not let your actions go to waste

🔟 What Eid are you celebrating if you wasted the month of Ramadan?!

We ask Allah to make us from those who only find good when we return back to him.

Join the Telegram channel to keep up to date with any future Khutab:

🎧 Jumu'ah Khutbah

📝 Praise Allāh If You Have Found Good, Otherwise Blame Only Yourself!

🕰 30:22

📢 Abū Sulaymān Khālid Al-Ḥātimī

🗓 28th of Ramadān 1443/29th April 2022

🕋 Masjid Al-Imām Muqbil


الحمد لله الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات

All praise belongs to Allāh ﷻ. We have completed the chapter of Zakāh on Gold & Silver from Aḥkām az-Zakāh (Rulings of Zakāh).

We ask Allāh ﷻ to keep us continuous upon seeking knowledge and acting upon our knowledge until we return back to him ﷻ.

Lessons will be posted some time after Ramadan إن شاء الله.


Forward from: Al Qawlul Mufeed | القول المفيد
🎧 Summary of Jumu'ah Khutbah Entitled:

🎙 The Opportunity To Save Yourself From The Fire Isn't Over, Save Yourself!

1⃣ Allāh ﷻ saves people from the fire every day and night in the month of Ramadan

2⃣ The one who is saved from the hellfire and entered into the paradise is the one who attains success

3️⃣ Means to save yourself from the hellfire

4️⃣ We leave out many voluntary actions because of the weakness of our īmān

5️⃣ The month of Ramadan is the month for softening one's heart

6️⃣ Those who cry out of fear of Allah ﷻ are given virtue over the majority of the creation

7️⃣ Save yourself and your families from the hellfire

8️⃣ The guidance of the prophet ﷺ in the last 10  nights of Ramadan

9️⃣ Take advantage of this month as the dead wish that they could come back to this world for Ramadān and the obedience of Allāh ﷻ

We ask Allāh ﷻ to save us from the fire.

Join the Telegram channel to keep up to date with any future Khutab:

🎧 Jumu'ah Khutbah

📝 The Opportunity To Save Yourself From The Fire Isn't Over, Save Yourself!

🕰 25:30

📢 Abū Sulaymān Khālid Al-Ḥātimī

🗓 21st of Ramadān 1443/22nd April 2022

🕋 Masjid Al-Imām Muqbil

Timings for lessons will be as follows إن شاء الله:

Lesson 2 - Jumu'ah (Friday):

UK Time: 10:30 am
Yemen Time: 1:30 pm

Lesson 3 - Jumu'ah (Friday):

UK Time: 7:00 pm
Yemen Time: 10:00 pm

Lesson 4 - Sabt (Saturday):

UK Time: 10:30 am
Yemen Time: 1:30 pm

Lesson 5 - Sabt (Saturday):

UK Time: 7:00 pm
Yemen Time: 10:00 pm

Any changes to timings will be mentioned accordingly بارك الله فيكم.



Chapter of Zakāh on Gold & Silver from Ahkām az-Zakāh by Shaykh Zāyd Al-Waṣābī حفظه الله

Will be starting today إن شاء الله.

A live link will be posted for each lesson accordingly إن شاء الله.

Join the Telegram channel to keep up to date with any future lessons:

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