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It is difficult to defeat a dragon, but trying is a must.
Insta: @opferrune.art

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Redneck carpentry. Pocket saw freehand.
My neighbor's dog chewed her window sill, so I cut out the damage and shoved some new pine up in there. The pine was cut with a machine at a wood shop, so it already had a right angle.
Once the glue settles, I will reinforce it all with dowels. They're 6mm and slightly elastic, to prevent snapping. Going to use an electric drill, so it'll be a quick job. Stay tuned.

I haven't been posting much art lately, due to working on comically large portraits that consume most of my current art time. They're of the client's family members, so out of respect for privacy I don't feel comfortable sharing them online. I can show an eye, though.
Still unfinished, oil on canvas. I am working from two low-res photographs and regularly consulting the client to confirm whether I'm getting the features right.

Old piece made in celebration of the Vistula Miracle, a battle of 1920, in which heavily disadvantaged Polish forces successfully pushed back the Bolshevik invasion and saved Europe (for a couple of years, at least...).
The text says "fuck off" in Polish and the style is inspired by retro game interfaces. It was done in MS Paint. Pixels are cool, and you are retarded to think otherwise.

Forward from: Les Lansquenets

"Dreaming of Europe"

🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

Haven't been very active lately due to ongoing work on the house.
I used historical chalk paint, traditionally dyed blue with ultramarine powder. The gold is common gouache, a 2:3 mix of green gold and red gold.
The whole process was a pain in the ass, because mixing chalk paint is still something I am learning. You must use scalding hot water to activate the glue properly, otherwise the paint will run down the wall. A gloopy consistency is a good sign. You want to blend out your strokes, but rubbing the wall too hard can activate the old paint underneath and carry the pigment through.
I originally wanted a light teal ceiling, but I ragequit that idea due to pigment issues. I made it light blue instead, and it does not come across as grey at all.

"And in their wake, I'll disagree
To curse my own nativity"

Something new from me, for a change. Digital collage and "abstract" art. Personification of death, not as a reaper, but as a horrid thing.
One of my biggest influences here are the illustrations of Janusz Stanny, particularly from "Duchy Polskie".

Forward from: Edelweiss Art
🌚 Anti-Soyjak Action - Cultivate Testosterone
#wlepka #vlepka #sticker
🌚 @Edelweiss_Art

Mussolini, an older drawing.

Playing around with scrap oak.

Forward from: Les Lansquenets

"Landsknecht Spirit"

🔴Les Lansquenets🔴

Love it when the bark just comes off. This will be a gothic frame, carved out of one solid piece. The inside will be cut out and used for other things.

Sometimes you look at folk art, from 200 years ago, and see symbols and themes easily recognized today in certain circles.
Moments like these remind me why I create. I come from a long chain of existence, and I try my best to make sure this culture doesn't die.
Making art is an act of patriotism and ethnonationalism. Simple as.

Instagram banned me. It was a matter of time, even though I kept it safe. Not interested in coming back on it anytime soon.

Tribute to the art of Mick Furbank.

Na skalnym zadupiu, w paryji, na skarpie
Słychać złe szlochy dzieciny upartej.
Bucikiem tupie o czarną glebę-
„Czemuż, Boziu, nie mogę być w niebie,
Czemuż nie mogłem iść na wojenkę
Gdzie z braciszkami mógł zdychać bym pięknie?”
Bozia się patrzy, z politowaniem,
Bo nie dla dziecka jest takie doznanie;
Dziecko ma czekać, bezużytecznie,
Dziecko ma milczeć i czuć się bezpiecznie.

Przygody krwawe są dla dorosłych,
Dla dumnych braciszków i chłopów radosnych.
Nie twoje jest błoto i skomlenie machiny,
Ni kula ołowiu, co tnie ciała bez winy!
Nie doznasz radości tańca szaleńców,
Ominie cie honor kręgu zwycięzców,
Nie zaśniesz obok kolegi w mundurze,
Twa krew nie będzie freskiem na murze!
Nie twoja ta chwała pięknego straceńca,
Ni żaden z ciebie będzie zwycięzca.

Dla ciebie, karle, jedynie polany,
Jedynie biel nieba i fartuch twej mamy.
Twa chata, twe ciało, więzieniem twej duszy,
A twierdzy więziennej nic nie naruszy.
Burze srogie tu tobie nie groźne,
Ni halne wiatry, ni wichry mroźne.
Gdyż oni jak węgiel do pieca wrzucony
Staną się ogniem machiny zbudzonej,
Ty siedź na piecu, grzej małe kości,
Na popielnice się patrząc w zazdrości.

Almost done.

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