Mr GOODE ♣️ [Business of Truth]

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Warriors of The Great Spiritual War

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Wakes wakey you dopey bastards...
A welcome turn of favour for the CCP 👿
[these lunatics call the West racist for saying Kung Flu! Get flucked]

How many times can they be wrong before people notice they’re liars? 🤪

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Test your Q 🔥🔥🔥

Forward from: ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸
This meme template is too much fun. 🥂😂

Even the British Old Bill would shoot your fat arse if you were trying to stab a gal (and they never shoot anyone)!! (Nor carry guns) 😊

Forward from: We The Media

Oh Jesus!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Forward from: ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸
Lebron James:
Thank you for this opportunity to red pill with your excellent meme template. 😂💊

Forward from: ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸

Forward from: ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸
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Mom explodes on school board.
Take these masks off of our children. 🔥

Forward from: TruthHammer 🙏🇺🇸 (any DM's you get are fake)
Little climate bitch is at it again.

She created "Fridays For Future"? (dumb name)
Which letter is F? Oh yeah, the 6th one.
So FFF = 666?
Probably just another coincidence.

Terms like ‘51st State’ used to be reserved for end-days fiction 🔥

Yesterday this predictable fool was pushing the race war, now its climate fear. Tomorrow he’ll probably remind you to get the poisonous shot.
How is he walking free? 👿

My little Jayna is my motivation to never give up. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I’m secretly preparing for the fallout of this Frankenjab...

I suspect that the amount of people getting the vaccinations is WAY LOWER than the huge figures we’ve been given [predictive programming can be persuasive], but it’s going to be bad either way. ☹️

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