⠀“nothing is more lovely than watching the sunset in the west there. falling smoothly, surrounded by airbone seagulls. orange hues surround it. brighten the moments of today. if i can rewind that time: i’ll play that memory several times at full volume— we were still there at the time. you and i. us.”
⠀› terms and agreements.﹕sworn to creature
⠀who has otherness o’-paraphrase smithe-
⠀reen antecedent. since it is decisive.
⠀› moodboard commision.﹕phantasm in de-
⠀tail stipulated. rosiness to accost, with ardor
⠀then. for you, my greatest heartache.
⠀› name-finding commision.﹕bushes were
⠀etched, and epistle coercion were conside-
⠀red. yearning one of them footnote your
⠀eponym. who once gave my body a warm
⠀⠀ [time slows down: 03/03]
⠀“nothing is more lovely than watching the sunset in the west there. falling smoothly, surrounded by airbone seagulls. orange hues surround it. brighten the moments of today. if i can rewind that time: i’ll play that memory several times at full volume— we were still there at the time. you and i. us.”
⠀› terms and agreements.﹕sworn to creature
⠀who has otherness o’-paraphrase smithe-
⠀reen antecedent. since it is decisive.
⠀› moodboard commision.﹕phantasm in de-
⠀tail stipulated. rosiness to accost, with ardor
⠀then. for you, my greatest heartache.
⠀› name-finding commision.﹕bushes were
⠀etched, and epistle coercion were conside-
⠀red. yearning one of them footnote your
⠀eponym. who once gave my body a warm
⠀⠀ [time slows down: 03/03]