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Forward from: RethaKnows

Way Over Due! “Charlie Hustle” ⚾️

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Forward from: Ezra A. Cohen - New Private Channel
Joe Biden became a Freemason just one day before leaving office.

At a private ceremony, Biden was made a Master Mason of Prince Hall Grand Lodge in South Carolina.

He was recognized for his "outstanding service to the United States of America."

Join Ezra A. Cohen

Forward from: DEEP DIVES

George Floyd’s family hired “Benjamin Crump”, as their lawyer…
who is listed as a famous Prince Hall Freemason.

You seeing the Masonic theme??

Forward from: DEEP DIVES
The Prince Hall fraternity…is the largest predominantly
BLACK Masonic
body in North America.

4,500+ lodges worldwide,
45 jurisdictions
300,000+ Masons

Forward from: RethaKnows Martin Luther King Jr. is universally recognized as one of the principal leaders of the civil rights movement in the United States and a prominent advocate of nonviolent protest. King's challenges to segregation and racial discrimination helped convince many to support the cause of civil rights in the United States.

Born in Atlanta, Georgia, he was ordained as a Baptist minister at age 18. He graduated from Morehouse College in 1948 and from Crozer Theological Seminary in 1951. In 1955 he earned a doctoral degree in systematic theology from Boston University. While in Boston, King met Coretta Scott, whom he married in 1953. He's also been identified many times over as being a Freemason.

The question is, was Martin Luther King, Jr. a Freemason? It's a little more complicated than you might think.

It was widely reported in 1999, that the Most Worshipful Brother Benjamin P. Barksdale, Grand Master of Prince Hall Freemasonry in Georgia, posthumously made Dr. Martin Luther King a Mason at sight.

That story has created a huge controversy. If true, it is one of the few instances (if not the only one) when a man was declared a Master Master after his death. Dr. King's widow, Coretta Scott King, accepted the honor on behalf of her late husband.

However, some dispute that Martin Luther King was made a Mason at sight--I've received a lot of emails on this post since I originally published it, and articles, etc. that refute those reports. They say that what Coretta Scott King accepted was actually an honorary membership from Prince Hall Freemasonry for her late husband.

However, what is clear, is that it does seem to have been Dr. King's intention to become a Mason. Both his father and his grandfather were Prince Hall Masons, and Prince Hall documents indicate that Grand Master X. L. Neal had arranged for Dr. King to become a Freemason upon his return from Atlanta in 1968. Unfortunately, his assassination in Memphis on April 4th, 1968 prevented that from happening.

So was Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. a Freemason?

No--Martin Luther King Jr. was never raised a Master Mason. But without question, Dr. King would have made a fine Mason. He was, after all, a builder, and his legacy has forever changed the world.


🟥 Red Folder? 😎

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What if? “blood lines” and “genes”

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BREAKING! Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signs unprecedented bill stripping gender identity protections from the state’s civil rights code.

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STORM = 85

Forward from: RethaKnows

Forward from: RethaKnows
The FBI was instructed by the Khazarian Mafia (foreign bankers, Rothschild and Vatican) to conceal the EPSTEIN FILES for what is about to be blown sky high.

Bitcoin and ETH were used to hide funds tied directly to the activities. (This is the "straw that breaks the camel's back)

Just this awareness brings it ALL DOWN.

Why do you think Bitcoin and ETH have been getting CRUSHED since December 2024? They know what this will do to the markets once everyone is told. Those involved are LIQUIDATING.....

With the EPSTEIN details being revealed, the Alliance's Algorithm's, and Elon's DOGE Audits (which they've already done using their AI Prometheus), the public will see it all wrapped with a bright and shiny red bow.

The REAL PANIC Selling makes what we've seen the last 2 weeks look like a BLIP.

Elon hasn't told ANYONE, (because it had to be done this way!) he has his finger on the BUTTON called "CRASH MODE" and He's been instructed to burn it all down at just the key moment. The US Treasury has used Wall Street's GREED and Players (Michael Saylor) to SELLOUT all of the government's Bitcoin, etc.

If you stay in the markets, that will be your decision, but as the LORD told me in April 2021 and I posted on it."
"There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth like never experienced before." This is your announcement. Don't don't down with the ship!

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