Jacob Hersant

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Marxists are system auxiliaries play-acting as revolutionaries

Forward from: Blair Cottrell
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Modern Caste System of Australia - Where do you stand?


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We’re against terrorism and for destroying the ideology that sustains this system

Forward from: SA News and information
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As we stand on the brink of yet another election to determine which circus party will govern the dysfunctional, multi-racial "rainbow nation", we as a movement stay true to our values and refuse to partake in the very system that has led to the oppression of our people. In this torch march, now an annual tradition of our movement, we firmly show our outright rejection of this satanic globalist system and all the degeneracy that comes with it. We see this rejection as the first step towards true freedom. We will actively continue doing everything in our power to build a future exclusively for like-minded White people and form a power block that operates separately from the hostile system that so many people still place their hope in today.

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Prepare for the racial conflict this government has made inevitable through its anti-White policies

Forward from: Ernie Rolando Commentaries
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for Israel.

- My hit piece on the Josh Frydenberg’s ‘NEVER AGAIN’ documentary that airs on SkyNews tonight!
- My
commentary on this is an explosive different perspective that can be shared and viewed long after the SkyNews documentary goes to air tonight.

* If this file is too big for you to download you can stream and share it here:

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This is fake tough guy Wayne Gatt giving his honest opinion on working class Whites. Would he speak like this about the bottom-feeding nigger animals that clog up our injustice system? To hell with this anti-White scumbag.

Forward from: Tom Sewell Alerts
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Hitler 💯

Forward from: Joel Davis
We need militancy, we need fighting spirit. Bourgeois suit and tie aesthetics have their place but they aren't the answer either. The key is showing militancy in a way that middle class Whites can identify with.

The antifascist, confronted with a fair fight one on one after cowardly kicking someone from behind, backs down and humbly submits to his retaliatory booting. There’s CCTV all over Melbourne stations so this rat couldn’t go telling tales about ‘random, unprovoked, Nazi aggression’ to the police like they did at Cathedral Ranges.

Forward from: Michael J. Nelson
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On a fine sunny day around Christmas time a National Socialist was just minding his own business when an antifa violently kicked him in the back as he was hopping off the train, the National Socialist was then forced into a self defense situation as seen in the video below!

Blood and Honour!

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Cuckservatism is organised suicide because it holds itself to rules that its enemies hell-bent on destroying it refuse to follow

Forward from: Tom Sewell Alerts
The neutrals won't understand you because they accept the humiliation.

The traitors hate you because they enjoy the humiliation.

We are those who will not tolerate humiliation.

We will not tolerate systems from and for inferiors.

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Without state power protecting it, leftist degeneracy would give way to natural order

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Slandered and attacked by our enemies is exactly where we need to be

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Leftists are pretend revolutionaries enabled by the powers that be

Forward from: Tom Sewell Alerts
I just received a phone call from a Mr Riches from Ballarat police station, he wants to charge me for "grossly offensive behaviour" for organising a lawful political demonstration in Ballarat on December 3rd last year.

I keep warning Whites all over the world that we need to rise up now and overthrow our governments before it's too late.

The Nation is sleep walking into a tyranny and most are too cowardly or treasonous to fight back.

We have to stop this now, not later when you have made enough money and had your 2.5 kids and golden retriever.

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National Socialism’s revolutionary nature stems from its values

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Be selective when proselytising in person

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Wishful thinking will be the death of our race

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